Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1192 Successive Changes

This time is different from other times.

Besides, in the past, with Princess Dingjun by his side, it is understandable that King Dingjun looked down on other women. But he went south for a few months, and Princess Dingjun was not around. Could it be possible that he would never have another woman by his side?

If not, that would be even better. Wouldn't it be their luck to meet the two of them today?

The two court ladies spoke softly, looked charming, and blushed, as if they were drugged instead of Qin Lang, and they were even more excited than Qin Lang.

The two called "Junwang" and "Junwang" non-stop, and supported Qin Lang towards the bed.

Don't want to just reach the edge of the bed, the back of the two of them felt a sharp pain in the back of their necks, before they even had time to hum, they fell limply on the couch.

Qin Lang stood on the ground with cold eyes.

He didn't know whether there was medicine in the hangover soup or in the tea, but judging from the unscrupulous behavior of these two maids in front of him, he must have been drugged by them.

Only then do they have the courage and confidence to dare to act like this.

It's a pity, why don't they use their brains? He has a daughter-in-law who claims to be the best in the world in medicine, and what his wife has always been most nervous about is that if he is accidentally given such an obscene and despicable drug, he has long been used to carrying such an antidote with him at all times Take the next pill when the time comes.

The two court ladies would never dare to do this without instructions. Who could it be?

He has no influence in the palace, and it is extremely easy for someone to plot against him. Although this method is rough and simple, if he hadn't been prepared, it would have capsized the ship in the gutter.

It was already late at night, Qin Lang couldn't go to Emperor Yuanfeng for this matter, and he couldn't walk around the palace in the middle of the night, and staying in the palace tonight was the favor given to him by Emperor Yuanfeng, and he was the only one left When he came down, none of his personal guards were there, and it was really difficult at the moment.

Qin Lang frowned, and casually lowered the bed curtains, covering the two of them, he didn't even bother to take a look, while he himself sat on the half-partitioned couch, planning to make do with it for the night.

He wanted to throw the person out, but he was afraid that the other party would fail and make a living, so he might as well keep him for now.

If there is anything to worry about tomorrow.

Fortunately, there are still more than two hours before dawn.

Qin Lang was resting his eyes with his eyes closed, but there was a slight opening sound from the closed palace door. His heart trembled, his eyes suddenly opened, he got up quietly, hid behind the thick curtain, and stared coldly at the soft, The temple door was pushed open little by little.

A masked man in night clothes came in nimbly, closed the hall door, looked up and saw the bed with the curtains down, he smiled maliciously in a low voice, the laughter was a bit shrill, Looks like a eunuch.

The masked eunuch rushed straight to the bed with a fierce look in his eyes, but he froze for a moment when he lifted the curtain, then his face changed and he thought it was bad, and was about to turn around and run away, when Qin Lang stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck, Drink coldly: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The man's eyes were terrified, he wanted to struggle but he didn't dare to move, his eyes widened and froze there, he didn't know whether he was courageous or he was frightened, he stared at Qin Lang in a daze.

Qin Lang sneered, "Don't tell me? The palace is such a big place, if you don't tell me, there will always be someone who knows you!"

Knocking him out with one palm, Qin Lang casually stuffed him under the bed, frowned, and went out decisively, avoiding people's eyes and ears, and went straight to Qianqing Palace.

I can't stay here anymore, I won't be able to see the emperor's grandfather tonight, so it's okay to see Liang Yuanfu, right?

Emperor Yuanfeng had already fallen asleep, and the inside and outside of Qianqing Palace were still tightly guarded, and the guards standing guard were all Emperor Yuanfeng's confidantes.

Qin Lang came here at this time, making people wonder.

After seeing Liang Yuanfu, as soon as Qin Lang told the matter, Liang Yuanfu's face immediately became ugly.

"This, this—" This is the palace, who is it? How dare he frame Dingjun Wang so brazenly?

Oh, no, in special times, it should be the other way around.

King Dingjun made great achievements in the south, and the mansion of Qianwang was rising. In addition, both the mansions of Ningjun and Wuwang made mistakes. With the ebb and flow, Qianwang's mansion became even more prominent.

Not to mention the courtiers, even the eunuchs and maids in the palace must have understood by now that the position of prince must fall on the head of King Qian.

At this time, why is it strange that someone wants to frame King Dingjun?

After all, the three princes all grew up in the palace. It is not surprising that there are two or three, three or four available confidantes in the palace.

No, it came in handy

If Prince Ding really had something to do with the two maids, it would be disrespectful, disrespectful, and arrogant, no matter how great the credit is, it would be worth it.

Liang Yuanfu sent someone to guard the Qianyuan Palace secretly to prevent any accidents, and said to Qin Lang: "This matter. This matter is no small matter. The old slave thinks it is better to report to the emperor. What do you think, the county king?"

Qin Lang frowned: "Isn't it good to disturb the emperor's grandfather at this time?"

Liang Yuanfu sighed: "There is nothing we can do about it, the emperor will only be angrier if he knows about it tomorrow."

Qin Lang sighed, "It's time to thank Father-in-law!"

"The king of the county is polite, it's the job of a slave." Liang Yuanfu also sighed.

Can you not sigh when you encounter such a bad thing!

The emperor's desire to control is getting stronger and stronger, and he can't hide a little bit of concealment, so he doesn't dare to hide it at all, and he can only report it now when it happens now.

But it was the middle of the night, and the report disturbed the emperor's bedtime, and the emperor would definitely lose his temper.

All in all, this matter is that no matter what you do, you will offend the emperor, it's just the lesser of two evils.

Qin Lang didn't dare to trespass into the Qianqing Palace bedroom in the middle of the night, so Liang Yuanfu could only go in and report.

Emperor Yuanfeng had just fallen asleep, and was very annoyed to be woken up by Liang Yuanfu, staring at him coldly, if it wasn't a big deal, he would never end with this dead slave!

This dead servant is getting bolder and bolder, to dare to quarrel with him!

Liang Yuanfu knelt on the ground, his nerves were tense, and he didn't dare to lift his head. He tried his best to explain what Qin Lang told him in a gentle and gentle tone.

Emperor Yuanfeng was furious, panting unsteadily, his eyes widened and he said in a trembling voice: "What? There is such a thing! How unreasonable! How unreasonable! They dare, they dare before I die! "

Emperor Yuanfeng cursed angrily, coughed violently, and his face was flushed from coughing. Liang Shunan served tea in a hurry and tried to persuade him repeatedly.

Liang Yuanfu was also very frightened and kept persuading him.

Emperor Yuanfeng coughed for a long time before recovering from this breath. There was a faint pain in his chest. He was furious at the moment, and he didn't care about anything else. He ordered: "Bring in all the relevant people, and call Qin Lang in. This matter must Do it quietly, keep it secret, and don't let half a word leak out!"

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