Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1265 Emperor Yanhe only wants his own face

What the hell is this called! It's true that he wanted to get rid of this job, but it wasn't such a way to get rid of it.

If this job is really dismissed by the emperor, then he can't count on anything in the future.

Not to mention the Marquis, the earl's hat is probably going to be crumbling.

Uncle Xuanyang hated Zhao Ming'an to death. what is this bastard crazy

Zhao Ming'an heard that Uncle Xuanyang dared to ask for "repaying the crime", he couldn't help sneering, and couldn't help ridiculing: "Is there any money available in Uncle Xuanyang's house? Uncle Xuanyang really wants to take over this job? When the time comes Don't force your relatives to borrow money again!"

The "relative" that Zhao Ming'an mentioned was of course the queen.

At this time, Uncle Xuanyang still only cared about his own face, and refused to resign from the job. Zhao Mingan couldn't bear it anymore. Even if he was still guilty of a crime and was still in front of his father, he couldn't help but laugh at him. Give it a go.

How could Uncle Xuanyang not understand what he meant? Embarrassment turned into anger on his face, "Prince Zhong is careful, I don't need to worry about the affairs of Uncle Xuanyang's mansion!"

"Really?" Zhao Mingan sneered, and retorted: "I hope Uncle Xuanyang can do what he says!"

"Isn't Prince Zhong going too far?" I am your elder after all!

Zhao Ming'an continued to sneer: "Who knows who is going too far, it's just talking right now, is it interesting?"

The bastard, who put on a show in front of him, dared to fight him, made him lose face in front of his father, the debt must be settled with him, it won't be so easy!


"Enough!" Emperor Yanhe grabbed the memorial at hand and patted it on the imperial case again, his voice trembling with anger, "Are you still going to make trouble? Huh? One or two, a little bit of decency, can't it be done! I still think it's a joke Isn't it big enough!"

"My son is guilty!"

"The minister is guilty!"

The two looked at each other fiercely, and quickly apologized, each feeling annoyed in their hearts, and at the same time they wrote down a note for each other vigorously in the small notebook in their hearts.

Emperor Yanhe didn't want to say anything anymore, and was furious: "Get out, get out! I don't want to say it again, the matter of the medical school has nothing to do with you two from now on! Get out!"

Uncle Xuanyang subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, not daring to make any more requests.

Zhao Ming'an still wanted to say something, but looking at the increasingly majestic father, he suddenly felt a little dazed and strange. This is the emperor of Daqing, and he is no longer the simple father he used to be.

Some things, after all, are different.

With this hesitation, Emperor Yanhe got up and left angrily.

Immediately, two young eunuchs stepped forward and politely invited Zhao Mingan and Uncle Xuanyang out.

The two had no choice but to get up and leave.

The two left the palace, each with a cold face and said nothing, in short, this time it was completely torn apart, the beam was completely tied.

On the same day, a eunuch went to the East Palace to announce the decree, and the medical school was still handed over to Su Jin.

Su Jin took the order to thank you.

For Emperor Yanhe, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. Of course, he couldn't let go of such a good opportunity to go along with the tide.

Originally, because of his ignorance, he casually gave the medical school to Zhao Mingan, but the funding chain was almost cut off, and he was quite worried.

Not worried about medical school, but worried about his face.

When the late emperor was here, the medical school was fine, but when he succeeded to the throne, it was a mess. By comparison, he not only appeared to be unfilial, but even more incompetent.

However, you are not joking.

The issued will cannot be changed again and again in a short period of time, right?

But when this happened, it was different.

It's not that he wants to change his knowledge, but that these two people are incompetent.

They couldn't do things well, and they even did something like a gangster's behavior in public, how could they still get a job?

It is perfectly normal to deprive others and point them out to others.

In this way, his embarrassment was perfectly covered up.

As for Zhao Mingan and Uncle Xuanyang, they asked for it themselves.

If you don't teach them a lesson, you will never know the heights of the sky and the earth in the future!

Su Jin received the decree and said with a smile to Qin Lang: "It turned around and returned to my hands. After careful calculation, it seems that we still made money! If it weren't for this matter, the mother and son of Prince Zhong and Uncle Xuanyang's mansion How could it be possible for me to spend my money! I just don’t know how distressed they must be at this moment!”

Qin Lang laughed: "They are distressed and will only complain about each other. It has nothing to do with us! They want it, we give it, they don't want it if they say no, and we follow it without complaint. They should thank us."

"Husband is right!" The two looked at each other and smiled.

The two chatted and laughed, Qin Lang held Su Jin's shoulders and said solemnly: "If you are going to medical school recently, you must bring more people and be more careful on the way."

Su Jin raised her eyebrows: "It's come to this point, is it possible that Prince Zhong still dares to trouble me?"

It didn't matter that Zhao Mingan would get angry with her, anyway, the debts were heavy, even if he didn't do anything, Zhao Mingan would also think that he and his wife were not pleasing to the eye.

As for Uncle Xuanyang, Su Jin didn't pay much attention to them. If the strength of the Xuanyang uncle's mansion can harm him, then he and Qin Lang don't have to hang out in the capital.

"It would be fine if he did something, I guess he doesn't have the courage," Qin Lang sneered, "I'm worried about Prince Wu's Mansion."

Borrowing a knife to kill someone.

The strength of Prince Wu's Mansion is by no means comparable to that of Zhao Ming'an.

Although Emperor Yanhe has been suppressing and clearing the Wuwang Mansion openly and secretly since he ascended the throne, how could King Wu's father and son have been in the army for so many years, and they were the most powerful people who won the heir apparent?

Coupled with Emperor Yanhe's alarming IQ, the effect of the eradication is even more unbearable.

If Prince Wu's Mansion does something at this time, it is fully capable of this.

Moreover, he still has the strength to successfully blame Zhao Ming'an after doing it, and guide public opinion.

Su Jin didn't dare to underestimate him, so he quickly nodded in response, saw him smile and said, "Don't worry, I will bring more people."

Medical school is a must.

Qin Lang smiled, bowed his head and kissed her. Medical school was the most important thing for her, and he never thought that she would not go.

The next day, the East Palace received an imperial decree again, ordering Prince Qin Lang and the Ministry of Rites to receive foreign missions together, so as to fulfill the friendship of the host and not neglect them.

Qin Lang led the decree.

Su Jin was also happy for him.

This is what he deserves as the crown prince, and it has been so late.

No matter what Emperor Yanhe was thinking when he made this decree, after all, they just need to see the result.

Looking at the process, it's simply not fun for myself.

Let's talk about Uncle Xuanyang's mansion, when he left the palace that day, Uncle Xuanyang returned to the mansion with a disheveled face and dejected head, Mrs. Uncle Xuanyang was surprised to see him like this, and hurriedly asked.

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