The Lingyuan Temple is full of incense, and it has always been the first choice for dignitaries and dignitaries to make incense and wish.

Clearing the field is naturally inappropriate.

Besides, Su Jin wouldn't do that at all.

Neither of them put on the ostentation of the Prince's Mansion. The carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain, and they walked up the mountain with a group of guards and servants.

Climbing up the steps, I arrived at the temple after half an hour.

A personal guard had already gone up the mountain to talk to the host, asked for a courtyard and tidied up two clean rooms and waited.

After Su Jin and Tian's family went up the mountain, the abbot brought several masters from the temple to greet him respectfully.

In the past, although Su Jin and Tian's status were distinguished, they were not at the point where the abbot of Lingyuan Temple came out to greet them in person.

Now, it is different.

Although the current Su Jin is different from the past, and the Tian family is also different from the past, but this difference is aimed at Su Jin.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

King Dingjun sees a promising future and has made great contributions to the country and the people. No matter where he comes from, he is worthy of the master of Lingyuan Temple to greet him personally.

Both Su Jin and Tian Shi were very respectful and courteous in Buddhist Pure Land.

After meeting with the presiding master, the two first went to the small courtyard where they rested, washed their hands and faces, and took a rest before going to the Daxiong Hall to worship and offer incense.

By the way, I added sesame oil money.

Tian's family reminded Su Jin that when Qin Lang went to the battlefield, he did not know how much blood was stained in his hands and how many lives were harvested. Excessive killing may damage the fortune. Otherwise, why did most of the famous generals in history end up dying in the end?

Even if you die well, your children and grandchildren often end up in bad luck.

Su Jin felt a little bit embarrassed, so he added a lot of money when adding sesame oil, and asked the presiding master to help arrange a few rituals.

Thinking about it in my heart, I will set aside a sum of money later to buy more food, thick cloth, and common medicinal materials for preparation, so that I can give it to the poor when winter comes.

Doing so may not necessarily change anything, but it is more or less for peace of mind.

Su Jin's current status is higher than Tian's, her future is brighter than her, and her actions are much more generous than her. The leading and accompanying masters in Lingyuan Temple naturally subconsciously respect and favor Su Jin more.

It can't be said that people are snobbish or not. Could it be that Su Jin donated more sesame oil money, but people are more respectful to Tian's, so they are not snobbish? But there is no such reason.

Moreover, Tian and Su Jin are sisters-in-law, and they came from the Qian Palace together. Su Jin didn't mean to belittle Tian in the slightest, and the difference between the masters was actually not obvious.

Who wants to find trouble for nothing?

However, for the Tian family who has always been regarded as more noble than Su Jin and surpasses Su Jin in everything, even the slightest difference is magnified more than ten times in her eyes at this time.

Tian's heart was lost, it was very unpleasant, and he secretly sighed that today is not what it used to be.

He sighed secretly in his heart, everyone in the world has a pair of snobbish eyes, even the eminent monks in the pure places of Buddhism, isn't it the same?

The son was just deposed two days ago, and these monks began to look down on others.

If she and Shizi do nothing, how will they live in the days to come?

This kind of inferiority, being stared at with strange eyes everywhere, she can't live a day.

After the sister-in-law prayed for amulets, they used vegetarian food in Lingyuan Temple.

Su Jin was concerned about Zhen'er, and proposed to return home.

Tian smiled and nodded.

A group of people went down the mountain, Tian suddenly smiled and said: "Second brother and sister, let me take a car with you!"

"Okay," Su Jin nodded with a smile. He ordered Wangchun and Qin Shi to ride in Tian's carriage with Tian's maid.

Along the way, the two of them chatted without a word, and unknowingly gradually moved away from the crowd, and arrived at a section of the road that was sparsely populated.

The accident happened suddenly, two sharp arrows hit the carriage heavily, accompanied by a dull bang, the carriage shook, Tian screamed and rushed to Su Jin: "Second brother and sister, what's going on! What's going on!"

Su Jin hurriedly supported the carriage and sat down, took a breath and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, we have brought so many guards, everything will be fine!"

"Okay, okay!" Tian nodded in panic, still in shock, her body trembling.

Across the curtained compartment, swords, lights, swords and shadows were already fighting outside.

No less than fifty black-clothed men were as imposing and murderous as they fought fiercely with the guards of Prince Qian's Mansion and Su Jin's personal guards, slashing and killing fiercely, and both sides spared no effort.

The men in black are by no means ordinary robbers or assassins, with superb skills and tricky moves. Even Su Jin's personal guards are not easy-going lamps. It is impossible to suppress each other for a while.

Gu Fang and others secretly complained, they still underestimated the determination of those people in the dark to murder the county king and princess.

It's just that these people's news is too well-informed.

The concubine of the county just decided to come to Lingyuan Temple to offer incense yesterday, so soon they arranged all the manpower and picked the best place to ambush

The coachman uttered a scream and fell to the ground with a slam. Then someone landed on the seat where the coachman was sitting, shouted and drove the carriage, and galloped away to nowhere.

Su Jin and Tian Shi in the carriage couldn't help but staggered, screaming and almost falling down.

"Second sibling, second sibling! What should we do, what should we do!" Crying, Tian clutched Su Jin's arm tightly in fear.

"Sister-in-law, don't panic." Su Jin broke away from Tian's hand, lifted the curtain of the car with difficulty and looked outside, the rickety and bumpy carriage made people's sight shake, everything seemed to be shaking.

Su Jin managed to see the situation outside clearly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

If she remembered correctly, continue along this road, then turn to the left, rolling towards the wilderness, and there is a cliff.

There are no bottomless cliffs near the capital, but there are many high and steep cliffs.

As long as the carriage loses control and falls, it is guaranteed to fall apart.

And even if the people in the car were not killed by the fall, they would definitely be crushed to death by the sharp stones all over the hillside.

All in all, the result is the same.

"Second brother and sister!" Tian's eyes were red, but his face was pale, looking at Su Jin in fear and nervousness.

But suddenly, her expression turned ferocious in an instant, and she glared at Su Jin viciously.

Before Su Jin's brain circuit could turn around, Tian raised his hand, and a burst of white smoke-like powder flew towards Su Jin's face. After the change, the person also fell limply in the carriage, powerless and in a state of embarrassment.

"Sister-in-law, you—"

Tian's laughed proudly, and said with a sneer: "Su, you and Qin Lang are not good people, you shouldn't have returned to the Qian Palace!"

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