Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1225 Don't you have a good intention?

Su Jin suddenly realized that Fu Mingzhu was not in the palace, and was startled.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that before King Wu's concubine made a joke on purpose, she got up and went out, right?

where will she go What are you going to do?

Thinking that Zhen'er was also playing outside, Su Jin couldn't sit still.

Although she, Qin Jiu and Qin Shi, are careful people, she has repeatedly told them to take good care of Zhen'er, and they are absolutely not allowed to leave Zhen'er's side for half a step, and Zhen'er must stay within their reach.

But what if?

Who knows if there will be any surprises?

Su Jin couldn't help being annoyed, why didn't she find out that Fu Mingzhu was missing sooner!

"Queen, I'm sorry, the concubine went to wash her hands, I'm sorry." Su Jin got up and saluted the queen.

The queen wished she could go as far as she could, so she nodded: "Go."

"Yes." Su Jin hurried out of Kunning Palace, and then went to the garden on the left.

Zhen'er couldn't stay in the Kunning Palace, and Su Jin was also afraid that something would happen to him if he stayed on the queen's territory for a long time. Damn, it's not easy to yell around in Kunning Palace today, so as soon as he said he wanted to come out to play, she agreed.

However, the place is stipulated, and it is only allowed in this area.

Because this area has a relatively wide view, there are no high rockery, and it is not close to the water.

Going around the corridor, Su Jin saw Zhen'er, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Fu Mingzhu was there too, right next to Zhen'er, with a smile on her face, she was talking to Zhen'er for some reason, Zhen'er looked up at her from time to time, smiling.

Qin Jiu and Qin Shi stood aside, looking a little stiff, staring at Zhen'er without blinking, fearing that something might go wrong.

Su Jin was a little moved, but also a little bit dumbfounded.

With Qin Jiu and Qin Shi staring at her so nicely, she was not afraid of Zhen'er getting in touch with Fu Mingzhu. Born in the royal family, there are some things that Zhen'er has to come into contact with and understand sooner or later. Blind protection may not really protect him well. Only when he becomes stronger can she feel at ease.

"Zhen'er!" Su Jin walked over and called out with a smile.

"Mother!" Zhen'er threw away the sticks, leaves, etc. in her hand, and rushed towards Su Jin, giggling and throwing herself into Su Jin's arms.

Su Jin's heart softened, and she hugged him with a smile.

Qin Jiu and Qin Shi were secretly relieved when they saw the princess concubine coming, and hurried over to pay respects: "Princess concubine!"

Su Jin nodded at them, took Zhen'er and smiled at Fu Mingzhu: "Little sister-in-law, I will take Zhen'er to wash my hands."

Zhen'er had a lot of mud and grass clippings on her hands, and the corners of her robe and her knees were also stained with mud. It should be cleaned, and even the outer robe had to be changed.

Fu Mingzhu smiled: "Princess, please."

Su Jin led Zhen'er to walk slowly, and asked Qin Jiu why Fu Mingzhu was there?

Qin Jiu subconsciously glanced at the surroundings, and said helplessly: "The maids and sisters are having a good time there with the young master, but Concubine Fu brought someone over to say hello. The servants did not dare to drive her away, so they had to keep an eye on her." Young master. However, she chatted and laughed a lot with the young master, but, but did not do anything. Don't worry, the princess, the servants are all watching, there is absolutely nothing wrong!"

The crown prince and the crown princess are just such a child now, how dare they not be careless?

Su Jin nodded, "It's fine if nothing happens."

"Oh, that's right," Qin Jiu hurriedly said again: "The concubine Fu was eating melon seeds, and the young master wanted to eat them too, so the concubine Fu gave the little bag of melon seeds to the young master. Young Master casually eats what Concubine Fu gives? I don't care if Concubine Fu will be angry or something, so I coaxed Young Master not to eat it, and Young Master put it in his arms."

"Mother, that's mine!" Zhen'er immediately raised her head to look at his mother when she heard this, her beautiful eyes were wide open, and she declared her ownership vigilantly, very protective of food.

Su Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked amusedly, "Is it so rare for you to eat melon seeds? Huh?"

Zhen'er said: "It smells delicious, but it looks delicious!"

It really smells so good, if it wasn't for my mother saying that you must listen to Sister Qin Jiu and Sister Qin Shi when you are outside, and the two sisters said that he is not allowed to eat snacks at the moment, and he can only eat them after lunch, he would have Just taste it.

Although he couldn't taste it, he still put the things in his arms and didn't hand them over to Sister Qin Jiu and the others for safekeeping.

You can rest assured that you can keep your own things.

Su Jin told him that he couldn't laugh or cry, and smiled helplessly: "Mother will not steal your things, but do you remember what Mother told you before? You can't eat things given by others."

Zhen'er blinked: "Is my little aunt someone else?"

Su Jin sighed, there is no way to say this, not in theory, but in fact it is too different, okay! She still wanted to be your little mother in the past, if it wasn't for your father's dedication, there is a great possibility that this will become a reality.

"Except for your father and your mother, everyone is someone else," Su Jin said, "You are still young, all you need to do is listen to what your mother says. As for the rest, you will know when you grow up!"

Zhen'er let out an "oh", and didn't know whether she understood or not, but she quickly said, "I have already listened to my mother, and my mother told me to listen to the two sisters, so I did."

"Well, dear," Su Jin said with a smile, "Now show Mom that little bag of snacks."

Fu Mingzhu intends to seduce, Su Jin doesn't think there is anything wrong with her child being unable to resist the temptation, such a young child can resist eating the melon seeds that smell delicious and taste delicious , I didn't make a fuss because of this, and I already have a lot of self-control.

I'm afraid even Fu Mingzhu didn't think of it. If Fu Mingzhu really made trouble on purpose, I'm afraid Zhen'er would eat it on the spot.

But, does she really think she has the ability to be a ghost without being discovered by herself? That small bag of snacks was taken away by Zhen'er in such a grandiose manner?

Naturally, Zhen'er would not refuse her own mother's request, and handed a small bag of melon seeds to Su Jin without hesitation with an "oh".

There are not many melon seeds, just a little as much as a fist in the bag.

Naturally, if there are too many, Zhen'er will not be able to take them.

It looked like it was specially made for Zhen'er. Su Jin squeezed the bag tightly, Xiang Zhen'er said with a smile: "You wash your hands obediently first, Mother will keep it for you, and I will return it to you when you return home."

Zhen'er has no doubts about him, and happily agrees.

Qin Jiu and Qin Shi took Zhen'er to wash their hands. Su Jin poured all the melon seeds on the handkerchief, smelled them, and fiddled with them.

It smells nothing strange, but I don't know what kind of spices are used to fry it. It smells really special. As for whether it is poisonous or not, it is obvious that you can't smell it with your nose alone.

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