Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1297 Concubine Li

The eyes of the two met, Concubine Li was startled, and then smiled shyly, showing kindness to Su Jin. Anyone who saw it would have a good impression of her, and would not feel offended by her secretly looking at her up.

Even Su Jin, subconsciously, still felt this way.

She couldn't help but secretly startled and had to admire. If he didn't know that there was something strange between this woman and Zhao Ming'an and judged her first, he might have regarded her as a harmless and good person.

She smiled at herself, of course she couldn't be rude. So Su Jin also smiled kindly and gently at her, and nodded slightly.

Concubine Li's eyes lit up, she was flattered and looked at Su Jin again, and then she looked away.

Su Jin: "."

This year's show girl, the level is quite high!

The flower viewing banquet in the imperial palace is no different from the flower viewing banquet held in other mansions. It is nothing more than eating, drinking, talking and laughing. , Walk around in twos and threes, talk and enjoy the scenery.

Su Jin, as the crown princess, and a crown princess with an embarrassing position in front of the queen, took advantage of a lot on this occasion.

Everyone is trying to curry favor with the queen, that's the boss.

Originally, as a princess, there should be many people who would come to curry favor with her. But everyone inside and outside the palace knew that she and the queen seemed to be at odds, and her husband even robbed the crown prince who was the eldest son of the emperor's queen. Naturally, no one would be so ignorant to curry favor with her in front of the queen.

After all, although the prince's status is respected, how many people have been able to ascend to the throne from the prince throughout the ages?

Not to mention the special situation in this dynasty, the relationship between the prince and the empress is not very good.

Maybe one day when I wake up, the sky will be changed?

Therefore, no one paid much attention to her as the crown princess.

It also saves her trouble, and she doesn't have to talk to these people she didn't want to socialize with in the first place.

The queen enjoyed some flattery from the harem Yingying Yanyan, and she was in a great mood, especially when she saw Concubine Yi and the Crown Princess sitting quietly and hardly speaking, her mood was even better.

No matter how many concubines there are in the palace, it will not affect her status. On the contrary, she appears to be more important.

Concubine Yi is different. Those who use sex to deal with others are old and decrepit, ha ha! From now on, she still has to suffer.

The queen glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Okay, the weather is fine today, you all don't just sit around, go for a stroll. The peonies in the palace are the best, and this is the last wave of this year. If you don’t appreciate it well, you’ll have to wait until next year! If you find something you like, even if you fold it and take it back to watch, you won’t let these peonies bloom!”

Hearing this, Su Jin couldn't help but secretly twitched the corners of her mouth, thinking that the peonies are blooming well, and you said that you would not let them down. If they can talk, they will definitely wish you to let them down, okay? !

After hearing the words, everyone said thank you, and took advantage of the opportunity to praise the queen for being virtuous, kind, and generous, and so on, and soon left in twos and threes.

Princess Wu and Princess Ning did not go, and stayed to talk with the queen.

Su Jin took Wangchun and the two young eunuchs for a leisurely stroll.

This patch of peonies covers at least 20 acres, and the sea of ​​flowers is splendid. At this time, many young beauties dressed in fancy clothes are playing, talking and laughing, which is very lively.

The sea of ​​flowers is huge, so there are naturally many places with few people.

Li Pin, as the most favored one among the newcomers and the one with the highest status, is destined to be excluded by everyone.

Moreover, Concubine Li herself didn't intend to make friends with anyone, she lowered her head and went to a place with few people at first, so even those who originally wanted to make friends with her would curl their lips when they saw this I stopped thinking.

Su Jin glanced at the scene, and soon saw Concubine Li. Lip hook smiled, and pretended to walk around from the other side inadvertently, but the goal was near where she was.

Su Jin suddenly said that he was thirsty, and ordered Wang Chun to pour a cup of tea.

Wangchun took the order to go, and when he was going to pour tea, he happened to pass by Tian's side, and said something quickly.

Tian walked slowly all the way, not long, suddenly looked up, and saw the Crown Princess not far in front of him.

It's fine if you don't meet, but since you do, even if you're enjoying the flowers, there's no reason to turn a blind eye.

So Tian stepped forward and knelt at Su Jin: "Greetings to the Crown Princess."

Su Jin smiled: "Princess Loyalty is about to be exempted from the ceremony. Logically, I should call you a sister-in-law. My family, don't be so polite."

Su Jin's voice didn't deliberately amplify, but this area is relatively quiet, and Concubine Li, who is separated by three or four clumps of peonies, can easily hear Su Jin's words.

Loyal princess? Concubine Li couldn't help getting closer under the cover of the flowers and trees, pretending to be casually admiring the flowers, but pricking up her ears to listen attentively.

She really misses that dignified, handsome, personable, gentle and decent man, the more favored she is, the more she misses and longs for him deep in her heart.

However, she also understood how difficult it would be for her to see him again!

Even hearing some news about his family would be a kind of comfort to her!

Tian smiled: "Thank you, Crown Princess!"

The two exchanged some pleasantries, Su Jin seemed to casually smiled and asked: "By the way, the crown prince also talked about Prince Zhong yesterday, saying that he hadn't seen him for several days. What has Prince Zhong been up to recently?"

Su Jin lip-synced and secretly reminded her, Tian sighed softly, forced a smile and said, "How can I, as a woman, know about the prince's business? Maybe, I'm busy with something important." ?”

Su Jin secretly smiled, saying that this sister-in-law really knows how to cooperate more and more, she has perfect skills!

Tian was obviously in a bad mood, and his mood was very forced, so Su Jin naturally wanted to ask a few questions with concern. Ask her what's wrong? Is something wrong? etc.

At first, Tian hesitated and refused to speak, but Su Jin couldn't help asking again, Tian couldn't help but took out her handkerchief to wipe her tears, and said with a choked voice, "My lord, my lord. This is really uncomfortable for my concubine. As soon as you ask, the concubine is not afraid of the princess's jokes! Before the draft was over, didn't the father reward the prince with ten beauties? The prince liked them very much because they were young and beautiful, and many of them were talented and beautiful. After they entered the mansion, these days the princes lingered and stayed with them every night. Whenever they were free, they would be sent to accompany them. Even the study room called the Hongxiu, who is proficient in poetry and poetry, to add fragrance. That's all. , the prince likes them, having them take care of them, the prince is in a happy mood, and the concubine is also happy. But side concubine Fu."

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