Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1201 Exchange

The wound on Tian's face was more serious than she thought. Even with this wound, it couldn't be healed completely.

It is even more impossible to rely solely on traditional Chinese herbal medicine in this era.

Tian herself cried for a long time, vented, and saw that Su Jin didn't respond, and felt bored, and somewhat guilty, so she slowly stopped crying.

"Second brother and sister"

"Sister-in-law's injury must be serious. I must know it. It is impossible to completely cure it."

There is something interesting in these words, at least a little more hopeful than the words of Imperial Physician Lu, Tian's eyes lit up, and his heart beat wildly: "Second brother and sister, as long as, as long as I can get better by even one or two points, I, I will be grateful." Do everything! As long as it can be better than it is now, really!"

"Sister-in-law," Su Jin laughed, and suddenly felt that Tian was quite naive.

"What do I need your gratitude for?"

Tian was taken aback.

Su Jin glanced at her, smiled unhurriedly and said, "Let's put it this way, why should I treat you? I believe you know exactly what kind of damage your face has become. , the medicines that need to be prepared are also very troublesome and labor-intensive, and now I have to prepare for the doctor's consultation and dispensing medicines for the emperor's grandfather all the time, so I don't have time!"

Who dares to rob the emperor? Then don't say that there is no cure, maybe you can have a good time by committing suicide directly.

Tian's complexion suddenly changed.

Su Jin's words startled her and made her feel a strong sense of humiliation and shame.

She never thought that one day she would need to beg Su Jin so humbly, let alone that Su Jin would ignore it and directly refuse.

This gap is as sharp as a knife, and it affects her arrogance and character.

What she understood better was that this was just the beginning.

If her face doesn't recover, her arrogance and dignity will be trampled on the soles of her feet time and time again in the future, and she will never be able to stand up again.

Tian smiled sadly, "Second brother and sister, please tell me clearly, what do you want? As long as, as long as I have it, I will definitely give it to you."

What Tian said was actually quite unfounded.

After all, her true face has been thoroughly exposed in front of Su Jin, and when facing Su Jin, she felt more or less guilty. In addition, what else would Su Jin want for her now? Even she can't think of it herself!

On the contrary, what Su Jin possesses is beyond her imagination.

Sure enough, after hearing her words, Su Jin showed a slight mockery on his face, as if laughing at her overreaching.

Tian's heart tightened, but she didn't wait until Su Jin asked her mockingly, "What can you give me?" Instead, she said, "Sister-in-law, do you hate me?"

Tian was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly couldn't turn his head around, "Hate, I hate you?"

"That's right," Su Jin glanced at her, and wrote lightly, "After all, it's all because of me, sister-in-law, that you have fallen into this state."

Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, and his hands subconsciously tightened the corners of the quilt.

Yes, it was all Su Jin's fault that she fell into this situation.

Otherwise, her body would not have suffered such devastation and pain, and her face would not have been disfigured!

This is the truth.

What Su Jin said was not wrong!

But, how could she say that? How could she say that in front of her face!

What the hell does she mean?

How could it be possible to say that she didn't hate Su Jin at all? If it wasn't for her, why would I be in this situation now.

But if you hate her now, she is already a useless person, she doesn't like her in-laws, her husband doesn't like to talk to her, even her natal family has become ruthless, and she has made it clear that she can't interfere in her affairs, what qualifications does she have? , What capital do you have to hate people?

Do you hate it from the bottom of your heart, or hide in the room and scold at the bottom of your voice? What is the use?

Su Jin won't care, no one will care.

Besides, she was calculated instead of being calculated, so what is there to say?

If it was her who won, there would be no such person as Su Jin in the world right now.

Since she was injured, Tian's mental strength has been haggard and her spirit has almost collapsed. She has countless things to think about, so that she has no more thoughts and energy to think about whether she hates Su Jin, but the result is so cold. Jin put the question in front of him.

caught off guard

Su Jin was not in a hurry, just stood there with such a leisurely demeanor, waiting for her thinking, her hesitation, and her answer.

The more so, the more Tian felt ashamed.

After a while, Tian moved her lips and said with difficulty: "My second younger sibling, I, I can't hide it from you, and I can't hide it from you. If I say I don't hate you, I'm afraid you won't believe it. But, but I know very well in my heart that this matter is my own fault, you, you don't owe me anything."

Su Jin smiled. It's better for Tian to say this today than for her to be bored in her heart. After a long time, she will forget that she is to blame for herself, and will blame herself for everything more and more, and hate herself.

"Sister-in-law is a clear and transparent person," Su Jin said, "I am relieved that sister-in-law can think so."

"Then my face—"

"That's another matter." Su Jin took a deep look at Tian Shi, "Sister-in-law wouldn't think that if she admitted a fact, I would treat her face for free, right?"

Tian was suddenly embarrassed.

I felt a little depressed again. Su's now doesn't take her seriously at all, and doesn't give her any face at all, it's really frivolous - no, no, she should stop thinking about these things, why bother?

"What does the second sibling want?"

Su Jin smiled, "Actually, I really can't think of what my sister-in-law can give me now, but it happens to be what I lack. How about this, sister-in-law, please write something for me."

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Tian's heart, "You, what do you want?"

Su Jin smiled, and took a deep look at her: "Sister-in-law can write whatever she thinks is valuable."

Tian: "."

What she knows can be exchanged for her face and Su Jin's hand? What else? Tian's heart was full of bitterness, only some secret things about Princess Qian and about Zhao Ming'an that were not known to the public.

But once this kind of thing falls into Su Jin's hands, it will definitely become a sharp weapon against her in the future. She put her life in the hands of Su Jin.

"Sister-in-law, what about the things, I will send someone to check whether it is true or not, and if it is true or not." Su Jin kindly reminded, don't think that she will believe anything she writes casually.

Is it so easy to treat her face?

"Maybe my sister-in-law doesn't know yet," Su Jin smiled, "Yesterday I saw my little sister-in-law retching. I don't know if she ate something bad or she was pregnant."

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