Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1221 Alluding

The guards hurriedly retreated as if they had received an amnesty.

Concubine Ning stared at Zhao Minglian gloomyly: "As the concubine, I don't think I have ever treated you harshly, food, clothing, housing, and transportation. What wronged you? If you feel angry and feel wronged, go to the prince and talk about it. Concubine here is yin and yang, what's the use of it? Today's matter, I don't care about you, if there is a next time, don't blame me for being rude! Even if you end up making people talk and mean, I will admit it! "

Zhao Minglian still sneered, "Thank you so much for your rudeness!"

Zhao Mingxiao pointed at him and cursed angrily: "You fucking dare say it again!"

"Enough!" Concubine Ning and Princess Ning hurriedly pulled Zhao Mingxiao back.

Princess Ning glared at Zhao Minglian: "Are you still leaving?"

Zhao Minglian turned around with a sneer and walked away with a flick of his sleeves. Seeing this, Lu Shi also trotted to keep up.

When King Ning came back and found out about this, he was so angry that he was half dead.

Thinking about his fame in the first life, he was degraded by his father first, which was enough to damage his image. Now that he is fine, the house is restless, the discipline is not effective, and the two sons are fighting like black-eyed chickens. To such an extent that I can't resist it, this is simply going to turn the sky upside down!

Although King Ning was secretly annoyed and embarrassed Zhao Minglian to mention usury, but because of his guilty conscience, he dared not mention it again, for fear of revealing his truth.

He also thought that it was normal for Zhao Minglian to be angry. He was so old and hadn't been crowned king yet, and Zhao Mingxiao still treated him like that. Could he not be angry?

In order to show that he is quite fair as a father, King Ning scolded both of them, beat each of them fifty slaps, and fined them to kneel in the Buddhist hall overnight.

As a result, the two sons complained that he was unfair.

They all feel more wronged.

Naturally, this matter could not be hidden from others, and it spread quickly.

King Wu and his son did not have a good laugh.

King Wu sneered coldly, and soon arranged for people to publicize the fact that Zhao Mingxiao had lent money and killed people, and was finally deposed as a prince by the late emperor. At the same time, King Ning was also implicated, and the prince was demoted to become a county king. .

Zhao Mingxiao was so guilty that he didn't dare to go out, and King Ning was also in a panic. He was just now full of energy and excitement, and was about to make persistent efforts and fight hard. Whatever he said, he wanted to gain favor in front of the emperor and strive to win a job. A good job with plenty of power and power.

Once this incident happened at home, wherever I saw people, I felt that the other party was looking at me with a half-smile and gloating eyes, so how could I go out?

That's not to mention, the fact that Zhao Mingxiao's incident was widely circulated was really terrible.

Rumors are not slander, but facts, even if they are exaggerated, Prince Ning's Mansion dare not deny it.

Once it is denied, it is knowing the mistake and not correcting it, it is a waste of life, and it is arrogant and domineering.

Prince Ning's Mansion, which had just shown signs of transit, couldn't bear this.

What was even more frightening was that the point of the rumors was that because of this incident, Zhao Mingxiao, the eldest son, was deposed by the late emperor, and his prince was also deposed, just to teach them a lesson.

The first emperor is wise.

However, not long after the first emperor passed away, Emperor Yanhe restored his title, and also restored Zhao Mingxiao's position as the son of the eldest son. Compared with the first emperor, this is really true.

This is not just disobedience, not just singing against the first emperor, but simply being stupid! The future of the Daqing Dynasty - worrying!

These words reached Emperor Yanhe's ears, and Emperor Yanhe was furious, almost going crazy.

The two brothers in Prince Ning's Mansion fought, and it was he, the emperor, who lost his reputation in the end, but he still had nowhere to refute. Can you not be angry?

But it wasn't long before he decreed to restore King Ning's title, so could it be that he was abolished again now?

Then who has become the emperor himself? Go back on what you say?

Emperor Yanhe was so annoyed that King Ning died.

It seems that I really don't get along with these two brothers. It was fine before, but now that I have become the emperor, I can still make him suffer. What's the point?

Coincidentally, rumors of a confrontation between Su Jin and Mrs. Xuanyang Uncle at the gate of Kunning Palace also spread indistinctly.

This is a matter of time, there is no impenetrable wall in this world.

At the time of the incident, although Emperor Yanhe had taken very strong and tough measures to cover it up, it was only a matter of time before it got out.

Although no one dares to discuss this matter with great fanfare at the moment, there are indeed rumors behind the scenes.

Emperor Yanhe was furious. He just felt that everything was not going well recently. When he went to the early court, he beat up his subjects very annoyedly, and ordered the Shuntian Mansion and the Patrol Battalion to strengthen the patrol of the capital to ensure the safety of the capital.

Shuntian Mansion and the Patrol Battalion have always been patrolling as usual, and there has been no major event happening in the capital recently, and it is not a festive season, so how could the Emperor need such a special order?

Everyone knew in their hearts the reason for the emperor's special order.

Everyone felt awe-inspiring, inexplicably feeling a bit chilly, the emperor was really angry, really gearing up, murderous, waiting to catch a few typical good chickens to show to the monkeys.

Anyone who bumps upwards at this time is simply giving away the head, it's so stupid.

Therefore, the whole court and the rich and powerful in the capital were as quiet as chickens. No one dared to say a word about this gossip, except for the closest family members who closed the door to say a few words.

In order to show that this statement was false, Emperor Yanhe had to express his closeness to the prince Qin Lang.

Qin Lang's life is much better than before, and it is completely possible to put aside such things as being out of order.

If someone dares to mention it, it is not up to him to make a move, and Emperor Yanhe will be the first to let it go easily.

But the matter of Prince Ning's Mansion——

"Ajin, I want to send someone to find Lu's family and talk to them." After deliberating and discussing with his confidants, Qin Lang said to Su Jin that night.

Su Jin thought for a while before realizing that the "Lu family" he mentioned refers to the family of Lu Shi, the second daughter-in-law of Prince Ning's mansion.

When Qin Lang mentioned it, Su Jin quickly guessed what he meant, and smiled at him: "Are you trying to win over the Lu family?"

"Winning, or in other words, control," Qin Lang said: "The Lu family has no money, and Zhao Minglian and his wife can't talk much in Prince Ning's Mansion. This is just a way out. With our current strength, we can control only one The Lu family is nothing."

Su Jin nodded, this is true.

Control the Lu family, let them continue to make a fortune, and gain the attention of Prince Ning's Mansion, but the difference is that there is a thread in their hands that can be disposed of at any time, and there is no need to worry about what they will do.

The most important thing is, what kind of person is the son-in-law of the Lu family, Zhao Minglian, and how capable he is, I believe the Lu family has already seen it clearly. Unless the Lu family is out of their minds, they will betray themselves, the prince, and want to support Zhao Minglian .

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