Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1264 The picture is too beautiful to look at

All sensations are infinitely magnified.

Zhao Mingan's blood rushed straight to his forehead, and there was a rumbling sound in his head.

The feeling from Uncle Xuanyang's "slap" seems to be still there. He seems to see the ferocious and smug smile in the depths of Uncle Xuanyang's eyes, as if he sees the ridicule and gloating in everyone's eyes, and even, as if he sees Su Jin With Qin Lang's proud smile

"Asshole! Asshole!" Zhao Mingan rushed towards Uncle Xuanyang, grabbed him and threw his fist at his face.

Provoking his patience again and again, do you really think he will endure it to the end? Did he really think he would endure everything because of his mother's face?

The couple didn't have such a big face.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Uncle Xuan Yang really didn't intend to humiliate Zhao Ming'an, that was really an accident. But at this time, he had no time to explain.

In other words, he is willing to explain now, but Zhao Mingan is not willing to listen.

And as Zhao Mingan's punch hit his nose exactly, hitting the lacrimal gland, Uncle Xuanyang burst into tears immediately, gasping for breath in pain.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was only as if he was crying in pain!

This face can be described as embarrassing!

Uncle Xuanyang also became enraged, and rushed towards Zhao Mingan while cursing, the two of them punched and kicked violently.

Everyone was shocked, they really panicked now, they hurriedly rushed forward, pulling and persuading.

However, the two adult men who were really angry and furious raised their hands. Unless Qin Lang was as skilled in martial arts, it would be too difficult for ordinary people to successfully separate them.

The result, of course, was that the two masters hadn't been separated yet, but some of those who came forward to pull were shoved, staggered and screamed.

For a moment, the scene was in chaos.

When Prince Ning and his son, as well as several officials from the Ministry of Rites, the two eunuchs in charge of the Ritual Supervisor, and a group of foreign envoys and foreign envoys and their entourages who came to Beijing, there were no less than 50 or 60 people in total when they came to the medical school. What I saw was such a situation.

Everyone: "."

stunned! Jaw-dropping! transfixed!

All in all, stupid

It is also very simple to say why the envoys came to the medical school.

They heard that a medical school was established in Daqing to train medical talents for the whole country. This is different from the Imperial Hospital. The Imperial Hospital serves the royal family and nobles, but the medical school serves the common people. So everyone praised the Emperor Daqing for his kind heart and caring for the common people. Out of curiosity, I wanted to take a look, but no, they all came here.

Emperor Yanhe would naturally not refuse to show off his good reputation. On the contrary, I was quite happy. The envoys proposed to visit the medical school, and he readily agreed.

The envoys were on a whim, and it was better to hit the sun than to choose the day, so the large team came over in such a mighty way.


What a big show!

The envoys came to Beijing to establish a good relationship with Daqing. Even if I didn’t know it before, the first thing I do after entering Beijing must be to inquire about the situation in the capital, such as who is the emperor’s confidant, which courtier is more powerful, who can’t get along with the emperor, which honorable family is more favored, and who are the emperor’s sons and brothers? What is the situation and so on.

As the emperor's eldest son, Prince Zhong is not a prince, but he still has a head and a face. After they entered Beijing, they all visited Prince Zhong's mansion.

So, after meeting each other, they recognized Zhao Ming'an.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief!

Was the Prince Zhong who was so polite and dignified when he received them really the man in front of him who fought with others in person, his clothes were wrinkled, his hair was crooked, and his face was hideous?

There must be something wrong with the way they open their eyes!

Zhao Ming'an's expression changed drastically, he was so shocked that he barely passed out, glared at King Ning, the Ministry of Rites, and the Supervisor of Rituals and shouted angrily, "Who told you to come! Ah? Who told you to come!"

Do you want to talk about some rules? The medical school is now his territory, right? Shouldn't they say hello before they come? That's it, what do you want to do? See his jokes?

In fact, King Ning and the others were all wronged to death. What kind of preparations could the medical school need? Isn't it just bringing people around and looking around?

The envoys all said that it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, and the emperor nodded in agreement, so why bother.

Who knew that a prince and an uncle would fight and fight in public!

When the news spread back to the palace, Yanhe Emperor was almost pissed off by them!

He stared at Zhao Mingan and Uncle Xuanyang who were kneeling in front of him, his eyes were as cold as ice.

This son is really disappointing and disappointing!

Even if he has a little bit of promise, he won't be robbed of the prince's position by Qin Lang.

You know, he is the legitimate eldest son! What is Qin Lang?

He is so incompetent, he just repays his incompetence, and makes trouble all day long! No wonder. When the first emperor was here, he insisted on setting up the emperor's grandson and assigning his name.

Emperor Yanhe thought surprisingly calmly, if the first emperor hadn't appointed Qin Lang as the grandson of the emperor when he was still alive, then he would basically not consider him after he succeeds to the throne. If the eldest son is established

Yanhe Emperor didn't dare to think about it anymore!

I have to sigh in my heart: the late emperor was wise

In the past, he was jealous of Qin Lang, and looked at him in various ways, complaining that he was not filial enough. Now he has got what he wants most, and he is already sitting on this dragon couch. The status is different, and the vision is naturally different. Considering many things, it is natural to jump out of the original circle.

He had to admit that no matter what, Qin Lang was much stronger than this son.

For a while, the dislike of Qin Lang also disappeared for a few minutes.

Emperor Yanhe was so angry that he couldn't even scold them, he stared at them coldly for a while and sneered: "Okay, very good! You have done a good job for me! It's very good for me!"

Zhao Mingan and Uncle Xuanyang were scared out of their wits, they couldn't explain the matter clearly, they both ignored them, how could they tell the difference? Only kowtow again and again.

"Get out!" Emperor Yanhe squeezed out the word from between his teeth, and said coldly: "Go back, think about your mistakes behind closed doors, and don't go out without my will! Don't do this errand, if you can't do it well, then Leave it to those who can do it well!"

Zhao Ming'an was in a hurry: "Father, I beg Father to give this son a chance to pay off his meritorious deeds. This son must do his job well and never dare to be negligent!"

"Your Majesty, this humble minister didn't do it on purpose! I beg the emperor to forgive me! I also beg the emperor to allow me to pay for my meritorious deeds!"

Uncle Xuanyang also hurriedly interceded.

He was very distressed.

What the hell is this called! It's true that he wanted to get rid of this job, but it wasn't such a way to get rid of it.

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