Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1191 Staying Overnight in the Palace

This is the real scene of peace and prosperity, and Emperor Yuanfeng really became happier the more he looked at it.

King Qian was also extremely proud.

Unexpectedly, it was rare for him to be smart for a while, his heart was full of joy, and he only jumped for joy in his heart, with a reserved and decent smile on his face, he was very calm and stable when socializing with the ministers, nobles, and clan royals. Emperor Yuanfeng looked at him twice intentionally or unintentionally, and couldn't help but secretly nodded upon seeing this.

This son has also grown a lot, at least he doesn't look as frivolous and impetuous as before, and he is stable.

Emperor Yuanfeng was a little bit emotional, a little relieved, a little sad and lost for no reason, and—a reconciliation that he didn't want to face, let alone admit.

What can I do if I am not reconciled? He is the emperor, even if he is the lord of all the people in the world, he is not an immortal god.

This seat is extremely comfortable to sit on, and once seated, no one will willingly let go.

However, throughout the ages, who has been able to get his wish?

There will always be such a day!

He...he will go to meet his ancestors with dignity and a clear conscience in the future, and he cannot leave a mess to the people behind him.

The crown prince should be settled.

Emperor Yuanfeng sighed secretly, and suddenly felt a little less interested.

Recalling how high-spirited and ambitious I was when I first took this position. Time is not forgiving!

Emperor Yuanfeng couldn't help but glanced at Qin Lang again, fortunately this grandson was filial to him. And the second child is also considered filial piety.

Qin Lang expected that he would have to drink alcohol when he entered the palace today, so he made preparations in advance, even though he couldn't stand the crowd, he still got a little dizzy from drinking.

It's just that today's feast cannot be retreated no matter what, so he had no choice but to take the medicine Su Jin gave him before to induce vomiting by taking the opportunity to clean his hands. After swallowing another refreshing pill, I felt much better.

Although he felt much better, when he returned to the banquet, Qin Lang still showed a drunken and unbearable expression, at least it could make these guys calm down a bit.

Otherwise, if you see him regaining his energy, why don't you continue to force him to death? He also wanted to leave the palace early and go back to see his wife.

The jubilation lasted until late at night, Emperor Yuanfeng was in surprisingly good spirits today, he didn't leave the scene halfway, and just kept looking at his ministers with a smile all the time.

He leaned back when he was sleepy, but didn't quit early.

The noise lasted until late at night before the banquet ended.

Qin Lang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he was so excited that he couldn't hold back his heart beating wildly. After a long time of tossing around, he could finally go home to see his wife.

No, Emperor Yuanfeng glanced at Qin Lang with a smile, and said gently: "Alang, don't go out of the palace tonight, just stay in the palace and have a good rest."

Qin Lang: "."

"Emperor, grandfather, this is not appropriate."

This kind of favor and family does not want it!

Looking at the envious eyes of all the courtiers and nobles, King Wu and King Ningjun, Qin Lang was so depressed that he wanted to cry.

His daughter-in-law said that she would wait for him to go back no matter how late, how disappointed she was that he rested in the palace like this? It hurts to think about it!

Seeing that he was so modest, Emperor Yuanfeng was so sensible and courteous. He was even more delighted, and his smile became more cordial: "Stupid words, what's inappropriate?"

Everything in this palace will belong to you in the future!

Qin Lang still wanted to refuse, King Qian coughed and glanced at him and said in a deep voice: "Alang, this is your grandfather's wish, why don't you agree?"

This idiot, did he go south and get scared by those southern barbarians? The emperor let him spend the night in the palace, which is a great favor and honor, yet he refused!

Even if you put on a show of refusal, it's enough to refuse once, and if you refuse again, aren't you afraid of self-defeating?

I was in a hurry for him.

In front of the emperor, Qin Lang wanted to give King Qian some face no matter what, and King Qian's tone clearly put on the airs of a father. As a son, he was born short, so what else?

"Yes, thank you for your kindness!" Qin Lang had no choice but to kowtow honestly.

"Get up!" Emperor Yuanfeng raised his hand and said with a smile: "My family doesn't need so many etiquettes, well, it's getting late, go and rest."

"Yes, grandpa, you should go to bed earlier." Qin Lang got up.

After everyone retreated, the little eunuch also led Qin Lang to rest.

Although Emperor Yuanfeng kept Qin Lang in the palace overnight to show his favor and express his intentions to the courtiers, he did not keep him in the Qianqing Palace.

The Qianqing Palace is the emperor's bedroom, so it is naturally impossible to keep anyone else except the concubines who are serving the bedroom.

Even if Emperor Yuanfeng favors Qin Lang again, it is impossible.

Besides, he actually had contradictory views on Qin Lang, and he was not as fond of him as he thought.

Qin Lang lived in the East Side Hall of Qianyuan Palace near Qianqing Palace, looked at the flickering dim yellow candle in a corner, rubbed his forehead, and sighed secretly.

His daughter-in-law is destined to be disappointed tonight, so let's make it up to her tomorrow night.

Two court ladies came in with trays and bowed their knees: "Your Majesty, this is hangover soup, please use some."

The two put down the tray carefully, one filled the hangover soup, and kneeled down to offer it to him. The other person had a bowl of tea in his tray, which he put aside first.

Qin Lang glanced at the two of them, took the hangover soup and took two sips.

There is a banquet in the palace today, and the imperial dining room carefully brewed hangover soup, which is quite delicious in the mouth, sour with a slight spicy and umami taste, which makes one's stomach feel relieved for a while.

Qin Lang almost drank half of the bowl of hangover soup before putting down the bowl.

Another court lady hurriedly served tea obediently: "Please, the king."

Qin Lang took it, lifted the lid, and a clear scent of tea came over his face. He took two sips and put down the tea bowl, "Go down!"

It's almost the end of the day, so let's just rest overnight.

Unexpectedly, the two maids did not intend to leave, they glanced at each other, but took two steps forward, one of them gave him a charming smile, and said softly: "Your Majesty, this servant will serve you to bed."

The other person also stepped forward and boldly held his arm: "Your Majesty, you are a great hero. The slave girls admire you, so let the slave girls serve you."

The two smiled softly and softly, one left and one right supported Qin Lang, their slender hands moved ambiguously.

"You—you don't have to!"

The two maidservants were unscrupulous and didn't listen to him at all. Instead, they smiled ambiguously: "Aren't you tired? The maidservants will take good care of you, you can rest assured."

The tea is ordinary tea, but the hangover soup has strong ingredients added.

In addition, King Dingjun was already very drunk at the palace banquet, even if it is said that no matter how much he loves Princess Dingjun deeply, no matter how much he loves Princess Dingjun and ignores other women, so what?

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