In Liu Yingying's eyes, this is simply an involuntary expression of true feelings, but she has to restrain herself, so she can only choose to leave.

Liu Yingying watched his leaving back disappeared in an instant, but still stood there in a daze and stared blankly, the whole person was bewildered.

Eleven or twelve days later, Liu Yingying, who had been tortured and bullied in Zhuye Palace, and who was looking forward to Zhao Ming'an, finally found someone to help her.

The next day, she "encountered" Emperor Yanhe in the imperial garden.

As soon as Emperor Yanhe's eyes lit up, he was immediately attracted by the delicate, beautiful, fresh and refined little beauty in front of him, and his silent heart suddenly became hot in vain.

Emperor Yanhe had the feeling that he was ten years younger in an instant, and felt a long-lost impulse.

At that time, Emperor Yanhe brought this delicate and lovable little beauty back to Qingqing Palace.

He pampered her that night.

It is not known exactly what kind of mood Liu Yingying was in when she was sleeping, but it is a fact that she was named a nobleman the next day, and Emperor Yanhe placed her in Zhuanghe Palace which is the closest to Qingqing Palace.

After that, for three nights in a row, Emperor Yanhe summoned Liu Yingying to attend her bed, and three days later, Liu Yingying's position changed from Lady Li to Concubine Li.

This promotion speed is like riding a rocket.

Suddenly, there was a sensation in the Six Palaces.

When she went to Kunning Palace to greet the queen, she naturally received countless jealous looks and runs.

The queen saw that she was obedient and clever, but she didn't have any special feelings, she just sighed in her heart, no wonder the emperor likes it, I feel pity for her little appearance, who doesn't like it?

Even when she saw it, she couldn't help feeling a little pity.

Today's Concubine Li has endured the most embarrassing human conditions and sufferings in the world, and has been reborn from the ashes. She is no longer the little girl who could only cry and cry.

She has her own belief - everything is for her beloved prince! In order to help the prince in the future, it is worth all her efforts.

Moreover, these days, honor and favor are unrivaled. Although the emperor is a bit older, he loves her very much. No one dares to bully her or humiliate her. Compared with that day, she is like heaven and earth. Didn't regret this choice at all.

The concubine's ridicule and supercilious eyes were nothing compared to what Concubine Li had suffered in Zhuye Palace before. She listened with a bad temper, sitting there with her head lowered delicately, without any retaliation. mean.

Seeing this, the concubines secretly despised her, looked down on her even more, became more courageous, and made more blatant ridicule. The empress had no choice but to sound a cryptic reminder before giving up.

They didn't know that the reason why Li Pin didn't respond or fight back was not because she didn't know how to do it, nor because she had a good temper, but because she didn't care at all.

What is this level of attack?

Leaving from Kunning Palace that day, the two courageous and confident nobles actually stopped Concubine Li on the way, deliberately finding fault with her.

Concubine Li was pushed and shoved, fell backwards involuntarily, sprained her ankle, and walked back to the palace in a state of embarrassment while supporting the maid's hand, causing countless people to gloat and make jokes.

The two nobles even instinctively let out a bad breath in their hearts, and they were triumphant.

I don't want to, Emperor Yanhe soon found out about this matter - the main reason is that Concubine Li was in a state of embarrassment helping the maid to limping back to the palace, it was so conspicuous that it was difficult for people not to notice.

Zhuanghe Palace is very close to Qingqing Palace, and she is the emperor's favorite person recently, so someone will report to the emperor.

When Emperor Yanhe found out what was going on, Longyan was furious, and immediately decreed that the two nobles who made things difficult for Concubine Li be deposed as ordinary people and thrown into limbo.

Not only did it spread that the imperial physician treated Li's concubine's foot injury, but also generously rewarded her, and arranged to drive to Zhuanghe Palace that night.

The harem was shaken, and since then, no one dared to make things difficult for Concubine Li.

There are more people vying to curry favor.

There were also people who wanted to trick her secretly, but unfortunately, they failed.

Concubine Li was still humble and humble, the kind who would blush and feel embarrassed if she said a few words in front of the queen.

However, no one dared to underestimate her anymore.

She had gained a firm foothold in the palace, but she didn't feel dangerous.

Zhao Mingan went for a walk in the palace, and ran into Liu Yingying as soon as he was gone, and soon passed the news to Qin Lang through the eyeliner in the palace.

The eyeliner didn't dare to get too close, but because the area around Zhuye Palace is really quiet and clean, there are many trees, and the flowers, trees and shrubs are particularly lush, which is especially suitable for hiding.

The eyeliner has been staring at neither far nor near, never leaving from the beginning to the end,

Although he didn't hear what Zhao Mingan said to the woman named Liu Yingying whom he later found out, the two of them talked for more than a quarter of an hour, and judging from the situation between them, it was clearly ambiguous.

Liu Yingying, this year's show girl, is all right when she connects with Zhao Mingan's actions before.

There must be some unknown secret between Zhao Mingan and Liu Yingying.

Not long after that, Liu Yingying's life seemed to be on the hook. She "meeted" the emperor by chance, and she was made a nobleman, and then a concubine, becoming the most favored concubine in the sixth palace.

When Su Jin went to the palace to pay his respects to the queen, he happened to meet her on the way.

Such a stunning appearance, yet shy and weak by nature, is the most likely to arouse a man's desire to protect, no wonder, he can be pampered.

What exactly is Zhao Mingan thinking about her? Is it liking, or collusion, mutual benefit?

This is debatable.

But since then, Liu Yingying has officially entered the sight of Su Jin and Qin Lang.

Neither of the couple would believe that she was really just a harmless little white flower.

Because many new people have entered the harem, according to the queen's wishes, a flower viewing feast was held, just in time for everyone to be lively and familiar with each other. After all, the days to come are still long.

Since it was going to be lively, the queen simply invited all the princesses and concubines of the various mansions, just in time for the sisters-in-law and sisters to talk to each other.

Su Jin was looking forward to an opportunity to get close to that concubine Li, and when he tried to test it, the queen sent the opportunity to her, so naturally she had no reason to refuse.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the day of the banquet, and all kinds of late-blooming peony flowers in the Begonia Palace in the imperial garden were in full bloom, so the queen set the banquet there.

The palace people came and went, making various preparations early on.

Su Jin went to the queen's palace early in the morning to pay her respects, and then she went there with the queen.

Concubine Wu, Concubine Ning, Tian Shi, etc. also came, and everyone went to Kunning Palace to pay their respects first, and accompanied the queen there.

The same goes for Concubine Yi, Concubine Li, Lady Fu, etc.

Surrounded by everyone, the empress travels in a mighty manner. Compared with the time when the sixth palace was deserted, she has more pomp and dignity that an empress should have.

Su Jin looked at Concubine Li calmly, but found that Concubine Li was also secretly looking at herself.

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