Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 615: Counting on the Luo Family

Su Jin giggled and gave him a slight push: "Don't make trouble, aren't you leaving soon?"

Qin Lang gritted his teeth a little, it was because he was determined that he couldn't stay any longer, right?

"You wait!" Qin Lang squeezed her soft waist, bit her earlobe lightly and said in a low voice: "Next time I will get it back with interest."

Su Jin blushed and snorted coquettishly, a little regretful that she shouldn't have teased him like this, and she couldn't escape for the rest of her life, why did she tease him?

"Well, by the way, what are you going to do with those eighteen BMWs?"

It's a big living thing, and it can't be locked in a box. This is the territory of the Luo family. Eighteen BMWs were lost. Although the Luo family didn't dare to pursue it with a big fanfare, they would definitely investigate it secretly. If they find out by any chance, it will be a troublesome matter after all.

It can't be killed, can it? What a pity.

Qin Lang immediately put away his distracted thoughts and said: "Amo and I drove them to the place I took you to before, no one will find it there, and the field is wide, let them stay there for now!"

"That's right," Su Jin clapped his eyes and said with a smile, "how could I forget such a good place! This is our first batch of horses, and I will find ways to put more horses in it later. Get some horses."

Qin Lang smiled and said yes.

Su Jin said again: "Let's give that place a name. There are two rivers converging there, why not call it Shuanghe Ranch."

"Okay! It's most suitable to be called Shuanghe Ranch." The name given by the daughter-in-law must be the best.

Su Jin smiled again: "Shun'an, Qin Da, and Qin Shier have also come over. I am worried that I have no place to settle down. I can't stay in this yard forever. Sister Xu said that their kung fu has achieved little. Yes, but those who are better than ordinary people are also limited. She was worried that no one around me would use them, so she decided to send them all here. When she was training and needed to use them, there would be some errands. I think it’s better to send them to Shuanghe Go to the ranch, let them train there, and take care of the ranch by the way."

Qin Lang nodded: "This is the best, I will go and have a look when I have time in the future."

If he really passed, it would not only be as simple as just looking at them, but he would assess them well and give them tasks.

After a while, it was almost dawn, Qin Lang couldn't stay any longer, the two of them would have to talk about each other again, reluctant to part.

Seeing Ah Mo the next day, Su Jin smiled and thanked, Ah Mo said "ah?" with an innocent face, as if he had never done anything, Su Jin was speechless.

This person, young, has a good way of pretending, pretending to be stupid, and pretending to be the real thing.

Arranging Shun'an and others to Shuanghe Ranch will not be possible within two days. Not to mention anything else, everything must be prepared for basic necessities of life.

Regarding the purchase of various supplies, Su Jin made a list and handed it over to Wang Chun for arrangement. The manpower of Lu Escort can be used, so there is no need for Su Jin to ask.

She has to buy a few more servants, and they will also send them over to help with housework.

Qin Da and the others just cared about the training and didn't care about anything else.

Think about it again, although the place is remote and unknown at present, but it is uncertain whether they will make any noise and be targeted if they make a big move.

You must know that place is a treasure land of geomantic omen, with a completely enclosed environment, vast and excellent pastures, and sufficient water sources, once it is discovered, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be coveted.

No matter what you do, you have to use some tricks.

So the next day, Su Jin called Gu Yunzheng and A Mo, and forcibly dragged Guan Hong, who was obsessed with developing and building hidden weapons, out of the city on horseback, and went straight to Shuanghe Ranch.

Coming to the place with many turns and turns, Su Jin said to Guan Hong: "Uncle Guan, survey this area carefully. I want to set up some traps here to prevent people from entering. Uncle Guan, let's see how to set it up."

Guan Hong's eyes lit up "swish", and his face looked better, "Well, let me take a look."

"Amo, accompany Uncle Guan around here."

Su Jin himself led Gu Yunzheng into the pasture.

Later, Shun'an brought Qin Da and others to live here, and Su Jin, a woman, was inconvenient to come here often, so she had to rely on Gu Yunzheng to come and see from time to time, one for delivering supplies, and the other for assessment and supervision.

It was the first time for Gu Yunzheng to come to the ranch. Looking at the luxuriant and vast pasture, he was surprised and delighted, "This is really a good place, how did Master and Mistress find it!"

Su Jin smiled and said: "Your master found this place by accident. This is also the second time for me to come here. I was the same as you before, so I was not surprised."

On a river beach with lush water and grass, Su Jin saw the BMW that Qin Lang mentioned, but it was not eighteen horses, but seven horses, grazing leisurely with their tails flicking.

I don't know if the eighteen BMWs have parted ways after coming here, and I don't know how they are divided into several small gangs now.

A BMW is a BMW. The tall, strong, graceful body, the shiny and smooth fur, and even the movements of eating grass and flicking the tail, all look so noble and elegant. The long legs are well-proportioned and powerful. Unexpected.

Gu Yunzheng couldn't move his eyes, pointed at the horses and said excitedly: "Look, Mistress, Mistress, although these horses are a little worse than Mo Yunlai, they are still good horses that are picked out of thousands of miles. Oh, what a marvelous place it is, with so many fine horses!"

Gu Yunzheng thought to himself, he must find a way to catch and tame these horses.

Hearing Su Jin laugh, he was puzzled for a moment.

Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry: "You have eyes, but you don't have to think about them. They are not wild horses, but our family's BMW. Your master got them here and kept them here. You can come here in the future. Try to get close to them."

Gu Yunzheng suddenly realized and said with a smile: "I said, no wonder!"

Can't help showing admiration: "Master is really amazing!"

Su Jin and Gu Yunzheng rode horses around the ranch for a while, and picked a place with good terrain, planning to build a house and manor here when Anshun and others came in. There are supporting horse sheds, warehouses, grass storages, and a surrounding area is developed to plant some fruit trees and vegetable fields.

Guan Hong and Amo also walked around the place when the two went out. Guan Hong said that he had a rough idea. When he returned, he would make a good design and keep the place so tight that outsiders would die one by one.

He didn't expect that there was such a place near Wushui City. Fortunately, it hadn't been discovered yet, otherwise it would have been occupied by some gang or small tribe, big family, horse bandit and so on.

Su Jin and the others want to occupy it, but they don't have enough manpower, so naturally they have to rely on agencies.

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