Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1220 Brothers Fight

"You——" Princess Ning's face flushed with shame and anger, and she was also embarrassed for a while.

There's nothing wrong with this matter. It was clear and clear at the time of the thorough investigation that her husband was behind the scenes.

Now being mocked and accused face to face, what can she do?

"Get out! Get out of here! Get out!" Princess Ning grabbed the tea bowl beside her and smashed it hard, screaming from the bottom of her anger.

Seeing this, Zhao Minglian was overjoyed, and said leisurely: "Since the concubine mother doesn't want to see us, we won't come in front of the concubine mother to make trouble, but we don't recognize the title of unfilial son and rebellious son, who should recognize it?" , who will admit it."

"Get out! Get out!" Concubine Ning could not wait for fire to burst out of her eyes.

This bastard, this rebellious son, stabbed her body one after another, Ming Xiao did the same, why did he do such a thing! I am afraid that this handle will be told for a lifetime!

Zhao Minglian can actually enjoy his mouthful at this moment, and he can't really do anything to Concubine Ning, he has succeeded in making her angry, sneered, and just accept it as soon as he sees it, and prepares to leave with Lu Shi.

Unexpectedly, when Zhao Minglian first arrived, the servant girl of Prince Ning's concubine secretly ran to tell Zhao Mingxiao that it was necessary to add fuel and jealousy.

When Zhao Mingxiao heard this, he rushed over without hesitation.

I just heard Princess Ning roar angrily, scolding Zhao Minglian, "Get out!", and where is Zhao Minglian? After saying such unkind words again, Zhao Mingxiao immediately became angry, stepped forward and scolded Zhao Mingxiao and his wife, ordering Zhao Mingxiao and his wife to kneel down and plead guilty, otherwise he, the eldest brother, would discipline them properly.

Who gave them the courage to disrespect their aunt?

When Zhao Minglian saw him, this was the real enemy who was extremely jealous. Today, all the resentment, resentment, and resentment that were suppressed in his heart burst out, and he ignored it. He directly said what he said about Princess Ning He also said it in front of Zhao Mingxiao, and stabbed Zhao Mingxiao fiercely.

Like Princess Ning, Zhao Mingxiao barely fainted from anger.

It's about to breathe fire!

Speaking of this matter, Zhao Mingxiao is also wronged. The real mastermind behind the scenes is his father, but can he confess his father?

Certainly not!

He is destined to carry this blame for the rest of his life!

You can't even say a word to your mother and concubine.

And at this moment, Zhao Minglian actually mentioned this matter in front of him, and with such a tone and attitude, how could Zhao Mingxiao bear it?

The eyes of the two brothers were red, and neither of them would give up. First they accused and quarreled, and soon they fought, and the maids and women screamed again and again in fright.

Concubine Ning, Princess Ning, and Shizi Lu were all in a panic, yelling at his brothers, "Stop!", "Stop!", "Stop beating!", "Be careful!" and so on, but The two brothers are already red-eyed, who is willing to stop?

There is a natural conflict between the concubine and the concubine, but there are no factors that cause the conflict to erupt on weekdays, or it has not yet reached this point, so it seems to be quite friendly.

Once this hypocritical and pretentious opening is torn open and hands are used, who can bear it?

Concubine Ning was so anxious that her mouth was foaming, she screamed for a while and found it was useless, she hurriedly ordered her servant girls to go forward and separate the eldest son and second son.

The timid maids and maids had long been frightened and huddled aside in a daze, trembling with fear, they didn't even hear what Princess Ning said.

Those who are more courageous are limited in size, and it is of no use to bite the bullet and step forward.

How can it be easy to separate the two young and strong men who are really hot?

Prince Ning Shizi hurriedly asked someone to call the guards—it was already here, and she didn't care about losing face.

Seeing that her husband was obviously at a disadvantage, his hair was messed up, his face was hit several times, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. If the beating continued, God knows what would happen?

When the guards heard that the two young masters were fighting, they thought they heard it wrong at first.

After all, the master of the Tian family, the son of the phoenix and the grandson of the dragon, would not be able to directly fight if there was any conflict, and it was so serious that the guards had to be asked to go in and separate.

Five or six people rushed to the main courtyard of Concubine Ning, and they were dumbfounded when they saw this situation. This, this, this is really marked?

Regardless of paying respects to the concubine, the leader hurriedly directed his subordinates to come forward and separated the two young masters.

The clothes and hair of the two people are all in the same mess, and their faces have injuries of varying degrees. Judging from this, the injuries on their bodies may not be serious.

The two were separated by the guards, staring at each other like silkies, panting and swearing.

Prince Ning's son scolded Zhao Minglian as "a bastard who doesn't know what is good or bad!" Zhao Minglian scolded Prince Ning: "A bastard who lends money, seeks money and kills, is not a human being!"

The guards can't wait to cover their ears and don't listen, don't listen, these words are too fucking terrible, okay?

Concubine Ning was dizzy and dizzy with anger, and her eyes were blackened. She was angry from her heart, and stepped forward to slap the two of them on the face, cursing with a cold face, "You, you still want to be shameless? Ah? Shameless! Those who know are the princes and grandsons, but those who don’t know are some scoundrels from somewhere! How long are you going to make trouble!"

Zhao Mingxiao came back to his senses after being slapped by his concubine mother, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful, secretly annoyed.

He gave Zhao Mingxiao a hard look, if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have done it at all. This bastard is simply disgusting.

Zhao Minglian sneered again and again, and looked at Princess Ning with a very disdainful and unruly gaze. Princess Ning was almost pissed off by him!

But she, who is the aunt, is not good at treating Zhao Minglian in front of the guards, so she can only reprimand Zhao Mingxiao angrily: "You are so capable, you dare not listen to me! You are a good son of the royal family, how decent are you! , You—how about the rules? How about the upbringing? You've all gone like a dog!"

Zhao Minglian sneered again and again, his eyes extremely mocking.

Laughing so that Concubine Ning became a little annoyed, she endured it again and again so that she didn't scold him.

Concubine Ning held back, but Zhao Mingxiao couldn't hold back, instead, the anger that had just been extinguished for a little bit re-emerged, glared at Zhao Minglian and asked, "What are you sneering at?"

"Don't you know? Are you pretending to be confused if you don't know?" Zhao Minglian sneered: "Who are you pretending to be for? I know you despise me, but I am born of an aunt. If you despise me so much, just drive me out and bring me down, right? Is it all over?"

"You—" Princess Ning gritted her teeth, "Shut up!"

The guards were so frightened that they wanted to cover their ears again. They all lowered their heads, their expressions were indifferent, and they pretended to be wandering away, but in fact they didn't hear or see anything.

Absolutely true!

"There's nothing for you here, you all go down." Princess Ning took a breath and pushed back the guards.


Third watch, I didn't lie to you, see you tomorrow!

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