Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1272 Contradictions on the road

The coachman suddenly became a little annoyed, glared at Su Jin's entourage and scolded: "None of your business! It's not your uncle's fault that the carriage broke down. What are you talking about here? If you think it's in the way, go another way. Why are you shouting?" Yelling! Hurry up and get the hell out of here, or I'll make you look good!"

All the people immediately became angry when they saw this. No one said anything before, and there was no one who took the lead. Everyone held back and held back, and no one said much.

But once the chatterbox is opened, once someone starts it, it is not so easy to stop immediately.

"Which car is this? So arrogant!"

"That's right, it's simply unreasonable!"

"Bright heaven and earth, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, how can you allow such behavior, it will simply discredit Daqing."

"Hehe, he is a powerful person, what can others say?"

"Can the rich and powerful be so overbearing?"

The onlookers were all ordinary people. Although there was an emblem on the carriage, no one recognized it. Even most people don't even know that the special pattern marked on a certain position on the carriage is called the "emblem", so naturally no one can recognize whose family it is.

"What a big tone!" Su Jin veiled his face, only revealing a pair of eyes, ordered someone to lift the curtain, sat in the car, with awe-inspiring manner, and sneered, "Which family are you from? You are so arrogant!"

The driver of the other side was stunned, and subconsciously muttered in his heart, feeling timid for no reason.

It is said that he is a dignified coachman of the loyal prince's mansion, although he is not the only one in the capital that no one dares to provoke, and he can let his nature be unbridled, but it is almost the same.

However, the woman in the opposite carriage approached with the aura of a long-time superior, and stared at her with extremely cold and intimidating eyes, which made him feel uneasy for no reason.

Originally Zhang Kuang wanted to blurt out the words, but at this time he stopped abruptly.

At this time, a guard stepped forward immediately, bowed his waist and lowered his head, and said something to Su Jin in a low voice.

There was some clarity in Su Jin's eyes, and he smiled coldly: "No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, it turns out to be Prince Zhong's Mansion! Who is in the carriage, come out for me!"

All the common people were in an uproar, they were a little dumbfounded when you looked at me and I looked at you.

Subconsciously retreated, but no one was willing to leave, and they sat excitedly waiting to watch the excitement.

All of them secretly guessed in their hearts, even if they were not afraid of Prince Zhong's mansion, then who is this woman? Is it more powerful than Prince Zhong's Mansion?

After all, it was the people of the capital who grew up under the feet of the emperor. All kinds of royal relatives, princes and nobles, although it is unlikely that seven out of ten people will fall down with a brick, the chances of seeing these people are much higher. Many people have even seen the emperor on tour.

Therefore, the psychological endurance is much stronger than that of other places. Even though they knew that the identities of the people in the two carriages were extraordinary, they were not frightened.

Still have the courage to continue watching.

In the carriage, both Tian's and Mrs. Xuanyang's expressions changed. looked at each other.

The distance between the two carriages was not far, and Su Jin's voice was not low, so they could hear it clearly.

Mrs. Xuanyang's forehead had blue veins twitching, and she couldn't help but curse in her heart, thinking what kind of bad luck it was, how could she meet such a person every time she went shopping?

And still meet in this situation!

God, don't you mean to be against her on purpose?

Going out happily, full of joy and anticipation, ready to go shopping and make big purchases without spending your own money, this kind of thing is really worth looking forward to, and it is very wonderful to think about it.

However, before arriving at the place, I ran into an old enemy on the road and was scolded by the old enemy. One can imagine how intense this disappointment and gap can bring.

At this moment, Madam Xuanyang wished to beat up Su Jin.

Tian's face was pale, and he said anxiously: "Why, how did you meet the Crown Princess? This, this luck is too bad. Auntie, I, I dare not offend the Crown Princess, she is unreasonable and domineering, I am a soft-spoken person, and I am really afraid of her. Auntie, you, you will have a way, right?"

Madam Xuanyang: "."

Tian's face of pleading and full of trust made her unable to say anything to deny it.

Let her admit in front of her junior that she is afraid of another junior, how shameless is that?

"Of course I'm not afraid of her!" Mrs. Xuanyang Bo sneered, ordered someone to open the curtain of the car, and without hesitation called out Su Jin's identity: "Who am I, oh, it turns out to be the princess! I'm really sorry , As a little aunt, I didn't expect that the carriage would break down on the road and block the way of the princess, I'm really sorry."

"Crown Princess! It's actually the Crown Princess!"

"No wonder it makes sense."

"Yes, yes, the Crown Princess is a very good person!"

"No, the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince are both good people!"

When the people heard that Su Jin's identity was broken, all of them showed respectful expressions. Some even bent over Su Jin's carriage with folded hands and bowed down to worship, very pious.

We must know that during the heavy snowstorm in winter, countless people in the city and outside the city will suffer and die. They will lack clothing, food, and medicine. How many people will die?

The medical school has always been in charge of the crown princess. I have long heard that the crown princess often goes to the medical school by car to handle many things in person, and even personally selects and cultivates medicinal materials, teaches and guides new students of the medical school to learn medical skills, so that they can cure diseases and save lives in the future. It's just that everyone Never met the princess's car.

Neighbors sometimes chatted about gossips after dinner, and occasionally joked, saying that one day they might run into the car driving the Crown Princess to go to medical school on the road, so they must pay respects and thank the Crown Princess for her kindness.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that they ran into each other today.

Why not surprise, delight, and be ecstatic?

The crowd suddenly became joyful and excited, all praised the princess and thanked Dade.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Hey, that lady claims to be the concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine's aunt.

That's right, everyone counted the relatives of the Crown Princess with their fingers, as if they really couldn't figure it out all at once.

The people in the imperial city are very gossipy, and the upper class is a class they cannot touch. However, this does not prevent them from talking about various royal anecdotes and gossip about princes and nobles when they set up a dragon gate with outsiders. Straightforward.

They still know quite a lot about the gossip and gossip among the upper class.

So, soon someone gossiped about Mrs. Xuanyang's identity——

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