Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1241 Fish and bear's paw must always be the same

He originally just wanted to wait for next year's draft and do nothing else.

However, this kind of good thing that uses the prince as a comparison to show oneself is not a disadvantage, why not do it?

Zhao Mingqi originally wanted to take this opportunity to show his presence in front of his father, but after thinking about it, come on, why is he going to join in the fun now?

He's really going, that bastard Zhao Ming'an doesn't want to hold grudges? I still don't know how to retaliate!

Now, what can I use to fight him? Not to mention the son, he is not married yet.

That's right, without even thinking about it, Zhao Mingqi felt that if he rushed to gain favor in front of his father, Zhao Mingan must be the one who troubled him, not Qin Lang.

Qin Lang will not do this kind of thing.

Therefore, Zhao Mingqi could only covet the loss of such a great opportunity to flatter his father.

And what about Zhao Mingan? After receiving a word from the Fu family brothers, they greeted Emperor Yanhe with warmth and sincerely expressed their filial piety. Compared with the two, Emperor Yanhe was indeed full of emotion, and hated Qin Lang even more.

The son is still raised by his side, so he is closer to himself!

Qin Lang and Su Jin were busy with the snow disaster, and seeing that the Chinese New Year was coming up in a few days, they didn't discuss what the outside world would say.

When the husband and wife were talking privately between the beds in the bedroom at night, Su Jin also asked Qin Lang with a smile, do you regret it now?

This matter is simply too obvious, the praise and gratitude of the people are real, and it is also true that there are people behind the scenes who are fueling the flames and sowing discord.

And this matter is indisputable for Qin Lang, there is nothing to say.

Qin Lang snorted lightly, embraced his daughter-in-law and said lightly: "Even if I don't have the good reputation I have now, does the old man like me, see me pleasing to the eye, rely on me, and use me? A fool also knows that there is no such thing!"

"He didn't like me in the first place, and the situation forced me to make me the crown prince. The Emperor Father's heart won't be won, so why don't you want the people's heart?"

Hearing this, Su Jin couldn't help covering his mouth and giggling, a feeling of heroism suddenly appeared in his heart, "My husband is right, you have to hold the fish and the bear's paw, if you have nothing, you are too useless It's sad! The situation is forcing us to do it, so let's work hard so that he has been forced to do so by the situation!"

"You still understand me, Ah Jin!" Qin Lang kissed her tenderly

When the folks praised the prince's wisdom, his staff members were all anxious, and asked him to show his loyalty to the emperor, "refute the rumors" with humility, and tried their best to remove that good reputation and push it on the emperor.

They said that someone was playing tricks behind his back and wanted to "praise and kill" him.

Qin Lang snorted and did not listen to this opinion.

What they said was not wrong, the mistake was that their judgment did not apply to the relationship between him and Emperor Yanhe.

His father, he knew how to deal with him.

The only purpose is: to make him afraid, to make him afraid. If he is afraid, he will be honest!

The more you back down, the more he will do it!

In the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve, and everyone naturally went to the palace for the banquet.

This time, nothing happened again.

With the oolong on August 15th, no one dared to make trouble anymore.

New Year's Eve is not the same as August 15th. Anyone who seeks death to make trouble today and offend Long Yan will be in bad luck!

Even Mrs. Lu Ershao, who was the most thoughtless and the most restless and troublesome in normal days, became more pleasing to the eye with lowered eyebrows.

Originally, Concubine Ning was not willing to let Mrs. Lu Ershao enter the palace again - she was really frightened by her torment.

However, the Lu family is up again!

This time, the capital city and 20 or so surrounding towns and regions were hit by a severe snowstorm that was rare in decades. The Lu family also contributed to the disaster relief after the snowfall, and the credit was quite impressive.

And before the new year, the Lu family went to the Prince Ning's Mansion to pay their respects and gave a very rich New Year's gift.

And the Lu family said that they will return to the capital after the next year.

When the Lu family released these words, there was no objection from the East Palace, and King Ning naturally would not refuse, so this matter became a foregone conclusion.

Under such circumstances, Princess Ning certainly could not force Mrs. Lu Ershao to stay in the mansion "sick", so she had to hold her nose and accept her fate, and still brought her into the palace to attend the annual banquet.

Before coming, Mrs. Lu Ershao was a little scared after repeated orders and orders, how could she dare not agree?

However, seeing Su Jin, she was still a little proud in her heart, subconsciously straightened up, and her eyes became a little blazing.

She knew that her natal family would not be defeated so easily, see if this is it? This is already up!

After the next year, her natal family will come to Beijing again, and she will naturally rise, and when the time comes——

Facing Su Jin's look that looked at her with a half smile but not a smile, Mrs. Lu Ershao was startled, and the good mood that had just arisen immediately disappeared.

Even if, even if the Lu family returns strongly, what's the use? Could it be that she can still suppress Su Jin? Su Jin is now the princess.

Mrs. Lu's second young lady suddenly felt deeply powerless, and she tried her best throughout the New Year's banquet, feeling weak.

However, her "low-key and silent" performance made Princess Ning very satisfied.

Concubine Ning suddenly had an epiphany: In fact, it's not that she can't control this incomprehensible daughter-in-law, she just needs to be scolded. He was stern and scolded repeatedly.

If you scold her, she will listen.

Although there was nothing wrong with this palace banquet, and everyone gave Emperor Yanhe face and cheered, Emperor Yanhe was not in a good mood.

Without him, when he saw Qin Lang, he couldn't help but think of the snow disaster relief, and when he thought of it, he couldn't help thinking of the prince winning the hearts of the people. How could he be in a good mood?

But after the incident happened, he waited left and right, waiting for Qin Lang to enter the palace to show his loyalty to him, and waiting for him to destroy his reputation to show respect for his father, to show that he did not win the hearts of the people and harbor evil intentions, but he did not wait until.

Qin Lang never came!

I don't know what he means? Did he not take this seriously in his heart at all, or did he really want to win the hearts of the people?

No matter what, Yan and Di are very unhappy.

Emperor Yanhe was not happy, and no one dared to be happy.

What's more, in the filial piety of the first emperor, there is no singing and dancing to add to the fun.

So it didn't take long for the palace banquet to end.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, there was a big court celebration in the previous dynasty, and in the harem, the women ordered to make up according to their tastes, and filed into the palace to greet the empress.

Su Jin was a little surprised, but also a little clear, and met Mrs. Xuanyang Uncle.

Presumably, it was the queen who begged her father yesterday and got his consent.

As for why the father agreed, Su Jin guessed that it was probably related to his family?

When she went back to the East Palace yesterday, she even teased Qin Lang, saying that Emperor Father looked at the couple very unkindly.

An enemy's enemy is a friend!

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