Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1271 Tian's Apology

"Go shopping." Madam Xuanyang hesitated.

Speaking of all kinds of bad things happening at home these days, she didn't live in peace and stability for a few days, and it would be nice to go shopping and relax.

It's just that I'm too shy.

The Xuanyang uncle's mansion looks respectable now, and it is also a big uncle's mansion to the outside world, but it is really hehehe on the books.

Hearing what Tian said, Mrs. Xuanyang finally remembered that she hadn't cut new clothes for a long time.

Those who wanted to make new clothes before caught up with their husbands asking for money, so they had to delay, and this delay has come to the present.

Now that Mrs. Tian said this, well, she wants to buy more, but she has no money!

And looking at the current situation in the mansion, it is impossible to add any more in a short time.

Thinking about it this way, Mrs. Xuanyang's mood became less pleasant.

"Go, auntie," Tian invited with a very enthusiastic smile, "I heard that Huji Embroidery Workshop and Jinfang Pavilion on Jinxiu Road have bought a lot of fashionable and excellent materials, let's go and have a look together. I really want to be filial to my aunt, since our lord sealed the prince and opened the mansion, it seems that we haven't been filial to my aunt yet!"

While talking, Tian sighed with emotion, as if it was a very, very regrettable thing that he did not honor Mrs. Xuanyang after opening the mansion.

Mrs. Xuanyang was happy when she saw her being so knowledgeable, she declined with a smile all over her face, "Oh, this—how kind of you. As an elder, I have never given you anything."

"You are an elder, and caring for me as a junior in your heart is more important than giving anything. How can I ask for anything? Even if you give it, I am too embarrassed to ask for it!" Tian's beautiful words were very nice, and she tried her best He invited Mrs. Xuanyang Bo to go shopping with her tomorrow.

Mrs. Xuanyang Bo was already very moved, and Tian's repeated invitations showed that it was not just polite words for face and affection, but a sincere desire to honor her.

Of course Mrs. Xuanyang would not refuse, and she agreed with half-push and half-heartedness, and with a smile on her face, she made an appointment with Tian's to go out tomorrow.

Seeing that she had agreed on something, Tian was about to get up and leave. Madam Xuanyang refused, and warmly invited Mrs. Tian to stay for lunch.

Where is Tian willing? Playing in front of Mrs. Xuanyang uncle with a smile all over her face for half a day is already at her limit, she is so disgusted that she is about to vomit, how can she resist eating at the same table with her?

Then I don't know if I have to search my stomach again, and find out how many words that I feel disgusting after hearing it, so I can socialize with her, this is what Tian is absolutely unwilling to do.

Mrs. Tian declined with a sincere expression: "Accordingly, my aunt is very kind, and I definitely shouldn't refuse. It's just that when I came, Yue'er clung to me tightly, and it was hard to coax him to be obedient and agree to noon. I went back to have lunch with him, and he obediently let me go out. If I don’t go back at noon, God knows what kind of fuss the little ancestor will make! So I’m really sorry, but I have to live up to my aunt’s kindness. The future is long, when you have free time in the future, come to bother my aunt again, don't be annoyed, my aunt!"

This reason could not be more justified and aboveboard. Although Mrs. Xuanyang felt a little regretful, she was not angry. Instead, she hurriedly urged Mrs. Tian to go back, so as not to keep the child waiting.

He smiled and invited her to come back to the mansion and bring Yue'er with him, Yue'er hasn't been here yet.

Tian agreed with a smile.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Tian was able to leave.

After getting into the carriage, Tian Shi leaned against the carriage, almost lost all strength, and let out a long sigh of relief.

This kind of entertainment is simply terrible, it is too much a test of mental strength.

Thinking of Mrs. Xuanyang's greed, Tian sneered.

She didn't know what Su Jin's plan was, and she didn't ask.

Anyway, she will know when she takes him out tomorrow.

Come to think of it, I'm really looking forward to it.

The next day, after breakfast, Mrs. Tian dressed up well, and then took her confidant maid and mother-in-law out by car to pick up Mrs. Xuanyang at Uncle Xuanyang's mansion.

Mrs. Xuanyang Bo is also ready and waiting for her.

Seeing that Mrs. Tian came as expected, it can be seen that she is really sincere in apologizing and not just playing with herself, Mrs. Xuanyang uncle is even more satisfied.

Tian asked her to get into the car, the two chatted and laughed, and told the driver to go to Jinxiu Road.

I don't want to, but halfway there, there was something wrong with the carriage, one of the wheels was broken, and it stopped on the road and couldn't move.

Embarrassed, Tian repeatedly apologized to Mrs. Xuanyang, and ordered the accompanying guards of the palace to search nearby for a good carriage.

It just so happened that the carriage broke down in the middle of the road, and the road was lined with shops and quite bustling, but the streets were a bit narrow.

Their carriage slanted towards the middle of the road and took a block. The road, which was not spacious, was immediately congested. The passers-by all looked sideways, or cursed in a low voice.

However, no one dared to come forward and ask them to move the carriage to the side and try not to block the way of others. This carriage looks very luxurious, and the regulations are definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people. At first glance, it looks like a noble family.

When ordinary people encounter such a small trouble that is only slightly inconvenient, who would have the courage to directly confront the honorable family.

I don't want my life, can I?

As for Mrs. Tian and Mrs. Xuanyang, they were originally high-ranking and pampered aristocratic women, as long as they were happy with themselves, it was even more impossible for them to consider common people.

What's wrong with blocking the way? It's blocked!

However, when Su Jin came slowly in a carriage, it was different.

Su Jin's entourage gave the coachman a cold look, and said in a friendly tone: "Your carriage is in the way, please, please move to the side! The road is so small, so you should block it in the middle." , Do others still want to pass? Didn’t you see that it’s extremely inconvenient to see so many people blocked? Brother, have some morality!”

These words simply spoke out the heartfelt words of the passers-by on the road, and everyone echoed and complained.

"That's right, it's too rude to do this. Even if the carriage is broken, you can't move it. It's blocking everyone!"

"No, didn't you see that so many people were delayed?"


"Not all rich and powerful families are like this! Really."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let people remember you."



The coachman suddenly became angry from embarrassment, glared at Su Jin's entourage and cursed——

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