Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 137 Want to hire her?

Qin Lang laughed when he saw this, his heart was hot, and he held her hand tightly: "A Jin, I really only treat you well."

Su Jin bit her lip to hold back the smile that was about to spread on her lips, but the corners of her mouth turned up uncontrollably, she pouted her lips and snorted softly: "Of course you can say it nicely now, but in the future if the family is rich and rich Now, you are not tempted to give you a hug or something? Even if you don't want to, what if someone kindly gave it to you? Or, take you to the Goulan brothel?"

"No," Qin Lang smiled, his eyes open and determined: "A Jin, you believe me! No!"

Not in the last life, let alone in this life?

Su Jin's eyebrows and eyes arched, and the corners of his lips turned up uncontrollably, "Really? Don't you say it nicely at this moment—"

"No!" Qin Lang said: "I didn't say it, you will believe me in the future!"

This one-strand elm head can't even say a nice oath? Can't you say something sweet to coax her? Won't make an oath or something? Just say no, just tell her to believe him

Su Jin complained in her heart but was sweet at the same time, the smile in her eyes was too sweet to melt, she raised her lips and said softly: "Well, I believe in you! Xianggong, don't disappoint me, otherwise, our fate will be the same. It won't go on anymore!"

"No!" Qin Lang's heart skipped a beat, and he squeezed her hand, "No!"

He won't lose it again! In his last life, he didn't feel anything at all, and he accepted it naturally, but in this life, just thinking about the result, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart and was on the verge of despair.

Perhaps his emotions fluctuated too much, and Su Jin was keenly aware of it.

Su Jin felt distressed immediately, and reflected on whether what he said was a bit harsh? He is a stubborn elm head, did his words scare him?

Holding his hand with his backhand, Su Jin raised his eyes to look at him, his brows gleaming with water, with a gentleness that seemed to contain a lot of affection. Su Jin said softly: "I know I know, I believe you, really!"

Qin Lang stared at her with deep black eyes, his eyes met, her shadow became clearer in his eyes, his eyes softened, and he smiled softly: "Okay!"

With just one word, Su Jin's heart suddenly became stable and steady, as if he had obtained the most unbreakable guarantee in the world.

Qin Lang also laughed, he hesitated, slowly bent down and lowered his head, his eyes burning even more, with a bit of probing and caution.

Su Jin's body stiffened slightly, and his heart was beating wildly. He wanted to avert his eyes from looking at him, but he couldn't move at all, and was stupid there.

The man's breath is getting closer and closer, the man's handsome face is infinitely enlarged, but his expression is so gentle.

Qin Lang leaned over and kissed her gently on the cheek, then suddenly embraced her and hugged her tightly with some trembling.

Su Jin hummed softly, and slapped him tenderly: "It's too tight, I can't breathe! It's so hot, let it go!"

Qin Lang laughed loudly, his arms loosened, but he couldn't help but leaned in and kissed her face and forehead twice, "I'm not hot!"

In fact, he was also hot, as if a fire was burning in his heart, and his mouth was dry. But leaning against her, even if they were close to each other, he wasn't hot.

Su Jin smiled "puchi", is this person unreasonable?

"Crap, hurry up!"

Qin Lang smiled and continued to drive, but held her hand tightly with only one hand and the other.

A coldness flashed across Qin Lang's eyes, and he decided to wait.

Wait until the stinky man who hooked up with her and coaxed her to elope in his last life appeared.

After the stinky man is dealt with, he will make a real husband and wife with her.

He didn't believe that the stinky man in this life still had a chance.

How did poor Qin Lang know? His current daughter-in-law is not the one from the previous life, the core has already been changed in the body!

The two returned to the village sweetly all the way. Aunt Song left lunch for them, greeted them with a smile, and then handed them the gift box sent by Young Master Gu.

The two were a little puzzled, and opened the gift box, which contained a very delicate satin material.

The water-red background color is embroidered with broken chrysanthemums. The material is smooth and soft, and the embroidery is exquisite and meticulous. It is a good thing at first sight.

In addition, there is a big red post.

Su Jin picked it up and sneered, his eyebrows sank instantly, and said to Qin Lang: "This young master Gu is really interesting, he actually sent us a post and asked me to go to their Gu family medical center to sit in the clinic. What about the doctor! He also said that he will never be treated badly in terms of treatment, hehe!"

Qin Lang's brows were dyed with a cold color, "He is dreaming!"

Aunt Song was taken aback for a moment: "This young master Gu isn't, isn't it—is it a good relationship with you?"

Didn't Su Jin also deliver the baby for the young lady of the Gu family? I came to thank them earlier, how can I listen to the tone of the couple, it seems that it is not the case?

The two looked at each other, and Su Jin said: "This young master of the Gu family is narrow-minded, not a gentleman, nor a good person! We have nothing to do with him! If he is good, I will not go over to deliver the baby to the young lady of the Gu family. It took me so long to come to my door to thank you! Aunt Song, if anyone else comes to their house in the future, be careful!"

As for the entanglement of the ancestral secret recipe, Su Jin did not mention it.

Now she has a headache when she hears the ancestral secret recipe!

Aunt Song understood it immediately, and couldn't help but complain: "I'll just say, if it's a good family, then the servants below won't have such a face!"

As he said that, he explained the fact that the little servant had given her a gift in the morning and disliked the fortress to give her a few coins as a reward, "I didn't want it at the time, but who would have pushed it into my hand and left. People feel uncomfortable! But it makes me sick - who has never seen those coppers!"

Su Jin was also disgusted when he heard it, and said, "We are going to return this gift. Aunt Song brought the few copper coins and returned them together!"

Aunt Song felt very relieved when she heard this, but she couldn't help but hesitate and said, "Will this—would it not be good? Then will the Gu family be angry?"

Su Jin and Qin Lang looked at each other, and Qin Lang said, "It doesn't matter, you won't get paid for no merit, no reason, why would you be so embarrassed to accept their stuff?"

Even if they wanted to hate them, the Gu family would only hate the two of them. They wouldn't hate the Song family who had no conflict of interest with them and had nothing to do with them because of this trivial matter.

If even the Song family resents the design of revenge because of this little thing, then they don't do anything at all, just revenge others!

As for the two of them, they had already had a grudge with the Gu family, and they didn't care about Tim this time.

Aunt Song didn't think much of it. Hearing Qin Lang say this, she smiled and said, "That's good, then give them back! I really don't want to ask for this money!"

He turned around to get it, and handed it to Su Jin.


Add update at 12:00 noon, alright~ Ask for a ticket, please, please~

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