Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1262 Provocation

When Madam Xuanyang saw Mrs. Tian, ​​she naturally didn't have a good face. Of course, it wouldn't make her face off.

Mrs. Tian noticed it, so naturally, her attitude became a little arrogant and tough.

Madam Xuanyang became even angrier.

This is coming to my own house to put on airs! I am her elder anyway, what is this?

Madam Xuanyang asked Tian very displeased, why did you come here?

Tian didn't mince words with her, and directly expressed Zhao Ming'an's meaning in the most straightforward words.

Mrs. Xuanyang's face flushed with a "boom", and she was furious and angrily scolded Mrs. Tian for talking nonsense.

Tian said coldly: "Why is my concubine talking nonsense? I respect you as an elder and call you aunt, but after all, this is not what it used to be. You must be particular about what you should be particular about, right? You Xuanyang uncle's mansion Is it possible to expose the pot? Treating the queen like this! The prince is very angry in the mansion. If the concubine did not stop me, I am afraid that he would have come to the door to ask clearly at this moment. Why is my aunt still pretending to be confused with the concubine! You guys If you don't feel sorry for your mother, the prince and this concubine will love you! If you don't have the ability to do a good job, then you can simply resign in front of your father. Why bother? You want to earn credit, but you are reluctant to pay. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? ?”

"You, you, you! You, shut up!" Mrs. Xuanyang was so angry that her chest was about to burst, she stared at Mrs. Tian, ​​her fingers trembling.

Even when the life of Uncle Xuanyang's mansion was at its worst, neither Tian nor Zhao Ming'an had ever dared to treat her like this. This is really unreasonable!

She has lived a long time, and her direct sister has become a queen. She should have been very beautiful and flattered by everyone, but it turned out to be a good thing. First, let the younger generation point their noses and ridicule and scold her. What is this?

"Don't get excited, Auntie. We are all our own family behind closed doors. One family doesn't speak two different languages. I don't have to beat around the bush with Auntie, right? After all, we are all for the sake of face and the good of the mother! Auntie, don't forget, I must talk to my little uncle in the future, and I can't do this in the future!" As if nothing happened, Tian finished the sentence calmly, and was even more angry that Mrs. Xuanyang almost rolled her eyes.

Tian stood up calmly, graceful and graceful: "There is nothing else, my concubine will leave first."

My concubine, your size, my concubine, Mrs. Xuanyang scolded: "Get out! Get out!"

Tian's face changed into a sneer, and he said coldly: "Auntie, what are you talking about? Are you going to meet with us?"

Madam Xuanyang stared at her, her eyes were about to burst into flames, and she said in her heart, bah, see you outside? Who is your own person!

Tian Shi left angrily.

Mrs. Xuanyang slumped on the chair and said angrily, "I'm so pissed off! I'm so pissed off! Hurry up, send someone to the medical school to find Uncle back, hurry up! Go now!"

She couldn't wait for a moment, she was so angry! She must sue her husband now, and ask her husband to find Zhao Ming'an and reason with him.

Bullying and bullying came to the house, is there such a thing as excessive?

Return relatives, return relatives? This is simply an enemy!

Madam Xuanyang completely forgot that she had gone to the East Palace to pester Su Jin in such a pretentious manner, and she just felt full of anger, angry that Mrs. Tian should not come to her house to make trouble.

And what she didn't even know was that the person she sent to report was stopped by the carriage when he was about to arrive at the medical school after passing through a remote path, and was quickly pulled into the grass beside him.

Tian Shi left Uncle Xuanyang's mansion, got into the carriage, and said to Nanny Zhu who was following the carriage: "Mommy, come, hit me on the face twice, remember, use force."

Nanny Zhu was stunned for a moment, and forced to laugh: "This——Princess, old slave, old slave, I won't let you go! How dare this old slave do anything to the princess?"

Grandma Zhu is a good person, Tian's intentionally provoked Mrs. Xuanyang's anger, and she sensed that something was wrong.

At this moment, Mrs. Tian asked her to beat her again, but she would have been startled.

"Mommy, we are on our own. This is my order. What are you afraid of? Don't talk too much, do it quickly! Remember, use as much force as you want."

Tian's face was calm, and he looked straight at her, but for no reason, she felt great pressure, at a loss as to what to do, and even more powerless to escape.

"Yes" Nanny Zhu had no choice but to grit her teeth and raised her hands to Tian's face, "Papa!" Two crisp sounds, and slapped Tian's face on both sides. Tian grunted in pain, her cheeks on both sides were hot and immediately became red and swollen.

There was faint blood oozing from the corner of the left mouth.

"Damn the old slave! Damn the old slave!" Mammy Zhu was startled, knelt down hastily, and kowtowed repeatedly.

However, Tian touched her painful face, smiled, showing some satisfaction: "Get up, remember, this is Mrs. Xuanyang's beating."

Nanny Zhu was stunned: "Yes, yes"

Back at Prince Zhong's Mansion, before getting out of the carriage, Tian yanked her hair and clothes, then got out of the car, covered her face and cried, and went straight to Zhao Ming'an's study.

Not long after, there was a burst of furious roaring and cursing from Zhao Ming'an's study.

Such a mansion of Uncle Xuanyang, do you really think that there is support from the queen mother, that the queen mother will indulge them to do whatever they want?

Mrs. Xuanyang beat Tian Shi, so why not him!

Zhao Mingan was very angry, so he comforted Tian Shi a few words, and immediately went straight to the medical school with a cold face. He was not interested in going to the Xuanyang uncle's mansion to find Mrs. Xuanyang uncle. He couldn't do anything with his mother's sister. Uncle Yang.

Uncle Xuanyang is the culprit! Never spare him!

Zhao Ming'an drove straight to the medical school. Since Uncle Xuan Yang had paid off all the recent payments, he lived a pretty good life.

In order to show that he is conscientious and free from the trouble of being pressed for money, he spends a lot of time in the medical school almost every day.

When Zhao Mingan approached him angrily, he was patrolling in style, surrounded by several entourages, and he looked quite high-spirited.

Seeing this, Zhao Mingan became even angrier.

Anger turns to anger, Zhao Mingan has not forgotten his identity as a prince after all, face is still important, he stepped forward with a sneer, half a smile and said: "Is the little uncle in charge a little too much? The power of money entry and exit belongs to the little uncle. , little uncle, don’t worry, you can do good things only when you have clear rights and responsibilities! Otherwise, if there is any trouble, who will blame it?”

Uncle Xuan Yang finally showed his face in an upright manner to give him a sense of presence, but before he heard a few words of flattery, he was ridiculed by Zhao Ming Anming, how could he not be angry?

"Ming An, what are you talking about?" Uncle Xuan Yang frowned, deliberately putting on airs of an elder.

Zhao Mingan was disgusted by him.

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