Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1202 Tian's Resentment

"Maybe my sister-in-law doesn't know yet," Su Jin smiled, "Yesterday I saw my little sister-in-law retching. I don't know if she ate something bad or she was pregnant."

Tian's face suddenly changed and he raised his head, glaring at Su Jin.

Su Jin met her eyes, calm and calm.

"Sister-in-law has made up her mind, just send me the things, and I won't disturb sister-in-law's rest." Su Jin turned and left.

"Wait, you, how much can you cure my face? I, I want to meet people normally, can you?"

Su Jin: "It's not difficult. At that time, the makeup on the face will be a little thicker to cover up, and it will be okay to see people. However, this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. If it is delayed like this day by day, it can be cured." It’s hard to say for a few minutes.”

Tian Shi bit her lip and watched Su Jin leave.

As soon as Su Jin left, Tian's whole body felt weak and leaned on the pillow, a chill spread from the bottom of his heart.

How could she forget, how could she forget? Fu Mingzhu, Fu Mingzhu can get pregnant and have children

Based on the family background of the Fu family, Fu Mingzhu's child is destined to be different from others, not even worse than her son.

So what if her son occupies the title of the eldest son? If she, as a mother, never sees anyone again, her son will be a living target!

Fu Mingzhu will not let him go, and the Fu family will not let him go.

As for Zhao Ming'an? Heh, can she still count on Zhao Mingan to protect him?

It's ridiculous just thinking about it!

In front of her son's safety and future, everything else is unimportant, Tian has made up her mind that she must not live the rest of her life in darkness.

Qin Lang was bored and waited in the yard. When he saw Su Jin coming out, his expression softened, and he stepped forward to hold her hand: "Are you okay?"

Su Jin gave a "puchi" smile, and said helplessly, "What do you think?"

Tian's leg was broken and she was recuperating. If she could be bullied, then she wouldn't have to live.

Qin Lang himself also laughed, "If you care about it, you will be in chaos, let's go, let's go back."


When the two left, all the maids and women in the Tian's courtyard were secretly relieved, Dingjun Wang and Junwang Concubine are really, really scary.

Although. They didn't do anything terrible, but, when Prince Ding went to that station, the surrounding air pressure dropped heavily, and everyone was too scared to move.

Back at Jingheyuan, Su Jin told Qin Lang something to threaten Tian Shi, Qin Lang wanted to laugh when he heard it, and couldn't bear to hit her, so he finally found a few words to praise her.

He also offered to ask Tian to arrange someone to check the authenticity after Tian delivered the toy.

Su Jin saw that he was serious about it as a serious matter, and he was very active and cooperative in discussing with himself, but he couldn't help laughing first, so he pushed him and annoyed him: "Okay, you can't do it either. How can Mrs. Tian know if she is so embarrassing herself? I didn't expect to get any useful information from her, I just deliberately disgusted her, and I decided to treat her face a long time ago."

Wouldn't it be cheaper for Fu Mingzhu if she didn't cure her face?

A woman whose face was injured and disfigured, and then cured to become sensitive and sharp, in order to keep her position as the first wife and for her eldest son, it is conceivable how powerful the fighting power will be. .

How can such a big event be let go for nothing? What a pity!

If her face couldn't get better again, so she couldn't see anyone from now on, and Zhao Mingan had a reason to lock her up in the backyard in the dark, wouldn't it be too cheap for Zhao Mingan?

Qin Lang laughed, "I'll just say, Ah Jin actually understands everything."

"That's natural," Su Jin snorted lightly: "Ms. Tian participated in the murder of me. I won't let her go easily, but it doesn't conflict with treating her face."

The next day, Tian sent a thick stack of paper to Su Jin. There are many details about Princess Qian and Zhao Ming'an written in detail.

Perhaps because he was afraid that Su Jin would be dissatisfied, Tian wrote a lot, much more than Su Jin expected. The handwriting is neat and neat, and there are bright red and clear handprints on each page.

Su Jin couldn't help admiring him. Once Tian made up his mind to do something, there was no ambiguity or reluctance at all. Very open-minded.

Su Jin happily came to Tian's home immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

She has already been dispensing the medicine, and the treatment is progressing quite quickly at this moment, and the effect is very good.

In just five days, the scar on Tian's face had already become smaller. The original raised and terrifying scars also disappeared a lot.

Tian Shi and the maids and women serving by her side were all overjoyed and elated.

You know, this is the same as the death of the master humiliating the officials. If the young lady is disfigured and will never be seen again, can these servants still have a bright future? impossible.

They will be well when the young lady is well.

Zhao Mingan was so angry that he was dying, but he had no choice but to come to the door and put a smile on his face to express his gratitude to Su Jin.

Fu Mingzhu was even angrier. If it wasn't for Qin Lang being very difficult to mess with and having a bad look on her face, she would almost have said something she shouldn't have said again.

What Su Jin didn't expect was that Fu Mingzhu was really pregnant.

Within a few days, the doctor found out that she was two months pregnant.

Zhao Ming'an was overjoyed, and Princess Qian was also overjoyed, saying it was a good omen everywhere.

Tian was so annoyed that he dropped the tea bowl and several decorations in the bedroom, a bad breath hovered in his chest, wishing to tear Fu Mingzhu's body to pieces.

In the past, Fu Mingzhu's pregnancy would never have given her such a big stimulus, but it's different now.

It's hard to say how much her face will recover here. What if - what should her child do?

Tian's heart was full of resentment. She resented Princess Qian and Zhao Ming'an for being ruthless. She even hated that little bitch Fu Mingzhu who was pregnant at this time. Wasn't she rushing to make things difficult for others?

It can be foreseen that after most of Tian's face recovers, he and Fu Mingzhu will fight to the death!

For Su Jin, none of this is important, the important thing is that he can go to the theater.

Whether it's Tian or Fu Mingzhu, even if they know she and the couple are watching a play, so what? Do they stop fighting after knowing it?

The selection of medical students was finally completed, and the first batch of 300 students officially started their medical study journey in the medical school.

Doctors from all over the country gathered in the capital, some of them stayed in the medical school to teach, and most of them came here to exchange ideas and see the world, and the whole capital was extremely lively.

It's a pity that there is still no miracle doctor with superb medical skills, and no one can have the honor to treat Emperor Yuanfeng.

Although Emperor Yuanfeng was a little disappointed, all these famous doctors were entertained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Imperial Forest Army. It was impossible for Su Jin to hide from them. He was only disappointed, and he was not suspicious.

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