Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 136 You like whoever is your wife!

Su Jin was stunned for a while, but soon understood!

This is ancient, not modern.

No matter how smooth the surface of pills is, they are easy to stick to each other when they are placed together. Therefore, there is no way to hold more than one pill in a porcelain bottle. A small porcelain bottle can only hold a few pills.

Therefore, a flat porcelain box or a jade box is usually used, and the inside is divided into a separate small box and a small box, and a pill is placed in a small box.

Moreover, the drug is inherently volatile, and there is no special way to store it. If it is left in this way, within a month, the efficacy of the drug will not be as good as before!

Moreover, the preparation, purification and production of pills are also cumbersome and trivial, so it is more convenient and straightforward to suffer from pills, no wonder there are very few pills.

In contrast, it is more plaster.

However, less means opportunity.

It's not that there is no market or demand for pills. On the contrary, if there is a proper preservation method that can be well preserved and the efficacy of the medicine will not be affected, pills are much more convenient than decoctions!

Su Jin was heartbroken.

It's a huge fortune

Su Jin smiled and said, "I didn't think about it carefully, but what if I could solve this problem? What if I had a way to store the pills easily and ensure that the efficacy of the pills would not be affected? Then can the pills be used in large quantities? Production and sales?"

Old Doctor Lin widened his eyes in surprise and blurted out, "How is this possible!"

Su Jin smiled, her eyes were bright, calm, and she was clearly confident.

"This, this!" Old Doctor Lin stood up, his gray beard trembled, and said in a trembling voice, "Miss Su, do you really have a way? You're not joking!"

Su Jin didn't expect Old Doctor Lin to be so excited, so he stopped teasing him now, and nodded quickly, "I'm sure I can give it a try. You'll know it when the time comes."

"If that's the case, if that's the case--" Old Doctor Lin knew that Su Jin was not a big talker, so he was a little bit excited and couldn't stop the smile on his face: "If this is the case. , then, that's great!"

He immediately said: "In this way, I will write a letter to my family. If the shopkeeper Lin Feng is here, I should be able to come in the next few days!"

Su Jin smiled and said, "Thank you so much!"

"Where, if this is true, the Lin family should thank Mrs. Su!" Old Doctor Lin laughed.

After the matter was properly discussed, Su Jin and Qin Lang went home.

It was agreed that Su Jin would come to the medical center for the first time in five days, and the Lin Family Medical Center would announce the news in the next few days.

Su Jin can even diagnose and treat the prince of Dongchang Houfu, which is a living sign.

As for the income, for each person Su Jin sees, she will be divided into 30% of the profits made by the medical clinic, and there will be a fixed two cents per month.

The old doctor Lin didn't say anything to death, only said that this is tentative and can be discussed later.

Of course, after further negotiation, the price will only be higher, not lower.

On the way, Qin Lang couldn't help but ask: "A Jin, do you really have a solution? Can you really keep the pills from losing their effectiveness?"

Su Jin smiled, nodded and said: "Well, let's go up the mountain tomorrow to find the honeycomb! Get some beeswax back, wrap a layer of beeswax around the pill, and the pill will not lose its efficacy! However, just using beeswax is not enough, I have to add something else, come back and try it out!"

Beeswax is relatively rare. If only beeswax is used, the cost is too high. Su Jin already has several methods in mind, and he can try them all at that time. As long as the test is successful and the cost is reduced, mass production can be carried out. Pills, which can be transported over long distances and sold all over the country, can bring unimaginable profits.

"Beeswax?" Qin Lang was stunned, "That thing can solve this problem?"

Su Jin blinked and smiled slyly: "How do you know if you don't try?"

Qin Lang smiled, nodded and smiled: "A Jin is right, let's try it!"

The two smiled at each other.

Su Jin felt sweet in her heart, suddenly hugged Qin Lang's arm and leaned on him, sighing with a smile, "Xianggong, thank you, you are so kind to me!"

What he doesn't understand, even she herself is not fully sure, but he is willing to accompany her to toss, even in modern times, such a man is hard to find, let alone in ancient times!

When normal men heard these strange and unreasonable ideas from her, they would have reprimanded her long ago, saying it was light for her to be fooling around.

Only him, accommodating her.

Qin Lang's hand holding the reins stiffened, and his ears turned red. He switched the reins in his hand to the other hand holding the whip, and held Su Jin tilted his head to look at her. , thin lips evoked a slight smile: "You are my wife, I will naturally treat you well, A Jin!"

These words made Su Jin feel slightly unhappy, and raised his eyes to hate him: "Because I'm your wife, so you treat me well?"

"." Qin Lang vaguely felt that there was a hole in these words, and he didn't think about where the hole was. He wanted to think about it again and answer, but under Su Jin's aggressive gaze, he didn't dare to waste time thinking about it. I can't help but nod: "A Jin, you are my wife, naturally, naturally, I want to be nice to you."

Husbands are good to their daughter-in-law and feel sorry for their daughter-in-law, right?

"Humph" Su Jin felt even more sour, especially since she was not yet the deity, but a ghost from another world. After hearing this, she felt a little more uncomfortable, and said sourly: "Oh! If the woman is your wife, you will naturally treat others well, right?"

Qin Lang was shocked, his eyes widened and he shook his head again and again, stammering: "No, no, no! How could I, how could I! I will only be nice to A Jin!"

"But you said, I am your wife, so you will naturally treat me well. If others are your wife, you will naturally treat others well too!"

Qin Lang was even more anxious, a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his head shook like a rattle: "No, no! My wife will only be you, A Jin! No one else!"

Su Jin almost made him laugh angrily, and said again: "Then are you being nice to your wife, or are you nice to me?"

Qin Lang was almost dizzy for her, and his face was devastated. He glanced at Su Jin for a moment and said, "But my lady, it's you, A Jin! Of course I am—"

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and the anxious, confused and dizzy Qin Lang who called Su Jinrao finally regained his clarity, and immediately said, "I only treat A Jin well! I will only marry A Jin as a wife!"

His eyes softened, as in his previous life and in this life! He only has her.

His eyes were burning, his eyes were dark and deep and firm, and he had a strong and fiery affection. Su Jin's face flushed, and he was no longer so confident in finding faults and nitpicking, so he couldn't help but turn his face away.


Good night, see you~

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