Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1216 The Uncle and Nephew Conspire

General Lu and the crown prince were at odds, and the son of Duke Min belonged to the prince. One could imagine what would happen to the son of Duke Min when he went to the Jiangnan military camp.

At that time, I must be too busy to take care of myself. How can I have the spare time to contact the prince and what to do for the prince?

Seeing this, Mei Jiuling simply didn't bother to stay in the capital, and asked for an order to return to Jinling.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yanhe rejected his request, and instead assigned him a position as a member of the household department in the household department, allowing him to experience it.

Mei Jiuling was extremely depressed, what the hell is this f*cking experience? He doesn't want to!

But Emperor Yanhe is obviously different from Emperor Yuanfeng. If Emperor Yuanfeng is still there, he will talk about it if he doesn't want to. He is more timid in front of Emperor Yanhe and dare not say it.

I had no choice but to accept my fate honestly and stay in Beijing first.

Emperor Yanhe was self-willed. When appointing officials, he completely followed his own will and did not listen to other people's opinions at all.

Those who can get a place in the court are smart people with a keen sense of politics. From what happened to the little official in the Ministry of Rites last time, we can see what kind of person the new emperor is. Speaking in front of Xindi?

What if they are accused of being greedy for ink, imprisoned by officials, and their homes are confiscated and exiled if they disagree?

Who can guarantee that they are completely innocent and can't find a trace of flaws? No one dared.

As long as Xindi is willing, it is completely possible to find faults. When the time comes, small things will turn into big ones, and it's not about how to clean up!

Therefore, for Emperor Yanhe's will, all the officials below accepted and followed it in a tacit understanding, as quiet as a chicken, and no one raised any opinions.

It is also to blame that when Emperor Yanhe was still King Qian, his sense of existence was too low when he was foiled by one brother and one brother. At the beginning, no one thought that the throne would fall into his hands in the end. Naturally, no one paid much attention to him. .

Not paying too much attention means not understanding deeply, or basically not knowing at all. Now, once the monarch and his subjects get along, the subjects will not be able to find the north, and they will be quite at a loss.

King Ning also smelled something unusual, and knew that his second brother was no longer the original second brother. How could he dare to say anything in front of him? The wish of the county king to become a prince can only be temporarily wished.

Very bitter, and depressing.

When Zhao Mingan approached Ning Jun Wang, Ning Jun Wang didn't show it on the face, but he was very surprised in his heart.

It seems that the life of this nephew is not very easy now.

Even though he has received a real job, he can be regarded as a serious and promising person in power.

However, the eldest son of the empress of the dignified palace, he was supposed to be the crown prince and live in the East Palace, and in the future he would take over the Emperor Yanhe and control the country.

Comparing the ruler of the world with a prince, there is no difference at all.

Whoever has no thoughts in his heart is a god!

What's more, the person in charge of the six palaces in the harem is still his own mother.

King Ning was keenly aware that this was an excellent opportunity.

Therefore, he smiled kindly and received Zhao Ming'an very cordially.

Zhao Ming'an came here with a request, so naturally he wouldn't put on airs to him. The uncle and nephew really cherished each other and talked happily.

Zhao Ming'an felt a little emotional in his heart, that is now. If it was the past, why would this uncle of himself take himself seriously?

I'm afraid I'm still waiting for myself to greet him respectfully when I meet him? Where can there be such enthusiasm for each other?

It is the change in the status of both parties that determines that the present is not what it used to be.

Power is really a good thing!

Zhao Ming'an's heart was surging, and his blood became more and more intense - how could he be willing to accept his fate like this, and be trampled under by Qin Lang for the rest of his life?

The uncle and nephew chatted happily in the garden pavilion, the beautiful scenery environment, the atmosphere of the conversation was excellent, and they laughed heartily from time to time, everything seemed so close and harmonious.

The uncle and nephew came and went, hypocritically probing and probing, and finally gradually got to the point.

After all, Zhao Ming'an is still young, how can he be an opponent of an old fox like King Ning?

Soon, King Ning found out why Zhao Mingan came here.

"Can you really help me?" Prince Ning thought for a while, finally shook his head slightly, and sighed: "Let's forget it, it's too risky, I'm already like this, if I hurt you again, wouldn't I be wronged? It's not worth it, no Good deal!"

Regardless of whether King Ning's words were sincere or false, they were not offensive after listening to them. On the contrary, they felt quite comfortable.

"Don't worry third uncle, I won't do anything I'm not sure about. I'm just making an idea for third uncle, and it won't hurt me." Zhao Mingan said with a smile.

Prince Ning was slightly embarrassed, but his words seemed a little pretentious.

This nephew really can't speak!

However, even if an old fox like King Ning is extremely embarrassed, as long as he doesn't want to show it on his face, he will definitely not show it, and no one can see through it.

"Oh?" King Ning smiled, with a calm expression, no interest or expectation, and said unhurriedly: "Ming An, it's not that the uncle poured cold water on you, your father... ah, your father is now living The high position is not the old father. Do you really have a way to persuade him to change his mind? Let’s make a joke in private here, I’m afraid no one in the civil and military courts would dare to be so sure!”

"I'm not them," Zhao Ming'an smiled, "Do you want to listen to Third Uncle?"

King Ning secretly scolded the little bastard! This is Huluo Pingyang being bullied by dogs. It is really unlucky to think that His Royal Highness King Ning has been reduced to the point of discussing business on an equal footing with such a brat.

"You won't help me for nothing, will you?"

Zhao Ming'an sneered: "Third Uncle doesn't know what I want, does he?"

"I can't help you," Ningjun Wang categorically refused without even thinking about it.

Although he really wanted to restore the prince's title as soon as possible, it was too embarrassing at the moment.

But he didn't want to die yet.

In the past, he had never sought any advantage from Qin Lang and Su Jin, and now that they have become princes and concubines, it is even more impossible for him to provoke them.

Anyway, if he was asked to mess with Qin Lang and Su Jin, it was absolutely impossible for him to agree. Say nothing.

If Zhao Ming'an had this ability, why didn't he go by himself?

"Third Uncle misunderstood." Zhao Mingan laughed: "I'll just tell the truth. I have nothing to hide from Third Uncle. I know a secret, but you also know Third Uncle. The couple stared at me very closely. I can't do anything at all, and once I do it, I can't escape the eyeliner of the two of them. That's why I want to ask my third uncle for help. It's not now, just do it after a year. "


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