Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1170 Good News

At the end of the first month, more and more doctors gradually came from the prefectures and counties near the capital.

The imperial physicians from Tai Hospital and Lin Family Medical Center conducted an assessment on the visitors, and thought that they were not fraudulent, so they issued a temporary ID card to arrange check-in and use the card to enter and exit the medical school.

Emperor Yuanfeng would ask Su Jin almost every day, but is there any doctor here?

Su Jin simply asked the emperor to send the Imperial Forest Army to maintain order, and the palace sent people to make daily statistics. After all, she needs to pay attention to the emperor's dragon body, and now she will not go there every day.

Emperor Yuanfeng was very satisfied with Su Jin's knowledge and interest, nodded in agreement, and made arrangements that day.

As for the money budget, Su Jin has asked Wang Chun and others to clean up the warehouse.

The rewards and gifts Qin Lang brought back from Wushui City, etc., were selected and prepared for a large number of inconspicuous ones, and they were secretly sold through channels one after another in a month.

There is no need to keep it secret.

Always let the emperor know that she is not so well-paid.

Otherwise, it's a bit too much.

While Su Jin and Doctor Dou were worried, the emperor's health gradually improved.

At the beginning of March, the news of success came from the south, and the emperor was even more delighted, and sent an edict to reward King Qian and Su Jin.

King Ningjun and King Wu also expressed their joy and joy, but I don't know what they think in their hearts.

King Qian is naturally proud, but if the emperor only rewards him and ignores Su Jin, he will be even happier.

King Qian's complacency is dangerously bad.

I don't know if someone deliberately stirred up the wind and rain behind the scenes or it was natural, but there were countless words of praise to praise Qian Wang and Qin Lang.

Su Jin was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat, and hurried to see King Qian, asking him to find a way to suppress these remarks.

Even if you can't suppress it, you have to publicly express the attitude of the Qian Palace with a clear stand and a stern voice.

"Father, you should still remember that it was the same when Wu Wang and his son just won the battle in the south. The court was full of praises. What happened? The final defeat made the emperor's grandfather very angry. The county king is not Wu Wang Father and son, he will never make the mistakes made by King Wu and his son, but why should we listen to these exaggerated words? Those people clearly have bad intentions, this is flattery!"

King Qian suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and stood there in a daze for a while. Fang said in a deep voice, "You are right, and I think so too. After all, Alang finally won the battle. I don't know how many people disliked it. How many people are waiting to see the jokes of our Qian Palace! Hmph, let them dream, I will not let them succeed, those villains!"

Especially the two bastards, the boss and the third child, they didn't learn well, they didn't have the ability, they made mistakes again and again, which made their father disgusted, but they were full of bad things, and wanted to drag him down too!

"You too, the medical school must take good care of it, and absolutely no one can find a chance to make trouble, or you won't be able to tell when the time comes. If you can't take care of it, simply tell the emperor to leave it alone for the time being, and hand it over to the Tai Hospital and Let the Ministry of Industry take care of it! In this way, even if something happens, it has nothing to do with you! You are a woman, if you say you don’t care, you don’t care, and no one will have any opinions. Besides, the reasons are ready-made. Alan is not here. You have to take good care of Zhen'er, and also care about the emperor's illness, it's only normal that you can't spare your energy to take care of other things!"

King Qian taught Su Jin again as he spoke.

Su Jin fully understood what King Qian meant.

One thing more is worse than one thing less. She thinks that at this time, Su Jin should be a coward. It is best to hide in the palace of Qian Wang.

Do more, make more mistakes, do less, do less, it's not bad if you don't do it.

Besides, she is still a woman, if she says she doesn't care about it, she doesn't care about it, and no one can do anything to her.

However, she didn't want to.

Only cowards do that.

With him like this, it's really no wonder that the emperor's grandfather doesn't like him everywhere.

Su Jin thought in his heart, but also nodded on his face: "Father, don't worry, my daughter-in-law knows what to do, and my daughter-in-law will not cause trouble for the Qian Palace."

Does this mean that she will continue to take care of the medical school?

King Qian was a little unhappy immediately.

It's just that he doesn't dare to discipline this daughter-in-law, after all, she often sees the emperor, which is much better than him.

Women are narrow-minded, and this one doesn't pay attention to filial piety, if she is annoyed and puts eye drops in front of her father, wouldn't it be bad?

What is the prosperity and the loss and the loss? If the women and Taoists are cautious, how can they take this into consideration?

"It's good that you know! I won't say more!" King Qian could only reluctantly drop such a sentence.

Su Jin saluted and left.

After she left, King Qian heaved a long sigh of relief, slapped the desk hard, and cursed a few words.

It was Prince Wu's Mansion and Prince Ningjun's Mansion who were scolding.

He was really confused. Qin Lang was naturally full of joy and complacency after winning the battle. He was even more complacent when he heard the compliments from those people outside. In the past two days, he felt like he was floating on the clouds.

Although Su is not willing to listen to discipline, but there is a saying that is too correct.

Praise, this is a prank!

Those bastards are full of bad water!

It is true that Qin Lang won a battle, but who knows if he will be the same as King Wu and his son? He didn't have the firm confidence of Su's, after all, even King Wu and his son were defeated.

What if Qin Lang also loses in the end? So no matter how high he is praised today, how badly he will fall tomorrow.

This matter must be resolved immediately.

King Qian immediately called Zhao Ming'an and his two confidants over and gave them some instructions.

If someone flattered and praised them again, they would put on a straight face, speak back righteously, and strictly reject those words of praise, and forbid others to say that again.

"In short, we must show enough modesty, low-key, and not publicized!"

Zhao Mingan and the others quickly agreed.

In fact, Zhao Ming'an was already full of embarrassment.

The more people praised Qin Lang, the more uncomfortable he felt like being pricked by a needle, wishing that those remarks would disappear as soon as possible.

The manners of Prince Qian’s Mansion spread quickly, and Prince Qian sternly said a few times about the people in the court and the honored family, and then restrained himself. I’m sorry to say that again.

After all, Qin Lang won a game, but no one can guarantee what will happen in the end. Now that he is so flattering, King Qian can make people speechless with a question in turn, right?

Who can pat his chest and openly say: "Prince Dingjun will definitely win! Don't believe me, my lord, he will definitely, and I won't take my head off!"

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