Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1239 Snowing

Su Jin raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky, as well as the heavy snow falling like goose feathers, and said softly to Qin Lang, "When will the snow stop?"

Hearing what she said, Qin Lang also became a little worried. He suppressed the smile on his face and frowned: "It's not easy to say, at least it won't stop until tonight."

Su Jin's heart trembled: "Are you sure?"

"Silly Ajin," Qin Lang laughed, holding her hand and said softly, "Did you forget? When I was in Wushui City, the weather was similar to this. I led the soldiers to fight an ambush and learned a little from the local guide. Son, although I can't see it exactly, but I can see it more or less."

Su Jin suddenly realized that when he thought of Wushui City, he was inexplicably nostalgic, and nodded with a chuckle: "Yes, I almost forgot."

He raised his eyebrows as he spoke: "However, if the snow continues for another whole day, the capital city and the surrounding villages and towns will probably be seriously affected. If the snow does not stop tonight, it will be even more difficult."

Qin Lang's eyes became serious, he nodded and sighed: "If this is the case, it is a natural disaster, and there is only so much you and I can do."

The two looked at each other, and they both remembered the time when they were in Xiaohe Village, that year, that cold winter when they couldn't eat enough and lived in a dilapidated house.

Those days were simply too hard, too difficult, and so profound that Su Jin could still remember everything clearly even when he thought about it now.

Today's heavy snow is even bigger and more violent than it was then.

I don't know how many people will suffer.

However, Qin Lang is now the prince of the East Palace, but he is restrained in action, and it is not easy to do this disaster relief.

It's even inconvenient to mention it to Emperor Yanhe.

Emperor Yanhe has no ability, but he is high-minded and suspicious, not to mention he has always been afraid of Qin Lang.

Qin Lang is still reluctant to give him the crown prince position. If he goes into the palace again and tells him about disaster relief, Emperor Yanhe might be so annoyed.

It would be fine if he was only annoyed, but what he was most afraid of was that he would simply reject Qin Lang's proposal in anger, wouldn't it be even worse?

Don't underestimate Yanhedi's IQ, he is likely to be able to do this kind of thing.

For a while, the couple felt a little heavy.

For one thing, they have personally experienced this kind of day, and it is really very difficult.

Second, although Qin Lang did not dare to say how ambitious he was, but the so-called seeking power in his position, he is now the prince of Daqing, and subconsciously, he naturally thought more about the people of Daqing.

"The governor of Shuntian Prefecture and the Ministry of Household Affairs will definitely present the petition, let's get ready, it's always okay to help out when the time comes." Qin Lang smiled at Su Jin.

Su Jin nodded with a smile, "Yes", and then said: "I will send someone to discuss with Sister Xu! Please, Sister Xu, send someone to buy food and cloth today. The medical school will also send someone to make a call." Greetings. You send a few more capable horsemen out of the city to a big city farther away, inform the shops there, and secretly prepare food and cloth."

The nearby towns will also be affected by the disaster. If you want to prepare, you have to go farther and let the places farther away prepare, so that there will be spare time.

If this kind of thing is done in the home of other honorable ministers, how can there be a woman to intervene?

Qin Lang and Su Jin, one didn't care about what they said, and the other didn't respond to what they heard. Qin Lang nodded and agreed. After thinking about it, he couldn't help chuckling and said, "Ah Jin, you forgot to count Lu's family." , by the way, send a message to the Lu family, let the Lu family get involved, maybe in the spring of the next year, the Lu family will be able to return to the capital again."

If the Lu family is successful in disaster relief and wants to return to the capital, it will definitely be fine.

Emperor Yanhe would not pay attention to such a trivial matter.

And once the Lu family comes back, the benefits to Qin Lang and Su Jin will be too great.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, his smile was bright, he clapped his hands and said with a smile, "You're right, let's do this!"

Immediately, one order after another was secretly passed out from the East Palace, and spread to the designated places.

That night, the snow did not stop.

For a while in the afternoon, it was a bit smaller, so small that it could only be regarded as a drizzle compared with the heavy snow that blocked the view. I thought that it would gradually stop after such a gradual decrease.

Unexpectedly, in less than an hour, they began to grow bigger again, and they became bigger and bigger, and there was no trend of getting smaller.

Before going to bed at night, the two of them took a look outside, and the snow was still falling heavily.

In the early morning of the next day, the snow was a little less, but there were sporadic spots, and the sky was still gloomy and gray. The cold wind was howling, and there was no trace of sunshine. No one could guarantee how the weather would change in the next few days?

If there is another heavy snowfall when half of the snow on the ground has melted, it will be even more miserable.

If this is the case, it is enough to make the common people complain and the atmosphere of the court is heavy and worried.

Over the past two nights and one day of heavy snowfall, I don’t know how many people died of frostbite, how many livestock and poultry, and how many buildings and trees were crushed and collapsed. The entire capital, as well as surrounding towns and villages, all complained.

Shuntian Fu Yin received countless urgent reports, but he didn't have time to read them carefully, so he ordered his masters to sort them out, and he, together with the Minister of the Household Department and two servants, rushed to the palace to meet the saint.

This is the topic that was talked about the most this morning.

Emperor Yanhe looked worried and worried for the people, but in fact he was even more irritable in his heart.

He has just succeeded to the throne, and the first new year has not yet passed, yet such a bad thing happened in Beijing, it is really embarrassing.

Wouldn't it be even more annoying if people seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to slander him, saying that he was punished by God because of his lack of virtue?

"It's about the common people. You should arrange disaster relief quickly. Don't be afraid to spend money. You can get as much as you need from the household department's warehouse. No matter what, you must let the common people have a good year in peace and happiness."

"Listen, I don't allow any accidents to happen. If this arouses public anger, I only ask you!"

Yanhe Emperor's voice and expression were all stern.

Hubu Zuo Shilang is an impatient person, he became anxious when he heard this, and said in his heart that your Majesty said it was easy, but where is there so much money in the treasury? With the death of the first emperor, the ascension of the new emperor, and the previous attack on Nanfan, the money has basically been exhausted.

At least some time should be reserved for spring plowing next year, dredging of rivers, and the time when there will be a shortage of crops, right?

This sum of money is not within the budget at all. According to experience, it will cost at least three to five million taels. Where should I go?

As soon as Hubu Zuo Shilang opened his mouth to speak, Hubu Shangshu glared at him and stopped him with a wink.

The emperor is not the first emperor, his temperament is not the same as the first emperor.

Those complaints can be made to the late emperor, but absolutely not to the current emperor, it will anger him.

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