Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1200 Tian's face seeking medical treatment

Zhao Ming'an had never felt this way before, as if in front of him was a high mountain, a high mountain that he would never be able to cross.

This feeling is too bad.

It couldn't help being terrible, and it made him feel unwilling and full of panic at the same time.

"Qin Lang, do you think this is over? Do you think you are sure to win? Hahahaha! Qin Lang, wait and see, my today is your tomorrow! Wait and see! There will be, don't worry, There will be such a day! Hahahaha."

Zhao Mingan talked and laughed crazily, and his laughter became more and more wild, frightening all the maids and women who wanted to step forward to help him, all of them were at a loss and did not dare to move.

Qin Lang was condescending, looked at him coldly, and said with extreme disdain: "I think you are crazy!"

What the hell are you talking about?

"Hahahaha! So what if I'm crazy or not? Qin Lang, remember what I said today, don't think you won, it's not that easy, it's not that easy! Days are still to come, hahahaha."

Zhao Mingan struggled to get up from the ground, staggering and laughing wildly all the way.

"Madman!" Qin Lang narrowed his eyes, and stared at Zhao Ming'an's back with half-closed eyes. This person seems to be really mentally abnormal, what kind of nonsense did he say? It's as if it's true, it's really crazy!

The loss of the position of the son of the world, and the higher position visible to the naked eye than the position of the son of the world, is not a big blow to him, and it seems normal to be crazy!

It seemed that he had to send someone to stare him down. Generally speaking, lunatics do things without rules, and they are more crazy and bold. Things that normal people would never do are not necessarily for a lunatic.

Qin Lang is scornful in his heart, with such determination and ability, he also wants to fight him?

In the room, Tian's first reaction when he saw Su Jin was to jump in his heart, and subconsciously shrunk his eyes. Then she thought of something, and slowly looked at Su Jin again.

Ever since his face was disfigured, Tian's heart has been tormented countless times from collapse to despair to unwillingness. Even in front of the closest maidservants, his face is always covered with a veil, and he has no face to see others.

"Second and second siblings" Tian, ​​who was lying on the bed, looked at Su Jin, tears gradually overflowing from his eyes.

Su Jin stood aside coldly, didn't say anything, just smiled slightly: "Sister-in-law is in good spirits, the eldest son really cares about sister-in-law, and even asked me to take a look at sister-in-law! I think sister-in-law is recovering quite well. Just say it, Lu The Imperial Physician is a master at treating trauma, he never makes a mistake whenever he makes a move!"

"That, that's not as good as your second brother and sister," Tian couldn't hear the words "injury" and "trauma" the most, and none of the maids and women around her dared to say it, but how could Su Jin indulge her? Just say what you want to say.

No matter how painful Tian felt in her heart, she didn't dare to challenge her.

"Second brother and sister's medical skills are even praised by the emperor's grandfather, and they have cured so many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Who can compare to the entire imperial hospital!"

"Sister-in-law, you really think highly of me. I'm ashamed of what you said! If you don't know, you think sister-in-law admires and appreciates me so much!" Su Jin giggled.

"I—" Tian opened her mouth, feeling a little guilty after all, and the smile that was finally squeezed out also became stiff.

But in fact, she didn't need to laugh, she was covered with a veil, so Su Jin couldn't see anyway, right?

She admires? appreciate? Su Jin, I can't wait for Su Jin to die.

Su Jin didn't give her any face at all, she couldn't accept these words, and she understood that Su Jin was still blaming her in her heart and didn't forgive her.

Tian suddenly became anxious, with tears welling up in his eyes, "Second brother and sister, it was all my fault before, and I was obsessed with ghosts! Second brother and sister, look, now I have also received retribution, you, can you help me! Please, please help me! It's my fault, it's all my fault"

"Sister-in-law is serious. You really recovered very well. Although your leg was broken, you can still walk as usual after a few months of recuperation. You are lucky compared to your third brother. Sister-in-law should feel lucky." Su Jin was very kind, Kindly comforted.

Tian's heart was bitter, what she wanted to say was not this, whether her legs would return to normal or not, she had already asked Lu imperial physician repeatedly, and Lu imperial physician also gave a very clear answer.

She doesn't worry about this, what she's talking about now is her face.

What should I do about the wound on my face?

She is a dignified official wife, and when King Qian ascends the throne in the future, maybe her husband may become the crown prince, so she will be the crown princess of the East Palace—but, since ancient times, has there ever been a disfigured crown prince?

Is a disfigured woman still qualified to be a princess?


If you ruin Rongrong, this life will be finished. If you can give her a side concubine, give her a courtyard to live in for the rest of her life, it will be fine. Do you still want to be a princess and mother? is it possible!

Fu Mingzhu, that bitch, has never shown any respect to her. Given the background of the Fu family, if she is dismounted, she is very likely to be rescued.

At that time, can she let her former wife go? It's hard for her to tell others, but that woman Fu Mingzhu will never let her go!

In other words, her disfigurement is no longer a matter of pure disfigurement, but a matter of life and death!

If she was really disfigured, she would die, and she would die miserably.

Recently, Tian has been thinking about this matter almost every day, frightened, unable to sleep at night, and even woke up from nightmares in the middle of the night more than once.

She had wanted to send someone to beg Su Jin a long time ago, but she hadn't made up her mind and was still struggling.

It's no wonder that when she plotted against Su Jin, she believed that Su Jin would definitely die, but she showed her cruel and vicious side unscrupulously in front of Su Jin. Can Su Jin help her? It's impossible!

Just because of this, how dare she send someone to ask for it?

She didn't want Zhao Ming'an to invite people over because of the unhappiness in her heart, to deliberately create trouble for Su Jin and Qin Lang, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Second brother and sister, my face, please help me! As long as my face can be cured, I will do whatever you want me to do! Please!" He took off the veil from his face and smiled sadly: "Second brother and sister, look at what my face has become! I, I have received retribution, this is retribution!"

Tian covered her face and cried in pain.

Su Jin just stood aside and watched.

She has seen many scars more terrifying than Tian's face, and she really doesn't feel anything in this mere pediatrics.

However, the wound on Tian's face was more serious than she thought, and even with skin grinding, it couldn't be completely healed.

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