Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1185 - Wrath

Tian's laughed proudly, and said with a sneer: "Su, you and Qin Lang are not good people, you shouldn't have returned to Qian Palace! Everything in Qian Palace has nothing to do with you, nothing belongs to you! Su Clan, thinking about things that shouldn't belong to you is going to be retribution. Now, your retribution is coming!"

Su Jin sighed softly: "I really didn't expect that the sister-in-law is the one who hides the deepest. If she hadn't seen it in person, who would believe it? Usually, when I see a dignified, virtuous and gentle sister-in-law, she has such a face."

Tian subconsciously felt a little embarrassed.

After all, she has been pretending to be dignified, virtuous, gentle and magnanimous for a long time, and even she herself believes it. It would always feel a bit unnatural to be said that in person.

"You look the same," Tian sneered, "you're still stubborn when you're about to die! Why don't you beg me, and I'll let you die happily? Otherwise, it's a certain feeling to be thrown from a high hillside. It's not good."

After Tian finished speaking, regardless of the bumps of the carriage, he started giggling.

Su Jin smiled, "No need, even if someone is thrown, it won't be me."

Tian didn't hear what she said clearly, and was startled, "What?"

But he saw Su Jin sitting up nonchalantly and looking at her.

Tian's complexion changed drastically: "You—how could it be possible!"

Su Jin glanced at her, not in a hurry, and calmly pressed the mechanism on the bracelet on her wrist, two tiny silver needles shot out and hit Tian's body.

Tian was stunned for a moment, his body went numb, and under the bumping of the carriage, he fell into the carriage with a "bang", his posture was particularly distorted, and he stared at Su Jin unwillingly, "You—"

Su Jin hooked his lips, smiled mockingly at her, struggled to take back the two small silver needles with strong anesthetic effect, rolled up a handkerchief and stuffed it into Tian's mouth.

Tian stared at Su Jin angrily, unable to speak a word.

Su Jin leaned into Tian's ear, and said softly and clearly: "Actually, even if I am defenseless against your soft tendons right now, you will not be able to harm me today. Zhao Ming'an has just been deposed from the position of son, And my husband is about to return to Beijing after making great achievements. Does my sister-in-law think that I will be defenseless against my sister-in-law at such a time? To be honest, my hidden guards have been following in secret all along. This carriage, absolutely not Something happened, oh, it doesn't seem right to say that, I mean, I will never have an accident."

"Presumably you don't know yet, Zhao Ming'an not only wants my life today, but also yours. After all, it's a bit too fake to just want my life, but if you die with me, how can I die?" Who would suspect that he did this? You really have a heart, and cooperated with him to plot against me, but did you ever think that it would end like this? "

Tian's eyes widened sharply, whining loudly, staring at Su Jin, shaking his head desperately.

She doesn't believe it! She doesn't believe it! This is impossible!

She and the son have always been very affectionate and respect each other as husband and wife, the son respects her very much, how could he want to kill her? Impossible!

"You don't believe me?" Su Jin chuckled, "That's really stupid. Zhao Ming'an has nothing now, and your Tian family can't help him even more. Besides, even if you die, you can't help him." No one knows that he died under his calculations. The Tian family will not fall out with him, and will still help him. He has no loss. However, you died and made room for Fu Mingzhu, and the Fu family will definitely help Isn't he more cost-effective!"

Tian shook her head desperately, her eyes almost bursting with anger, and she was screaming crazily from the bottom of her heart.

She stared at Su Jin bitterly, she wanted to ask her, she wanted to scold her, but her forehead was bursting with gold stars and the veins on her forehead were twitching, but she couldn't make a sound, this feeling was simply too aggrieved and uncomfortable .

Su's bitch, she's trying to sow discord! She is just sowing discord! She shouldn't believe her, absolutely can't believe her!

It's a pity that Su Jin didn't mean to say anything or argue with Tian Shi. After saying this, he smiled and sat in the corner, holding on to the fixed place tightly to prevent falling out, just as if nothing had happened, Calmly waited for the carriage to stop safely.

As if she was sure that the carriage would stop safely. Her attitude made Tian even more anxious.

No matter how much she believes in Su Shi's words in her heart, she has to admit that Su Shi must know more than she does.

The carriage was still bumping and running. With a scream and the dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, the carriage paused heavily. Slowly, the speed of the carriage slowed down, and finally stopped.

At this time, the carriage was still about two hundred meters away from the cliff.

"Master! Are you okay!" Gu Yunzheng knocked on the wall of the carriage and asked hastily.

"I'm fine." Su Jin shook his head, got up and went out, and ordered: "Go in and get Tian Shi out."

"Yes!" A hidden guard went in and slipped Tian Shi down.

Tian Shi was ashamed and angry, and glared at Su Jin with a whimper.

Standing beside Su Jin were Gu Yunzheng and two other masked guards, staring at Tian with cold eyes.

Tian Shi shuddered instantly, his eyes showed horror, and he secretly groaned in his heart.

"Master, what should I do with this person?" Gu Yunzheng pointed at Tian's bitterly.

Su Jin smiled, "Sister-in-law, do you want to die, or do you want to live? If you want to die, I will let you die without pain and preserve your dignity. You see, how good I am to you, you don't need to beg me, I'm willing to let you die with dignity. If you want to live, you have to take a gamble. I'll ask someone to throw you off this hillside. Whether you can live or not is entirely up to you."

Tian shook her head desperately, stared at Su Jin with wide eyes, and didn't know what to say.

Su Jin's eyes were indifferent, and he mocked: "Sister-in-law, there is nothing so cheap in this world. You wanted to kill me, but now it falls into my hands. If I just let you go like this, I'm afraid you will laugh at me in your heart." Am I a fool? It’s very rare for me to give you a chance to live, what do you think?”

What a fart! Of course not! Tian's heart was about to go crazy, her throat was sweet, and a stream of blood gushed up, but she couldn't even vomit.

Su Jin didn't pay any attention to her intentions, and ordered: "Treat the scene and make it look like the carriage rolled down the hillside, and make it more realistic."

Well, the facts should be like this: She was hijacked by the gangsters, and she jumped out of the car halfway. She would definitely suffer a little bit of injury. As for Tian, ​​she didn't have such good luck and courage, so she rushed down the hillside with the carriage, although she was lucky enough to get it back It took a life, but it must have been seriously injured.

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