Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1226 Wisteria Seeds

Suddenly, seeing some black seeds mixed in the fried melon seeds, Su Jin took a closer look and his face changed suddenly.

It is the seed of the cut wisteria flower, which looks similar to the shape of fried melon seeds.

With trembling hands, she found out the wisteria seeds and counted them. The number was not much. If they were assembled into a complete wisteria seed, it would only be about one and a half.

But the wisteria seeds are highly poisonous, and one and a half seeds are enough to kill Zhen'er.

There are not many melon seeds in this small bag, and the cut wisteria seeds mixed in it are not inconspicuous at all. If Zhen'er eats it by himself, he will finish it soon, even if he is still young and doesn't know how to eat it. The poison it carried was enough.

Furthermore, once the food is out of hand, it is hard to tell.

At that time, Fu Mingzhu will never admit that the things mixed in are her hands and feet. Where will Su Jin go to find evidence?

This kind of thing is totally undocumented.

The most important thing is that neither the Emperor Yanhe nor the Empress will stand up and make decisions for her, and they may even pull a bias towards Fu Mingzhu!

Su Jin was suddenly furious, and then his face changed with fear.

If it wasn't for the fact that Fu Mingzhu's life could not be changed for the time being, she really wanted to kill her this time.

Qin Jiu and Qin Shi also changed their expressions, "Crown Princess, is this really a problem?"

"If so, Concubine Fu is too courageous!"

How dare you blatantly give this poisonous thing in front of their faces? Qin Jiu Qin Shi was annoyed and guilty, looking at Su Jin, he didn't know what to do to make up for it.

"Hehe!" Su Jin smiled lightly, and said lightly, "What is she afraid of? The wisteria seeds are highly poisonous, but they won't attack immediately. She has plenty of time to get away. When the time comes, she will fight back, and maybe she will push everything on you body!"

"Crown Princess!" Qin Jiu and Qin Shi all knelt down and pleaded guilty.

"Get up," Su Jin glanced at the two of them, "This has nothing to do with you."

Zhen'er blinked, his black and white pupils were clean and clear, he didn't understand what they were talking about, he was a little confused.

Su Jin felt pity suddenly in his heart, lightly stroked the top of his head, and said with a soft smile: "Zhen'er did a good job today, remember, except for the ones given to you by the two sisters Qin Jiu and Qin Shi. , you are not allowed to eat anything given by others, and you are not allowed to drink water, you know?"

"Yeah!" Zhen'er nodded vigorously, "I remember! Absolutely don't eat!"

"Okay!" Su Jin smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go, let's go to Kunning Palace first."

Today is the first important festival after the father's ascension to the throne. Although singing and dancing celebrations are not allowed because of the mourning period, this festival must be of great significance to the father. That bitch Fu Mingzhu wants to do something, but she can't.

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the prince and princess from inside and outside, openly and secretly.

Things that I didn't need to care about before, but now that my identity has changed, I have to be a bit scruples.

After the banquet is over and she leaves the palace, she will settle accounts with Fu Mingzhu again!

That bitch, she will never let her go so easily!

Su Jin took Zhen'er back to Kunning Palace as usual.

As soon as she came, everyone who was chatting, laughing, and very happy and cheerful all froze, as if the mute button had been pressed, there was no sound, and the atmosphere was so strange that people were speechless.

Fu Mingzhu also came back, looked towards Su Jin, her eyes met, Fu Mingzhu raised her eyebrows and smiled, with a rather smug expression.

Su Jin also smiled at her: Just wait!

Going forward to salute the queen, Su Jin took Zhen'er and sat back in his seat.

These people were already at odds with her, and she didn't find it strange at all that they treated her like this, let alone feel embarrassed about it.

What are you kidding? She is a dignified princess, and it's not her turn to be embarrassed!

The queen felt distressed when she saw her, thinking what is this? Even if she becomes a queen and her mother respects the world, she still feels very unnatural and uncomfortable in front of this Su family.

This is simply born against oneself! Not to mention that she has a son, even if she doesn't, she must not allow Qin Lang to succeed her in the future, otherwise, she, the queen mother, will be even more aggrieved, and don't want to be happy in this life!

Not long after, the banquet started, and everyone followed the queen and the princess.

He is still a member of the former Three Princes' Mansion, except that one of the former emperors is missing.

For some people, this is the sadness and emotion of the passage of time, but for Emperor Yanhe, it is a kind of relief and high spirits that have finally come to the fore.

Sitting on the high dragon chair, being kowtowed and bowed by all the brothers and nephews, at this moment, the sense of pride and superiority that soared to 90,000 miles was born again, Emperor Yanhe smiled very gently and benevolently, Hahaha raised his hands and leveled his body, quite a bit like the former emperor.

Overall, the whole banquet process was very satisfactory.

Although there is no singing and dancing to add to the fun, it is not as lively as in previous years, but this year he turned himself into the master, Emperor Yanhe was very happy, he was happy, others could only be happy.

No one is stupid, come to compete with him now?

However, after the banquet was over, the queen had to bite the bullet and tell him exactly what happened in Kunning Palace.

It's about the late emperor, so many people are listening, even if she knows it's very disappointing to say it at this moment, the empress dare not hide it anymore.

When Emperor Yanhe heard this, his face really sank.

King Wu and King Ning also changed their colors, and at almost the same time, they glared coldly at their princess.

They are the head of the house, what do they do? How could people get into such a disaster? Don't they know what day it is?

Forgot all the thousands of warnings before entering the palace?

Women are narrow-minded, it must be that they have a bad feeling in their hearts from now to the past, no, it is not easy for them to stand out, so they let someone whose status is not so conspicuous stand out and try to make trouble. Bar?

Even the late emperor was involved.

Can everything be designed so easily by the late emperor?

Not to mention that Yan and Dizheng are trying their best to deal with them. Will he follow up on this ready-made handle?

Sure enough, Emperor Yanhe was very happy when he heard this.

He didn't mean to blame the queen at all, he glanced at the brothers with a solemn face, and said in a calm tone: "This matter, brother emperor, brother three emperors, take a look - what should we do? Su's medical father When the emperor was alive, he was full of praise. Before his father passed away, it was thanks to Mrs. Su and Imperial Physician Dou to treat his father together. They worked hard and tried their best to make his father's life better. Can this be used as a joke? "

"Women are ignorant, such remarks should not be true, the emperor is merciful, please forgive them for the sake of their ignorance, the minister will strictly discipline them in the future, and they will not be allowed to make such mistakes again!" King Wu had to kneel down and beg for mercy .

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