Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1224 Apology

The Emperor Wu's Mansion had already made the Emperor fearful, even though his vitality was seriously injured now, but the Emperor's eyes are small, who knows if he really spared the Prince Wu's Mansion in his heart?

If this was used as an excuse, the Prince Wu's House would not be able to fight back against the charges of disrespect and conspiracy against the late Emperor.

Concubine Wu almost regretted it to death, she just wanted to curry favor with the queen, and humiliate Su Jin—who told her husband to compare himself to his husband? The Battle of Nanfan is a disgrace to Prince Wu's Mansion!

But who would have thought that this woman opened her mouth so easily that she dared to say anything.

This feeling of shooting yourself in the foot, digging a hole and burying yourself is so depressing that you want to vomit blood!

The side concubine of King Wu was also frightened. She hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to the queen: "It's all the concubine's fault. The concubine accidentally said something wrong. The concubine deserves to die! Who is the concubine? How dare you dare not disrespect the late emperor! Empress Empress Mingjian, Empress Empress Mingjian!"

Princess Wu gritted her teeth, and then knelt down to plead guilty: "Queen, this concubine is not good at teaching, and this concubine is also guilty, so I ask the empress to come down! This concubine will definitely discipline the family members well in the future, and dare not speak nonsense to make me feel guilty." Misunderstood!"

When Concubine Wu knelt down, the first concubine of Wu Wang, the princess of Mujun, the side concubine of the eldest son, and the princess all knelt down.

Concubine Ning was taken aback when she saw this, she secretly gritted her teeth and said that sister-in-law is really willing to let go, and now she has to make a statement.

So Concubine Ning also knelt down hurriedly, and by the way gave Mrs. Lu Ershao a hard look, so everyone in Prince Ning's residence also knelt down in unison.

Concubine Ning kowtowed: "Empress, the concubines are also incapable of discipline, and Lu's family background is humble, and he has always been an ignorant person who can't get on the table. The empress is very clear. Which one of her words can be taken as the truth? Concubine I didn't dare to intercede for her, I just told Empress Empress that her words were just words, she absolutely dare not disrespect the late emperor!"

Mrs. Lu Ershao was stared at by Princess Ning, so she had to kowtow and beg for mercy. For Princess Ning's evaluation and belittling of herself in front of everyone, Mrs. Lu Ershao was extremely depressed.

She obviously just followed the side concubine of King Wu to mock Su Jin a few words, why is she somehow related to the late emperor? What else do you say is disrespectful to the late emperor? This is simply inexplicable.

But this matter seems to have become quite serious, everyone's face is serious, and she is frightened and terrified. She just confessed her guilt passively, but she didn't know what was wrong at all.

All she knew was that if she got involved with Su Jin in everything, nothing good would happen.

Why is this person so annoying?

Su Jin looked at the scene in front of him, and sneered in his heart, wouldn't it be good for you to talk and laugh at yourselves? Everyone is cheap and easy!

Knowing that she was not easy to provoke, he wanted to provoke her, so it was self-inflicted.

The queen was angry, annoyed and embarrassed.

Although she was not actually responsible for this matter, if it weren't for her connivance and intentional or unintentional support, no one would make fun of Su Jin like that.

After all, Su Jin is the crown princess, and her status is still higher than that of the princess.

It is naturally inappropriate to severely punish the side concubine of King Wu, Mrs. Lu Ershao, etc., and she is not willing to do so. However, disrespecting the late emperor, this big hat can't be justified without severe punishment.

Since the matter involved the late emperor, I'm afraid it can't be solved by her saying whether to punish severely or not. It depends on the emperor.

This is waiting for the family banquet and palace banquet to start, and such a incident can happen, what face does she have to trouble the emperor?

What would the emperor think of her?

This Su family will really cause trouble for herself!

"You all get up, you are all from your own family, why should you be like this," the empress sighed, "Which one of us juniors is really filial to the late emperor, who only has filial piety and loyalty to the late emperor, who dares to disrespect the late emperor? If it is a slip of the tongue, I believe it, but there is a good saying, misfortune comes out of the mouth, from now on, no matter what you say or do, you have to think twice! And don't be impulsive!"

Everyone kowtowed and said yes, saying that what the queen said was too right, who would dare to disrespect the late emperor? Whoever has only respect for the late emperor in his heart!

The queen ordered people to help Princess Wu and Prince Ning's mansion to sit down, and said: "Wu Wang's side concubine and Lu family must be punished, it can be regarded as a lesson, and you must not do this again in the future! You don't have to attend the banquet today. Kneel in the Buddhist hall of Kunning Palace and reflect on it. How to deal with it will be decided after the palace and the emperor discuss it."

Concubine Wu, Concubine Ning and others all changed their colors, and the side concubine of Wu Wang and Mrs. Lu Ershao were so frightened that they felt cold all over, as if falling into an ice cellar.

Should this matter be so serious?

Concubine Wu and Concubine Ning understood that the Empress did not want to be involved, after all, it was "disrespectful" to have a relationship with the late Emperor, and no one could afford this responsibility.

The Crown Princess and the Empress seem to be in harmony, if the Empress makes a slight mistake in this matter and the Crown Princess takes it into her hands, and the Crown Princess takes the opportunity to play it well, the Empress may not suffer a big loss.

The Crown Princess has just taught them a lesson, and she can't do this kind of thing very skillfully.

However, once this matter gets to the emperor, it will be even more difficult to please.

Maybe after returning home, they will be blamed by their respective husbands.

This matter is troublesome. The more I think about it, the worse it gets.

Concubine Wu and Concubine Ning were restless, and their moods reached rock bottom.

The queen doesn't care what they think, the first thing she should do now is to pick herself out first. She cannot be implicated.

The queen ordered people to take away the side concubine of Wu Wang and Mrs. Lu Ershao, and ordered everyone to get up and comfort them. This matter has nothing to do with others.

Everyone hurriedly laughed and echoed, with a lot of feelings in their hearts.

Tian's heart was full of emotions, and she couldn't help but quickly glanced at Su Jin. This younger brother and sister are really surprising.

She's just a princess, how could she have the guts to confront the queen?

The atmosphere in the hall was a little frozen and awkward for a while, no one dared to joke like before, the queen was suffocating, and her face was a little unsightly.

Today is her first big festival after becoming a queen. Seeing people who used to be equal to her kneel down in front of her. The frustration and depression I had suffered for many years were all gone.

Originally, today could have been a very pleasant day, but it was all ruined by the Su family!

It's really embarrassing to think about it.

Su Jin suddenly realized that Fu Mingzhu was not in the palace, and was startled.

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