Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1171 Keep a low profile

Who can pat his chest and openly say: "Prince Dingjun will definitely win! Don't believe me, my lord, he will definitely, and I won't take my head off!"

Who dares to say?

Emperor Yuanfeng was a little surprised when he found out about the behavior of Prince Qian's Mansion, and chuckled lightly: "The second child has done something intelligent this time. It seems that after being in charge of the state for so long, he has somewhat improved."

This war started so suddenly, no one expected it to end so suddenly.

At the end of March, the good news came that the capital city of Nanfan had been occupied by King Dingjun and the old Nanfan King died in battle.

King Dingjun intends to leave some troops stationed in Nanfan and take over temporarily. He personally escorts the three princes of Nanfan and those ministers to Beijing to plead guilty and ask the emperor to dispose of them.

When the news came, the court was full of jubilation, and the entire capital and Daqing were all rejoicing.

People were happily discussing, admiring, and proud.

Just to put it bluntly, how could it be possible that even a small Nanfan could not be dealt with in such a great country? The reason why they were defeated before was because the generals leading the army were not good enough, not because Daqing's national strength was not good enough.

Look, didn't Dingjun Wang win the battle?

Everyone sighed, King Wu is already old, he can't do it anymore, his glorious era has passed! King Dingjun is stronger and more capable than him!

As a result, Qin Lang's past was all revealed, including his large and small military exploits in Wushui City, his life experience, his growing up in the countryside, and the hardships of life.

If Qin Lang lived in the countryside like this for the rest of his life, what he would get in the end would be nothing more than a few gossips and sighs after dinner, maybe even ridicule and disdain.

A good royal blood, mixed up to that point, can be seen as incompetent and useless.

What a waste of such a noble bloodline.

It is really unprecedented that the royal family can live like him in the end.

But it's different now. With his success and his rise to the top, the past was immediately tainted with a certain halo, exaggerated to a certain extent as a tall and strong person.

He has also become a glorious and tall hero who is persevering, tenaciously struggling, and striving to make progress in the face of hardships and hardships. He is admired and sympathized by everyone.

"King Dingjun is really amazing! He can also grow up in such an environment, which shows his tenacity and noble character!"

"Don't bow your head to fate, Dingjun Wang is so good! You are really a role model for my generation!"

"Hero, this is the real hero!"

"King Dingjun is able to be what he is today, all thanks to his own hard work, he is really amazing! King Qian is blind, such a good son is allowed to live outside."

"Even if he doesn't return to Prince Qian's mansion, Prince Ding will sooner or later rise to the top and become famous."

"That's the way it is. When King Dingjun made great achievements in Wushui City, he didn't have anything to do with Qianwang's mansion."


Qin Lang's life instantly turned into a heroic legend of twists and turns, perseverance and growth, which was praised by the common people. Even Su Jin's past was dug out and revealed.

For a while, it can be said that the limelight is unlimited.

Besides, when the good news came back to the capital, Emperor Yuanfeng was overjoyed and ecstatic. Today he struggled to go to the court with his sick body, accepted the congratulations from the courtiers, and the smile on his pale and thin face never stopped. Greatly praised Qian Wang and Qin Lang.

King Qian laughed heartily, but finally learned to be a little more stable, suppressing the pride and joy in his heart, and said a few words of humility respectfully.

Emperor Yuanfeng felt very relieved.

On the same day, the rewards were sent to Qian Wang's mansion like flowing water.

Some of them were pointed out to Su Jin and Zhen'er.

It was night, and Emperor Yuanfeng sat silently at the end of the dragon couch, sighing lightly from time to time, before murmuring: "God's will, God's will."

It's night, and maybe in the next many nights, some people will not be able to sleep, tossing and turning.

For example, Prince Wu's Mansion, Prince Ningjun's Mansion, and even Prince Qian's Mansion.

Su Jin finally put his heart back into his stomach completely.

The war in Nanfan is finally over, and it won't be long before her Alang will come back.

For her, the half a year of parting was truly like a year.

She had never felt that the days were so sad day by day.

It was so sad that she felt like a world away.

She didn't even dare to let go of thinking about him, afraid that she would be unable to bear it, and she would abandon all impulses and go south to find him.

If it wasn't for being trapped in the capital by the emperor and not daring to leave, Su Jin felt that maybe she had really gone south? King Qian's Mansion cannot trap her.

Now, he is finally coming back.

The floodgate of longing can finally be opened, allowing the overwhelming emotions to pour out.

Fu Mingzhu's mood is very complicated, it is the man who she loved and hated, but now she can't tell whether it is the man she loves or hates, or loves and hates at the same time.

When he went south, she couldn't help worrying about him, but occasionally she wished that he would die in the south, so that he would no longer belong to that bitch of the Su family.

She even couldn't help thinking, if he really died, would he think of her at the moment before he died?

But when she heard that he was about to return after victory, what filled her heart was uncontrollable joy and a sigh of relief.

Subconsciously, there is a feeling of pride and pride. As expected of the man she loves and admires, she knows that he will succeed, and she knows that he is different from others.

When she recovered, she was stunned again.

What is she thinking?

Whether he is good or not, what does it have to do with her? None of the glory she earned will fall on her head.

No one would say "Congratulations!" to her with a smile, and no one would look at her enviously.


All of this will belong to the Su family.

Fu Mingzhu's whole body was not well, and jealousy swarmed like a tide, her eyes were red with hatred.

The good news spread, and the whole capital was boiling, immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

As Daqing people, people are proud and proud, and they are honored.

Those who have family members, relatives and friends who have joined the army are more than happy to breathe a sigh of relief: the war is finally over, and there will be no more deaths.

The reputation and deeds of Prince Ding spread throughout the streets and alleys, and everyone admired him.

Zhao Mingan didn't go out for several days, not because he didn't dare, but because he didn't want to.

If you go out and walk ten steps, you will hear the words "Ding Junwang". Teahouses and restaurants are the hardest hit areas. Everywhere you go, there are discussions and discussions about various praises for Qin Lang.

He is annoying.

Not to mention those friends, nodding acquaintances, and enemies in the past, they all met him without asking questions, and some of them looked at him quite hard to explain.

Some deliberately said something to stimulate him.

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