Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1261 Tian's words

After talking to her patiently, Zhao Ming'an said, "Just tell me what you want me to come here, I'm still busy!"

This means that he will leave after he has finished talking, and will not stay for lunch. Anyway, it's almost time for lunch.

Tian was very disappointed, but she still wanted to salvage the relationship between husband and wife, so she smiled and said: "The concubine happened to order the kitchen to cook the braised soft wings that the prince used to love, do you want the prince to keep some for lunch? Coincidentally, Yue'er also misses the prince a little bit!"

When mentioning his son, Zhao Mingan also thought about it, but when he thought of having dinner with Tian, ​​he felt a little unappetizing, so he shook his head: "No need, you can use it with Yue'er. I'm free tomorrow. Tell Yueer to go to the study to talk!"

Tian's heart instantly turned cold to slag.

She knew that she shouldn't still hold on to this ridiculous one-ten-thousandth hope.

She had seen the dark side of his heart, how could he face her again?

Well, no wonder she was there!

Even though her heart had turned to ice, Tian still had a gentle smile and a virtuous and virtuous expression: "Yes, since the lord is busy, I don't dare to delay the lord. It's Yue'er's blessing that the lord loves Yue'er so much! By the way , Is there any misunderstanding between the prince and Uncle Xuanyang?"

Zhao Ming'an is quite sensitive to the word "Uncle Xuanyang" now, and he immediately paid attention to it: "What are you talking about? What are you talking about!"

"My lord, calm down," Tian quickly got up, "The nanny next to my concubine went out to do some errands, but she heard something outside, because it was related to my lord and Uncle Xuanyang, so I told my concubine when I returned home, my concubine, The concubine felt that she should speak to the prince, so she invited the prince over. After all, everyone is relatives, and the mother thinks so much about the aunt. If there is any misunderstanding and makes both parties unhappy, the mother will be unhappy too. .”

These words hit Zhao Ming'an's heart, Zhao Ming'an's face became even more ugly, and he smiled coldly: "What are they! Why does the queen mother value them!"

Tian's face was stunned: "My lord, my lord."

"It's okay!" Zhao Mingan calmed down, and said calmly, "What exactly did your people hear, tell me quickly."

"Yes," Tian said, "the slaves are obedient and they don't understand what they are saying. In short, it is probably the same. Uncle Xuanyang flaunted how close his family is to his mother, complaining that the prince is not authentic, but the mother said nothing. It’s still towards their family, saying that even the errand in the medical school that he is in charge of, the queen mother took the initiative to give a lot of money to fill it. Xuanyang uncle’s mansion is not what it used to be, and its prosperity is just around the corner. If anyone wants to ask him for something, don’t hurry now Yes, it will be too late in the future. Anyway, it’s almost the same, that’s what it means.”

Zhao Ming'an was furious immediately, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "That's unreasonable! That bastard! He, he has the face to say it! How dare he make up a queen outside, bastard! Extreme bastard!"

Zhao Ming'an didn't have the slightest doubt about what Tian said.

One thing is that Tian's reputation is still very good in front of him, and he has never thought that Tian's might lie to him.

The second is preconceived, he was already very dissatisfied with Uncle Xuan Yang and his wife, and Uncle Xuan Yang and his wife wanted to cheat him before, but in the end it was their own fault, and they must blame him even more. Then they got compensation from the queen mother, and they wanted to show off triumphantly, and by the way, they were angry with themselves, which was also normal.

All in all, that's not a good guy!

Seeing that he was angry and became more virtuous, Mrs. Tian persuaded him earnestly: "My lord, don't be angry, why bother? If your lord is separated from Uncle Xuanyang's mansion, the queen mother will probably be unhappy. Perhaps, Uncle Xuanyang may not really say that But, it’s normal for this word to be passed on, and it’s normal for it to change! The slaves are so talkative, who knows if they have added fuel and vinegar?”

Zhao Ming'an sneered again and again, even if he added fuel and vinegar, it was still the same. Uncle Xuanyang is really abominable!

Zhao Mingan was about to leave angrily, but Tian hurriedly held him back, and said nervously: "My lord, you don't want to confront Uncle Xuanyang in person, do you? This, this is good."

"This king is not used to him," Zhao Mingan sneered, "Naturally, I have to ask him clearly! What is the identity of the queen mother? What is their Xuanyang uncle's mansion! It's really, too much to dare to arrange the queen mother behind the scenes. .”

Zhao Ming'an especially his mother felt unworthy.

The queen mother protects them and helps them wholeheartedly. Even if she feels aggrieved to death, she has nothing to do with the queen mother.

I had to look at the mother's face, turn a blind eye and close one eye, swallowing my anger, I didn't expect them to be so ignorant, but they got worse.

It's all come to this point, if he still doesn't find them to beat and beat, what will it be?

"My lord," Tian said hastily, "but if you go to Uncle Xuanyang's mansion like this, wouldn't it be worse if you talk more and become stiff? You should think about your mother! When the mother is caught in the middle, wouldn't it be more difficult? "

Zhao Mingan frowned and looked at Tian.

Tian Shi also looked at him: "My lord, let this concubine go. I will talk to my aunt and remind her. After all, we are relatives, so we can meet each other. If the concubine can't say anything, the prince will It's not too late to show up."

Zhao Ming'an thought about it, and felt that this was not bad, at least there was still some room for turning around.

Otherwise, if I really got into trouble with Uncle Xuanyang's mansion, it would indeed be the empress who was sad.

This is what he doesn't want to see.

"Okay, you go now. Tell them, don't say anything about the queen mother, and don't force the queen mother to ask for money again in the future."

When Zhao Mingan said this, he felt that his anger was raging, it was simply too hateful!

Tian nodded with a smile: "My lord, don't worry, I will definitely tell my aunt well."

Zhao Mingan nodded, "Tell me the result when you come back."

He was still holding his breath in his heart, thinking that it would be fine if Uncle Xuanyang knew the fun, but if he didn't, well, then don't blame him for being rude!

"Don't worry, my lord!" Tian Shi was as virtuous as ever, and sent Zhao Mingan away respectfully, but her eyes were cold, and the corners of her lips curled up mockingly.

After lunch, Mrs. Tian changed her clothes and went straight to Xuanyangbo's mansion by car.

Mrs. Xuanyang was a little upset that she came here so suddenly at noon without even saying hello.

Xin said that even if they are relatives, they should talk about rules and etiquette, right? This is too insignificant!

Even for the queen, she still has a lot of resentment in her heart, let alone Tian and Zhao Ming'an?

In the eyes of Mrs. Xuanyang, Zhao Ming'an is the culprit, and Tian is his wife, so naturally it is not a good thing.

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