Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 610: The Past

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Qi Wei scratched his head, Duan Butler twitched his mouth speechlessly.

What can they say?

Mei Niang trembled, she was so angry that she wanted to cry again. She was almost killed by someone, but he didn't know why they wanted to kill her.

Su Jin sighed secretly, and said in a persuasive manner: "It is said that sister Mei and the general are reunited, which is a great event, but Miss Liu tried every means to prevent it. Before, she drove away sister Mei, but now she is fine. It is the intention of a liar and an assassin. Sister Mei died because she didn't want her to meet the general, and she didn't want sister Mei to stay in the general's mansion. She was a young woman who had been living in the general's mansion and refused to leave, even though the general stayed in the barracks most of the time, but After all, there is a difference between men and women, men and women are not clear about what to give and receive, even if there is no news in the mansion, outsiders will be suspicious, when the time comes, will she still be able to marry someone else?"

Duan Fu was dumbfounded and opened his eyes wide: "Madam Qin means--"

Butler Duan couldn't help laughing: "General, you have never been thinking about this, so it's not surprising if you don't see it."

Qi Wei thought to himself, the guards could all see it, and the general himself didn't feel it. However, they dare not talk nonsense about such things.

"It's ridiculous!" Duan Fu was furious, and he was aggrieved and annoyed that he couldn't even speak out, "How could this happen!"

Duan Fu looked at Steward Duan: "Within three days, no, send her away within two days, and she will not be allowed to step into the General's Mansion again."

"Yes, General." Butler Duan replied with a smile.

Su Jin sighed again: "The girl Liu lived in the general's mansion for nearly two years. Now that the general's wife and children return, she is immediately sent out of the mansion. Steward Duan must make good arrangements, otherwise people will make random guesses and rumors." Come, I'm afraid it will not be good for the general's mansion."

Steward Duan was startled, and sincerely bowed to Su Jin to salute: "Thank you, Mrs. Qin, for reminding me!"

Isn't it? If this matter is not handled properly, others will not know what to say. Not everyone in the barracks is on good terms with the general

Duan Fu accompanied him to Su Jin's house to pick up his son. He was nervous and excited, but when he saw Duan Xiaomo, he was only surprised and heartbroken.

His son is obviously ten years old, but he is so small, he looks like a child over seven years old, he is still so thin, and his face is yellow.

Looking at that young face similar to his own, Duan Fu felt like a knife was twisting in his heart. How much trouble Meiniang and her son have suffered these years!

Duan Xiaomo was a little afraid of Duan Fu at first, but soon agreed to be hugged by Duan Fu under Mei Niang's gentle voice. After all, it was because of the blood connection, the father and son quickly became close.

Duan Fu holds the child carefully, and bid farewell to Su Jin with Mei Niang.

"Tomorrow there will be a banquet in the mansion. Madam Qin and Madam Tang will be invited to the banquet. I will thank you personally. It's getting late, so I won't disturb Madam Qin."

Su Jin smiled and said yes, and sent them out in person, and then asked someone to send a message to Mrs. Tang.

It was rare for Duan Fu to ride in the carriage, with his son on his lap, and Meiniang sitting beside him.

As the twilight grew thicker, Duan Fu still felt a little unreal. He laughed and sighed along the way. It turned out that he was not alone in this world.

When he came to the General's Mansion, Duan Xiaomo was very curious about everything.

He wandered around with his mother for several years, he was not a timid child in the first place, and knowing that the man holding him was his father, and his father was so kind to him, he was even less afraid, his eyes rolled around and looked around, from time to time Curious to ask.

Duan Fu was very happy, if it wasn't already dark, he would definitely take him around the house.

Mei Niang saw that the father and son became very close, and she was very happy in her heart, and the smile on her face never stopped.

The general's wife and son-in-law came, and the whole family of the general's house was full of joy, so they had to pay a visit.

Not long after dinner, Duan Xiaomo was sleepy and went to bed. In the dead of night, Meiniang and Duan Fu still had a lot to say.

The husband and wife sat opposite each other on the kang, talking about the past, and each sighed.

Hearing from Duan Fu that two years ago he sent people back to his hometown to look for their mother and son, Mei Niang felt even more upset, who would know?

"The family said that your mother and child were washed away by the flood. I thought I would never see each other again in this life. I didn't want God to treat me kindly. You are back after all! How you were saved, the savior must repay you well. "

Mei Niang was dumbfounded when she heard this, and said with a sneer, "What flood? People in the clan said that our mother and son were washed away by the flood?"

Duan Fu was stunned: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not!" Mei Niang's eyes flashed a chill and pain: "After my mother passed away, the family couldn't tolerate it. I had no choice but to take my son and leave and go back to my mother's house. I asked my brother and sister-in-law to help find out where you are. My brother asked You are here in Wushui City. My brother wanted to keep me at home, but my sister-in-law didn’t say anything, but the clan went to my natal house to make a fuss. I couldn’t stay any longer, so I had to bring my son to find you. This journey is not easy , our mother and son only arrived in Wushui City a few months ago."

Duan Fu gritted his teeth: "Why did the clan lie? What did they do when I wasn't home?"

Mei Niang was a little embarrassed to say it, but she also knew that it would not be difficult for Duan Fu to inquire about it, so she lowered her head and said, "After my mother passed away, the patriarch wanted me to remarry his nephew Duan Santian, and said that once you go There has been no news for so many years, so it must be gone. How can I live as a woman with such a small child? The one who remarried is also a member of the Duan family, and will treat Xiaomo kindly. I also have someone to rely on, the best of both worlds."

"There's no reason for that!" Duan Fu slammed his fist on the kang, gnashing his teeth, "They're bullying too much! I won't let them go! Duan Sandian? Heh, that idiot with a brain problem?"

Mei Niang choked with tears: "I'm not sorry for you, as long as you don't suspect me."

Duan Fu felt a little uncomfortable, held her hand and squeezed it lightly: "What are you talking about? How could I be suspicious of you? You did nothing wrong, and you have worked so hard all these years!"

Mei Niang shook her head, forced a smile and said, "What's the trouble? This is what I should do."

Duan Fu felt even more sad, "Recently, I arranged for people to go back, and I can't let them go lightly. And your natal brother, we should also repay."

When Mei Niang heard him say "we", her heart warmed, she nodded and smiled and said, "It's all up to you."

When Duan Fu smiled, he suddenly felt at home, his wife was gentle and his son was cute.

"It's Sister Su and Mrs. Tang, we have to thank them well. If there is no Sister Su, our mother and son may have died, and I don't know if you will know our existence after death! We can reunite, and Mrs. Tang will also Helped tremendously."

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