"Third Uncle doesn't need to come out himself, just pass a few words secretly. I believe that this kind of thing should not be difficult for Third Uncle, right?"

King Ning called Zhao Ming'an a little dizzy with the big talk, but he soon understood it, and he frowned: "It's just a few gossips secretly? Secret? What secret?"

However, Zhao Ming'an played tricks and said with a smile: "I can't tell the secret right now, anyway—hehe, it's absolutely amazing! I believe you, Uncle San, will also be interested."

"Third Uncle, don't forget that your Ningjun Palace has a lot of grudges with them. He will really gain power in the future. Does Third Uncle think that your Ningjun Palace will have a chance to turn around? Impossible! Third Uncle, you You have always been resourceful and courageous, are you willing?"

King Ning's heart trembled, and a strong unwillingness and resentment gushed out from the bottom of his heart.

Of course he is not reconciled!

What Zhao Ming'an said is absolutely correct, Qin Lang will gain power in the future, he and the Ningjun Prince's Mansion can only live in such a subdued way, and can only be an idle clan, with no sense of presence in the capital.

Qin Lang will never give them a chance to stand out.

However, if it is Zhao Ming'an who gains power in the future.

It's much easier to coax this idiot Zhao Mingan

King Ning gritted his teeth and felt that he could still fight for it.

"If it's just a few gossips behind your back, it's not difficult. I promise you."

"Third Uncle is really happy," Zhao Ming'an said with a smile, "I believe Third Uncle. Since Third Uncle said so, I will discuss it with Third Uncle when the time is right. It is actually not difficult at all for Third Uncle to restore the title of Prince. The third uncle and my father asked him to make a decree for the next spring draft to fill the harem, and the father will be happy, and he will naturally reward the third uncle."

"Draft? Fill the harem?" King Ning was stunned.

Then he slapped the table and laughed loudly, "Yes, Ming An, you really have grown up now! How come I never thought of such a good idea? Hahahaha!"

Zhao Ming'an smiled: "Then my nephew is here to wish my third uncle all the best."

"Thank you, thank you! Hahahaha!" The two looked at each other, and King Ning smiled vigorously.

Yeah, why didn't he think of this? It has been a long time since newcomers entered the emperor's backyard, and so did he and King Wu.

After all, in the most critical years of seizing the heir, children and grandchildren like them are so old, how can they have such thoughts?

But now that the emperor is the emperor, there can't be only one empress, one elderly white side concubine, and two or three equally elderly nobles in the harem, right?

That was too shabby.

However, the emperor of Daqing has always shown that he governed the world with filial piety. The late emperor passed away this year. It is absolutely impossible for the emperor to propose to fill the harem with drafts. At this time, the courtiers need to show their loyalty.

The courtiers came up with a bunch of high-sounding reasons to explain the necessity of filling the harem, and the emperor agreed no matter how difficult it was, and they all made face and face, and no one could find fault.

King Ningjun sneered secretly in his heart. Now that the second child has become the emperor, he is not sure how high-spirited and complacent he is. How could he not want beautiful women to accompany him?

This path will definitely work.

Zhao Ming'an had a reserved and gentle smile. If nothing unexpected happened, the daughter of the county magistrate who was later named Concubine Li would definitely enter the palace in this draft, right?

He was looking forward to it, looking forward to whether this gentle, lovely and pitiful Concubine Li would fight to the death with the prince after she gave birth to her son.

Anyway, he will never get involved.

The next day, when King Ningjun came to the court, he went out to play the matter of Ming's draft.

The emperor has not filled the backyard for many years, so he should choose some virtuous and virtuous women to fill the harem, so as to better take care of the emperor's daily life, take care of the emperor's body, the emperor's dragon body is healthy, and he has more energy to deal with state affairs. This is the great fortune of the country.

And now the harem is sparsely populated, which is inconsistent with the grand atmosphere of the prosperous age of Daqing. Filling the harem and the prosperity of the emperor's heirs are indeed the blessings of Daqing and the people.

All in all, the draft and the filling of the harem are definitely not for the emperor to be greedy and lustful, but for the sake of the common people and Daqing.

All the ministers were taken aback for a moment, and then many people joined in.

Some people sensed that this was a good opportunity to flatter them, and they were happy to impress the emperor by attaching themselves to it, while some people really felt that filling the harem and having a prosperous offspring was a grand expression of the country's fortune, and it was worth doing.

Although some people think it's wrong, after all, the first emperor just passed away, so even if he wants to be drafted, it will take two or three years, right? Is it a bit too eager to choose next year?

No matter how high-sounding and selfless the reason is, it still makes people feel a little weird.

Thinking about it, looking at the emperor's expression, no one dared to speak out at this time to spoil the fun.

Although the emperor looked expressionless, he didn't express his opinion immediately after King Ningjun said this, nor did he show any happy expression.

But he didn't object, did he?

At this delicate moment, when it comes to this kind of thing, not opposing actually means agreeing.

"Let's discuss this matter later." Emperor Yanhe sighed, and his tone was quite sad: "The late emperor has just left, and I feel sad in my heart. At this time, the draft is inappropriate, so you don't need to talk about it!"

"Your Majesty, next spring's draft is already very suitable, not now."

"Your Majesty's filial piety towards the late Emperor can be seen, and all the ministers can see it. Filial piety is in the heart, not in these empty things."

"Yes, besides, the draft is also to select good women with both ability and political integrity to serve the emperor, so that the emperor can deal with government affairs with energy. This is a big deal!"


Emperor Yanhe waved his hands, sighed sadly, ordered everyone not to mention this matter, and retreated after a while.

Above the main hall, Qin Lang said nothing.

After returning to the East Palace, he told Su Jin about it, and it was a little mocking.

Su Jin was dumbfounded, and couldn't believe his ears for a moment, "What did you say? Pick, draft?"

A bit of a cold is all right.

King Qian——No, the father is almost fifty years old, and he has just been enthroned as emperor, so he can't wait to be drafted?

Thinking of those 14, 15, 15 and 16 year old young girls entering the palace to serve a man who was almost fifty, Su Jin felt a chill in his scalp.

Maybe many of those girls are still proud of it and don't feel any sadness, but she still feels this way.

The established values ​​have been generated and cannot be changed so easily.

"Do the ministers have any objections? After all, the late emperor died not long ago, so it's not appropriate for the father to choose the draft right now?"

"Everyone understands this truth clearly, but no one will say it—"


2 updates today, 3 updates tomorrow, and it will become salted fish o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o when the long holiday is over. what about you?

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