King Ning had no choice but to comfort Zhao Minglian a few words, telling him to be at ease, didn't the emperor also say that? Sooner or later, wait a little longer, and when the time is right, he will definitely ask for a seal for him.

It would be fine if King Ning didn't comfort him, Zhao Minglian would at most be sullen all his life, but with King Ning's comfort, Zhao Minglian felt that he had been wronged to heaven, and his resentment was even greater.

Sooner or later? Heh, does that mean we have to wait until after his death to posthumously seal it? That is also a matter of time!

Zhao Minglian resented King Ning, and even Zhao Mingxiao. On the contrary, he couldn't help but feel a little fond of Qin Lang. He thought that the prince was the prince, he was magnanimous, and he would speak for himself, which was better than his own. A father who is partial to the horizon is much stronger.

It's also a coincidence that Mrs. Lu Ershao occasionally went out of the yard to take a breather and strolled in the garden this day, and it was a coincidence that she ran into Princess Ning.

Princess Ning raised her eyebrows and sneered, with a mocking expression on her face, and Mrs. Lu's second young lady was a little terrified of embarrassment.

Prince Ning's concubine is actually the one with a milder temper. It is precisely because of this that after her misfortune, the arrogant and domineering Mrs. Lu dared to step on her head.

At that time, King Ning and the descendants of King Ning's sons were all behaving with their tails between their tails. As the first wife of Prince Ning's sons, Princess Ning's concubine naturally also behaved with her tails between her legs.

Mrs. Lu Ershao is neither very smart nor quite frivolous. In addition, she used to be a little bit jealous of Prince Ning's concubine who is higher than her. Now that the other party is in trouble, of course she will not let go of the opportunity to ridicule her.

All in all, during that period of time, she was frivolous and arrogant, humiliating Prince Ning and Princess Concubine terribly. Prince Ning's concubine was often so angry that she couldn't eat or sleep well, and the maids and women around her were all angry.

But no matter how angry you have to endure it.

If there is a real disturbance, if the disturbance becomes serious and the emperor finds out, who knows what will happen?

Now, Prince Ning's concubine salty fish has turned over, the tide has risen, and she is proud again. The maids and women around her also straighten their backs, and they all look at Mrs. Lu Ershao's eyes rather unkindly.

Mrs. Lu Ershao was startled, afraid and embarrassed, she bumped into her head-on, but she had no choice but to go forward to say hello.

Princess Ning is too lazy to care about people like her, and she naturally disdains to do things like revenge like a clown when she was proud, but she will definitely not easily forget all kinds of humiliation, mocking and slandering herself.

To her, it's natural to be indifferent and only face-saving.

Prince Ning's concubine didn't care, but the maid beside her couldn't swallow this breath, and she couldn't do without cynicism.

Mrs. Lu Ershao was originally resentful because of Prince Ning's restoration and her husband didn't get anything. How could she hear the taunting words of maids and wives?

Immediately, he became furious, raised his hand and slapped a confidant of Princess Ning's concubine on the face, and cursed loudly.

What's wrong with the Lu family? She is still the dignified second young lady of Prince Ning's Mansion! How dare a lowly stinky girl mock her face to face? What the hell!

Princess Ning was annoyed when she saw that her confidant maid was beaten by her in public, and she said yes, I don't care about it with you, but instead you slapped your face, right?

Don't look at what you are now!

The two quarreled, and finally the quarrel came in front of Princess Ning.

Concubine Ning always hated the Lu family, and when Prince Ning's mansion was in a downturn, she often made troubles. At that time, she didn't want to be troublesome, and she just turned a blind eye and closed her eyes when she was able to get by.

Now it's good, she's jumping up again.

Concubine Ning originally favored Princess Ning, and this incident was caused by Lu Shi first. As for Lu Shi who kept saying that Princess Ning ordered her servants to be disrespectful to her, she couldn't explain why. It's true to say that, but it doesn't mean that at all.

This makes it even more unreasonable for Lu to make trouble.

Concubine Ning couldn't help being furious. She disrespected her sister-in-law, was arrogant and immoral, and even turned black and white to report black and white. Would she dare to be more shameless?

Concubine Ning reprimanded Mrs. Lu sternly, punished her to kneel in the Buddhist hall for a day and a night, and then she was imprisoned for another month to copy thirty volumes of Buddhist scriptures.

Lu burst into tears, shouting grievances.

Zhao Minglian also came when he got the news, and said a lot of angry words with a sneer.

Anyway, the two of them have nothing now, and their lives are worthless enough, so what else is there to be afraid of?

He is just a bastard, destined not to be valued by his father and king, and destined to be suppressed to death by his aunt. The elder brother occupies the title of the eldest son, and he can be re-established as the eldest son even if he does something that hurts nature and harms human life, he sees it through!

Zhao Minglian sneered and said that he is a concubine, and his wife is of course an unreasonable, violent and violent woman. If the mother and concubine don't like her, why don't you just call someone to beat her to death!

Simply beat yourself to death, so that Prince Ning's Mansion will be very harmonious and clean in the future.

Concubine Ning was trembling with anger, she pointed at Zhao Minglian and repeatedly scolded "Unfilial son!", "Niezi!", her heart ached.

Although she doesn't think highly of concubines and concubines, she considers herself a qualified aunt, and has never been harsh on or deliberately made things difficult for them.

What Zhao Minglian said was simply too rebellious.

Zhao Minglian sneered again and again when he heard the words, and asked Ning Wangfei: "I have neither lent usury, nor murdered anyone, nor made such filthy money to ruin people's lives. How can I be a rebellious son?"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Concubine Ning's eyes turned black, she was frightened and angry, she barely passed out.

This matter is a taboo, not only the taboo of Prince Ning's mansion, but also a taboo that she can't even mention half a word. These words are so heartbreaking!

Seeing this, Princess Ning was so panicked that she hurriedly supported Princess Ning, patted her back and comforted her, then turned to Zhao Minglian with a frown and said, "Second brother, look at how angry you are with your mother and concubine? You first go down!"

"Sister-in-law is really good at speaking beautiful words," Zhao Minglian said with a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally had a chance to explode, so where would he go? He mocked Prince Ning and his concubine again: "It's not me who is angry with my mother and concubine. I didn't lend usury, I didn't kill anyone, and I have the ability to do it, so why don't people say it? Haha! Interesting!"

Mrs. Lu Ershao also felt complacent, feeling that she was really wronged and aggrieved, she also echoed: "That's right, such a conscienceless person should be punished!"

"You——" Princess Ning's face flushed with shame and anger, and she was also embarrassed for a while.

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