Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 609 Give it a go?

When Mei Niang said "Feng County", Liu Wanwan couldn't help but timidly explained: "Could it be, isn't Brother Duan from Feng County, Huainan Dao? I must have misremembered."

Mei Niang is angry.

It's okay to meet such a shameless person.

Butler Duan cast a cold glance at Liu Wanwan, and twitched the corner of his mouth in disdain.

misremembered? Heh, she really has the guts to say that.

No one knows better than Butler Duan. Regarding the general's affairs, there are no details, how can this woman not inquire clearly? I can't wait to find out whether the general sleeps on his back or on his side at night. Will she remember the general's hometown wrongly?

At the beginning, I still inquired about it from myself.

It was pushed cleanly.

Butler Duan was deeply regretful, regretful that he shouldn't have watched Liu Wanwan act like a god and didn't take care of her in time.

If he hit it early, Liu Wanwan would definitely not be so arrogant.

It's all his fault.

His eyes are wide open, this woman is so shameless.

Mei Niang ignored Liu Wanwan and continued to talk about what happened at the moment.

"Butler Duan is going to call you. Sister Su and I waited in the flower hall. Miss Liu rushed in with someone and insisted that we were liars, and ordered them to drive us out of the mansion—"

"I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't do it on purpose! Sister, no, Mrs. Mei, don't wrong me." Liu Wanwan began to cry again.

Duan Fu became impatient, and said coldly: "If you have anything to say, let Mei Niang finish first."

Liu Wanwan's heart felt cold, she bit her lips and answered softly, she bowed her head in silence, feeling extremely resentful in her heart.

Mei Niang continued: "If it wasn't for Yunzheng protecting us and fighting with those people, I'm afraid we would have been kicked out. Then the guards rushed in again, Yunzheng lost and was taken down by them. "

Qi Wei, who had already rushed over, quickly knelt down: "General, it was Miss Liu who said there was an assassin, so we did it. If you frighten Madam, this subordinate deserves death!"

Just as Liu Wanwan was about to speak, Steward Duan stared at her coldly. She was startled and fell silent.

Mei Niang shook her head: "It has nothing to do with you, you did nothing wrong, after all, who would be so bold as to make fun of assassins?"

Qi Wei clasped his fists gratefully: "Thank you Madam for your understanding!"

Liu Wanwan was jealous and hated, when did Qi Wei and the guards respect her so much? there has never been!

What good is this old, ugly woman? Isn't it just to occupy a name? But she is not reconciled to being respected by everyone.

Liu Wanwan: "I didn't do it on purpose, I was also flustered and out of control, that's why I was talking nonsense."

"Really?" Mei Niang was already furious to the extreme, and said coldly: "Then what happened later? You grabbed the sword in the guard's hand and rushed towards me to assassinate me? Died by your sword, you are flustered and out of control, right? What happened later? Did you pull out the golden hairpin or came towards me and wanted my life? Was it also flustered and out of control? Miss Liu, you Is it okay to treat everyone as a fool? What kind of enmity do I have with you? You are so plotting to kill me!"

Su Jin: "I'm also very surprised. Ms. Liu said she was flustered and out of control and pushed everything away. I'm afraid it doesn't make sense?"

Qi Wei was also annoyed that Liu Wanwan had caused him trouble for no reason, so he immediately said: "This subordinate can also testify that what Madam said is verbatim, and this subordinate and all the brothers saw it with their own eyes."

"You—" Liu Wanwan cried, "Yeah, what enmity do I have with Mrs. Mei? I've never seen her before today, so how could I have deliberately planned to kill her? I really didn't! I I know you all respect Madam, but why did you wrong me! Brother Duan, you have to trust me!"

The implication is that Su Jin and Qi Wei helped Mei Niang because Mei Niang was the general's wife, and they wanted to please the general's wife, so they wronged her indiscriminately.

Mei Niang was so angry that she turned her face away from Duan Fu, she was about to explode.

This Miss Liu has such a sharp mouth.

Holding the sword and trying to kill Mei Niang twice under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he was still able to cry out his injustice with a look of grievance on his face.

Su Jin wanted to speak, but finally held back.

She didn't know what kind of temperament Duan Fu was, this was his "family matter", and it was not her turn to say too much.

It's not good for her to talk too much.

Just right, let's also see how Duan Fu's attitude is, and see if he is a sensible person.

If it is a sensible person, it will be fine, but if it is a fool, Su Jin will have to make another plan, at least hinting at Mei Niang in private, and keep a distance from the General Protector's Mansion in the future.

After a while, Duan Fufang looked at Liu Wanwan and said slowly: "Miss Liu has been living in the General's Mansion for almost two years, right? I was negligent and didn't arrange Miss Liu properly in time. Steward, leave this matter to you, Get it done as soon as possible, and settle Miss Liu properly. Miss Liu living in the General's Mansion like this doesn't look like that."

Butler Duan was overjoyed, and hurriedly took orders in a respectful voice: "Yes, General, this old slave must make arrangements as soon as possible!"

It's long overdue.

Liu Wanwan's face changed drastically, "Brother Duan, you, you want to drive me away! No, I won't go! I'm already homeless, and I have no relatives in this world. Where else can I go after leaving the General's Mansion? ? Brother Duan."

Brother Duan yelled so loudly, tears streaming down his face before he finished speaking.

Mei Niang was so angry that her chest felt tight and painful.

She is not a narrow-minded person, and she doesn't think it is wrong for a man to take a concubine. However, if the concubine in the family is like Liu Wanwan, no matter how good-tempered the mistress is, she won't be able to tolerate it.

Butler Duan couldn't stand it anymore, and said calmly, "Miss Liu can't stay in the General's Mansion forever, can she? Isn't she going to leave sooner or later? Miss Liu, don't worry, I will definitely find a good place for Miss Liu. What are you doing? Why don’t you hurry up and help Miss Liu down?”

"Brother Duan, Brother Duan!" Liu Wanwan refused desperately, and was still crying when she was helped down.

Su Jin was speechless.

Duan Fu was also very annoyed, and cupped his hands at Su Jingong: "Let Mrs. Qin see the joke!"

Su Jin smiled: "Don't dare to be serious. General Duan is serious. This matter has nothing to do with the general's house. The general is kind enough to take care of him, but some people don't know what is good or bad. That's all. General, forgive me, the girl Liu drew her sword and hairpin before. Sister Shamei saw it in full view, and the words of 'frustrated' and 'disordered' are absolutely impossible to evade."

Duan Fu looked at Qi Wei.

Qi Wei smiled bitterly in embarrassment, "General, it is indeed as Mrs. Qin said."

Mei Niang was already in tears: "If it wasn't for Sister Su, I'm afraid I would be dead right now."

"Damn it!" Duan Fu was angry, annoyed and puzzled: "But she has no grievances with Meiniang, why would she do this!"

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