Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1240 The Prince Takes the Lead

Those complaints can be made to the late emperor, but absolutely not to the current emperor, it will anger him.

What will be the end of angering him, has the lesson from the past been forgotten so quickly?

"Your Majesty, it is better to ask the Crown Prince to take the lead in this matter." The Minister of the Household Department bowed to ask for the order, bent down and said respectfully: "It is more appropriate for the Crown Prince to come forward to appease the hearts of the people. Besides, the Crown Prince has stayed in Wushui City before. Wushui City is frozen and bitterly cold in winter, and the crown prince is probably more experienced in dealing with such emergencies."

"The minister seconded the proposal."

"The minister also seconded the proposal!"

"I also think it's best for the crown prince to take the lead in this matter, and it reflects the kindness of the Tian family."

The two servants and the governor of Shuntian are both good people, and they can understand the elegant meaning when they hear the stringed songs. As soon as the Hubu Shangshu opened his mouth, they immediately understood, and all of them thought it was a good idea, and expressed their views without hesitation.

The current emperor is much more difficult to serve than the previous emperor, he is moody and unreasonable. In this winter, there is another snowstorm, and disaster relief is the most difficult thing to do.

Who knows if something might go wrong?

What if? If something goes wrong, with the emperor's posture, can he be forgiven lightly?

With the crown prince at the front, it will be different, and their pressure will be relieved a lot.

Besides, the princess is so rich

Disaster relief needs too much money!

As long as the emperor is not stupid, for the sake of money, he should agree to this matter, right?

When Emperor Yanhe heard that they mentioned Qin Lang, his face became a little bit uneasy.

However, just as Hubu Shangshu thought, Emperor Yanhe also thought of it, silver, silver!

The prince and his wife have a lot of money, but they are very stingy. They hide it and never give him money. Now that he is the emperor, he will naturally not ask them for money again, but this is even more unwilling.

Felt cheap for them.

It would be better to deduct it from their pockets for disaster relief.

"Forget it, the prince should also take responsibility and share my worries! The prince will take the lead in this matter, and you can assist together. Remember, everything is subject to the prince's arrangement!"

Especially when it comes to spending money, you must remember, just let the prince pay for it himself.

Hubu Shangshu and others all heaved a sigh of relief, secretly overjoyed, and received the decree loudly and cheerfully.

So, when Qin Lang returned home that evening, he shook the handbook in his hand at Su Jin, and said with a speechless and lucky smile: "Don't worry, Ah Jin, the emperor has already decreed to hand over this matter to Su Jin." I'm responsible, but I'm afraid our family will go bankrupt again."

The Hubu Shangshu means that the Hubu can at most give out 50,000 silver and 5,000 shimi from the official warehouse. For the rest, he, the prince, has to figure out a way.

Su Jin looked at the handbook, smiled and said, "There are pros and cons to this matter, since it's entrusted to us, let's do it well."

"Well, I have to work hard on you again."

Qin Lang patted her hand lightly, feeling a little pity and guilt.

Disaster relief after the snow requires food, clothes, and various supplies, and there is no shortage of a lot of medicines.

Where do the medicines come from? Naturally, it came from Su Jin.

Su Jin smiled and shook his head.

Saving people is like putting out a fire, and I don't care about anything else right now. What's more, Qin Lang is the prince and has received the order, so he can't shirk it.

Thus, the disaster relief after the snow began with such a vigorous momentum.

In addition to the treasury taking a small part of the money, Su Jin and Qin Lang took part, and some came from donations from major merchants in the capital.

Teams of people from Shuntian Mansion, Patrol Battalion, and Yamen of various townships were sent out to distribute all kinds of supplies in an orderly manner.

After Su Jin discussed with the Lin Family Medical Center, the Medical College, and the Imperial Hospital, the teachers of the Medical College, the doctors of the Lin Family Medical Center, and several imperial physicians from the Imperial Hospital led the students of the Medical College to frightened students to go to the disaster-stricken places one after another. Diagnosis and treatment with medicine has saved countless lives.

Almost none of the students entered the medical school with a zero foundation to study medicine. They more or less had a little background. After emergency training, they were not qualified enough to see a doctor and take a pulse. Rehabilitation precautions can still be done.

Thanks to their help, more lives were saved in time.

Otherwise, as in the past, just send a few imperial physicians, and then order a dozen or dozens of soldiers from the patrol battalion or Shuntian Mansion to help. Even if it doesn't make a mess, it's good.

Where can it be as smooth as it is now?

The medical school became famous for a while. This was an unexpected surprise.

Qin Lang went out in person, and sent a team of confidantes to patrol the small towns and villages, which basically prevented vicious incidents such as enriching one's pockets, stealing, raping, and oppressing the people.

After the snowstorm, the common people all praised the prince for his benevolence, fairness and integrity. It is truly a blessing in the world to have such a prince in Daqing.

He also said that the late emperor really had a discerning eye, and when he was alive, he saw that the crown prince was extraordinary, so he was appointed early on.

These remarks were spread in an uproar.

When it was introduced into the palace, Emperor Yanhe looked at Longyan joyful and Lao Huai gratified, as if he was very proud of the prince, and the court also greatly praised the prince and bestowed a generous reward.

Where no one could see, his face was gloomy and almost dripping water.

His father, who is in his prime, has just succeeded to the throne, but he passed on the crown prince like this, what does this mean?

Prince, what do you mean?

Emperor Yanhe was so angry that his liver hurt.

He thought that he was going through it, just like a ten-year-old daughter-in-law became a mother-in-law, and finally made it to the day when she ascended to the top of the world.

He thought that he could do whatever he wanted from now on, he could be whatever he said, and no one could fight against him, but in the end, he found that was not the case at all.

Even the emperor can't do everything he wants.

For example, he was not willing to let Qin Lang be in charge of disaster relief at first, because he knew that Qin Lang would definitely be able to do it, and once it was done, he would win the hearts of the people.

Another example is now, he doesn't want to praise Qin Lang at all, but he has to praise him in front of the courtiers with a look of comfort; he doesn't want to reward him at all, but he has to choose excellent things and reward him heavily!

What a shame!

King Wu, King Ning, and even the Fu family, Zhao Mingan, and Zhao Mingqi were all gloating. Everyone knew what would happen if the crown prince took over the hearts of the people.

What's more, what's more, the emperor has such a temper?

In this matter, they have often stirred up troubles and fueled the flames.

Fu Yanlang secretly sent someone to inform Zhao Ming'an, reminding him not to do anything to the prince, but to show his admiration, concern and filial piety to the emperor is enough.

Zhao Mingan woke up like a dream.

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