Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1186 Tian's Can't Die

Su Jin said that he wanted to kill Tian Shi, just to scare her, Tian Shi can't die now.

Zhao Mingan was so vicious, she was still waiting for Tian to fight him.

Besides, if the Tian family is not dead, Fu Mingzhu won't be able to assume the position. It's hard to say whether the Fu family will be completely united with Zhao Ming'an!

Tian, ​​who was wide-eyed and her eyeballs almost fell off, was carried away just like that. As for Su Jin, Gu Yunzheng quickly helped her get some injuries, and guarded her here waiting for rescue.

Several people moved quickly and quickly arranged everything.

Including the traces left by the carriage on the road, etc., everything has been arranged. Even the most experienced head arrester from the Ministry of Criminal Justice will definitely not find anything unusual.

Besides, when the rescuers arrive later, the first scene of the crime will be completely destroyed, and no one will be able to find out anything.

What Su Jin said was what he said.

As for Tian Shi, she has no intention of caring about this at that time.

After all, the incident happened on the official road, the assassins failed, and they retreated not long after. The guards of Prince Qian's Mansion and Su Jin's personal guards rushed over, accompanied by a group of soldiers patrolling this area.

Because Prince Ding is going back to Beijing in just a few days, patrols have also been arranged in the suburbs of Beijing.

Everyone was anxious and anxious, but luckily Dingjun Wangfei and Shizifei—oh no, they were the eldest son's wife, their lives were safe, and everyone was greatly relieved.

Although a punishment after returning to the mansion is inevitable, but the two masters saved their lives, and they can live a lot better, otherwise, they would have to die to apologize.

Mrs. Tian rolled down "following the carriage down the hillside". He fell very badly, his whole body was in a mess, his face was covered with blood, and he had already passed out at this moment.

Princess Dingjun jumped out of the car. Although she was embarrassed and injured her legs and arms, she seemed to be in good condition.

Everyone hurried back to Beijing.

No one suspects that there is something tricky about this matter.

Princess Dingjun is a rare woman, no matter how courageous or courageous she is, no one will doubt that she can jump off the car immediately.

In addition, she knows a little boxing kung fu—maybe she has been taught by the heroic and martial arts King Dingjun, how can it be difficult for her to jump over a trivial matter?

On the contrary, the eldest son's wife is an ordinary woman in the inner house. It is normal for her to panic, her legs and feet are weak, and she can't do anything except scream.

It's more normal to be taken down by an out-of-control carriage.

She's not dead, that's life.

Emperor Yuanfeng was furious about Su Jin and Tian's pilgrimage being ambushed, and immediately ordered Dali Temple, Shuntian Mansion, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate to conduct a thorough investigation and clean up the vicinity of the capital carefully.

At this moment, someone wants Su Jin's life, that is tantamount to wanting his life, how can it not make him angry?

Emperor Yuanfeng didn't know if he could find out. It's not surprising that his good children and grandchildren have grown up and their wings are hardened, and they have some influence that he doesn't know.

Even if he is the emperor, it is impossible to know everything in the world.

But Emperor Yuanfeng can guess without thinking, these people still don't give up, they are targeting Qin Lang!

This made him sad and angry.

There is no evidence, no arrest, it does not mean that Emperor Yuanfeng was willing to hold back the breath in his heart, called all three sons, found a reason to reprimand them angrily, and punished them all to kneel outside the Qianqing Palace.

Let's have a snack! He wanted them to remember that he was still their father, and it couldn't be easier to do anything to them! He can do whatever he wants them to, there is no reason to create a reason and they can still go!

King Wu and King Ningjun were a little bit guilty, but they would never show any clues on their faces. They could only kneel while silently angrily in their hearts.

Could it be God's will? This time again.

King Qian was quite innocent.

All the people in Prince Qian's mansion turned their backs on their backs.

Su Jin went back to Jinghe Courtyard to rest and didn't care about anything else.

Princess Qian scolded her inwardly, why didn't she die? At the same time, he had to order people to prepare a lot of supplements to nourish the body, and took them to visit Jingheyuan in person.

The two said something hypocritically, and Princess Qian left.

It took Tian a long time to return to the palace before waking up from the coma. After being diagnosed by the imperial physician, the injury was quite serious.

The wound on the leg that was cut by a sharp stone over half a foot long, even if it healed, it would definitely leave a scar, and the scar was quite obvious.

The other leg was broken, and it was impossible to get out of bed and walk without rest for two or three months.

As for other large and small injuries on the body, there are more.

Compared with the wounds on the face, these injuries are nothing worth mentioning.

Tian's face was disfigured.

A scar on the left side of the face almost ran across the entire cheek, as if dividing the face into two halves. It was a hideous scar, and she would be ashamed to see others in the future.

Tian wept bitterly. The nanny and the girl kept persuading her in a panic.

Medicine had just been applied to the wound on this face, and the medicine was gone in vain when the tears flowed down.

Tian still cried, and cried even more sadly.

His face was disfigured, his leg was destined to leave a large scar, and he suffered such a serious injury, isn't it just the case that the medicine was not in vain?

It's all disfigured anyway!

After crying for a long time, Tian stopped when she was tired, and asked Nanny Zhu: "Where is the eldest son? Has the eldest son come to see me? Where is he now?"

Su Jin's words kept echoing in her mind, and she couldn't help but become more suspicious as she thought about it.

She hated Su Jin, but she also wanted to find out whether the eldest son still had any affection for her as husband and wife.

Nanny Zhu paused, and hurriedly said: "Before you were unconscious, it was the eldest son who brought the imperial physician, and later the eldest son sent the imperial physician out, presumably to the study."

Tian sneered, how long has it been? He didn't come to see him after the imperial doctor left?

"Send someone to invite the eldest son, just say, I have something to tell him."


Nanny Zhu had no choice but to send a girl to invite Zhao Ming'an.

Zhao Ming'an was full of irritability. He originally thought that with the help of elites from Prince Wu's House and Prince Ning's House, they would kill Su Jin if they fought together.

If they were killed together with Tian Shi, everyone would sympathize with Qian Wangfu, and his suspicion would be cleared successfully. After all, once Tian Shi died, he, the husband, would also be regarded as a victim.

But I didn't expect that Mrs. Su was fine, and Mrs. Tian was also fine.

He doesn't know how Su's injury is, but Tian's itching to touch her, why is she still alive? It would be better to be dead.

Tian's face, if he looked at it more than once, he would have nightmares at night.

King Father was called into the palace, and King Wu and King Ningjun were also called. Although he didn't know why, but when something happened on one side and the other side entered the palace, he had a premonition that it had something to do with it.

Can the royal grandfather find out? How much will you find out? Will it implicate him?

Zhao Mingan didn't know, let alone dare to think.

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