In December, the temperature plummeted, and the relatives all missed the sergeants on the southern battlefield, looking forward to their triumphant return as soon as possible, and hoping that they could rush back to celebrate the New Year.

No, this time the battle report that was supposed to be delivered every seven days was not delivered on time.

Emperor Yuanfeng's face suddenly turned a little ugly, and all the officials in the court were also a little delicate, not knowing what happened in the south.

Ordinarily, the emperor had issued a decree before, so there should be no delay in the report.

One day, two days, three days.

Just when everyone was terrified, it was not until the tenth day that two sergeants galloped into Beijing on horseback.

King Wu and his son were defeated, retreated across the board, and Daqing was almost wiped out.

Emperor Yuanfeng scolded angrily, "Niezi!" He vomited blood and fainted after the court case. The ministers kneeling in panic and Liang Yuanfu and others were all shocked. Doctor Dou was trembling and ordered someone to help Emperor Yuanfeng turn to the back bedroom and lie down , while ordering people to quickly send the county king and princess into the palace!

Su Jin and Qin Lang entered Qianqing Palace again, and they were startled when they saw Yuanfeng Emperor Su Jin, who was as breathless as silk and with a face as white as paper. He and Doctor Dou administered acupuncture and medicine for rescue, and finally Yuanfeng turned around in one breath. come over.

At this time, outside the sleeping hall, King Qian, Zhao Ming'an, Prince Wu's son, Prince Ning, Zhao Mingxiao and other descendants came one by one.

Since there was no queen in the palace, it was inconvenient for Princess Qian and other female relatives to enter the palace, but they were also dressed neatly at home, gathered together, and waited nervously for news from the palace.

There was a constant flow of servants passing news from the palace gates to various government and courtyards.

The emperor vomited blood and passed out in front of several courtiers. There was no way to hide the news, and no one would dare to hide it at that time.

Those who were present at that time were either the courtiers or the eunuchs and maids, who would dare to block such news and not inform the princes and county kings outside the palace?

In case something happens to the emperor, who can tell?

Princess Qian looked at Tian's family, then at Fu Mingzhu, thinking about Qin Lang and Su Jin who were in the palace at the moment, she felt a little uncomfortable.

In the past, I felt that a good princess of the Su family didn't have the dignity of a princess of the county, so she wanted to learn some kind of medical skills. Who would learn such a thing as the daughter of a good family? Now that I think about it, it is better than anything else for this person to have something he can get. No, no one else can get close to the emperor at this time, so she can go.

She's a woman, so it's not good to stay there alone, right? Even Qin Lang took advantage of it.

In the bedroom of Qianqing Palace, Emperor Yuanfeng woke up panting with anger on his face.

Imperial Physician Dou and Su Jin talked and persuaded for a while, and Emperor Yuanfeng's anger gradually calmed down, but his face was still not pretty.

"Go, pass, pass to the Ministry of War, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Ministry of Officials. Chuan Min Guogong and his son, pass on!" Emperor Yuanfeng just breathed a sigh of relief, and gave a series of instructions.

Su Jin and Imperial Physician Dou looked at each other worriedly, and no one dared to speak out to dissuade them.

Although the two of them didn't know what happened and didn't see the military report that came back, but the emperor was so angry that he vomited blood and fell into a coma. It is conceivable that it must not be good news.

It is a matter of military and national importance, and the emperor is angry, who would dare to dissuade him easily?

An old fox like Liang Yuanfu would not dare.

The old fox quickly responded with great agility, went out to pass the message in person, and came back after a long time.

The news of the emperor vomiting blood and coma has already spread, Min Guogong, Zheng Guanqing, and the ministers of the Ministry of War and Ministry of Officials soon went to the palace to have an audience.

King Qian and Prince Wu who were waiting in the outer hall did not wait for a word, and could only watch the ministers walk in one by one, while he had to hold his hand outside.

The emperor is vomiting blood and is in a coma. The war in the south must be bad. Who would dare to find trouble and ask to come in at such a time?

It is no fun to detain a crime of peeping and ulterior motives.

Especially Prince Wu's son, he was trembling in his heart, wishing that the emperor's grandfather would forget himself.

I don't know how to discuss it inside. After about half an hour, everyone came out in a file, and their faces didn't look very good.

Soon, he left Qianqing Palace.

King Qian and Prince Wu's sons were still waiting in the outer hall of Qianqing Palace, and no one let them go.

No one dared to greet them.

Those who were more careful found out that Qin Lang and Su Jin still stayed in the emperor's bedroom and did not come out.

Prince Wu's son, King Ningjun and others were all jealous. They thought that King Qian would be a fool who couldn't figure it out all his life. The son who grew up outside unexpectedly grew up like this, and married such an excellent daughter-in-law.

In the past, it was enough to make people depressed and aggrieved, but now it is even better, it is directly that she and Qin Lang stay in the emperor's bedroom.

Especially seeing King Qian's embarrassing look, King Ning had the urge to beat him up very much.

This thing is so fucking annoying to watch.

The most embarrassing and depressing one was Zhao Ming'an. With such a concubine younger brother, what evil did he do!

On the one hand, Qin Lang represents the face of Prince Qian's Mansion. No matter how reluctant Qin Lang is, it is actually his help. There is no need for him to envy him.

However, my heart is still very upset! Let him do all the good things that show off.

After a long while, Liang Yuanfu finally came out from the inside, glanced at the princes and grandsons, and coughed: "My lord, son, and my lords, please go back. The emperor needs to rest, and no one wants to see him right now."

Not only them, but also the concubines who were also waiting in the palace, the emperor didn't see any of them, he just called the concubine who was in charge of the sixth palace to go in and explain a few words, and then ordered all the concubines to go back.

King Qian is waiting for you to look at me and I to look at you. Everyone's expressions are not very good-looking, and they dare not compete with the emperor at this time.

I had no choice but to leave a few words of concern and concern, and left sullenly.

Repeatedly told Eunuch Liang to take good care of the emperor, if the emperor wants to see them, remember to report in time.

Liang Yuanfu carefully agreed with a smiling face, he was polite to everyone, his face was calm and indifferent as always. It is not easy to see something from his expression.

The next day, Emperor Yuanfeng did not go to the court, and several ministers went back to their respective yamen to discuss matters, and they could not make a decision before entering the palace to present themselves.

The palace, the court hall, and the entire capital were shrouded in a deep gloom.

Su Jin and Qin Lang did not leave Qianqing Palace even half a step.

It was not until five days later that Emperor Yuanfeng finally began to go to court.

Although he looked haggard and seemed to have lost a lot of weight, his eyes were still bright and his spirit was not bad.

However, looking more and more majestic, all the ministers congratulated the emperor on the dragon's health, and they were all cautious and trembling, lest they would be angered by the emperor if they were careless.

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