It just so happened that he had some ideas and had a real place to try out the effect.

"Only in this way, the development of the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle will have to be postponed again!" Guan Hong felt regretful.

Su Jin subconsciously looked down at the two inconspicuous bracelets on her wrist. There were eight poisonous needles hidden in each of the two bracelets. There was also a poisonous needle embedded in the ring on the middle finger of her left hand, which was very convenient to use. It is Guan Hong's work.

She didn't expect that Guan Hong's obsessed head would plunge into it with a random word of rainstorm pear blossom needle out of curiosity. It is said that there is some eyebrows, but it seems that it is still too early to make it.

So, he was tossing with all his might

Su Jin couldn't say anything, so he could only watch him toss silently.

He was right that he couldn't make it for a while, after all, the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle is a terrifying and frightening super hidden weapon, even the top martial arts masters are very afraid of it, how could it be so easy to make it Woolen cloth?

Now that Guan Hong is busy with new things, it would be a good thing if he forgot about the rainstorm pear blossom needle.

After all, even Su Jin himself is not sure whether it is possible for the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle to be successfully developed.

Su Jin carefully observed the severely wind-eroded Danxia landform outside the ranch, and he was concerned.

Guan Hong's organs were mainly placed in the long and narrow passage, but the workload was not small, and Guan Hong could not succeed without more than three months.

Qin Da and the others couldn't wait for three months.

Su Jin decided to stock some local red scorpions in Danxia District.

This kind of red scorpion is a local specialty, and its production area is very similar to the environment of this Danxia District. It is expected that if it is caught, it can reproduce and survive here.

Su Jin intends to capture a batch of red scorpions and go back to domesticate them. By the way, he will add some food to make them more ferocious, and then they will be stocked here.

One only needs to take the antidote and smear the potion that the red scorpion fears and hates on the clothes. For outsiders, it is not so lucky.

After going back, Su Jin took coltsfoot and pinellia to circle a place in the backyard to breed red scorpions.

The next step is to catch the scorpion.

Fully armed, they led Gu Yunzheng, Lin Xiaoyu, Lin Shuang, Lu Biaotou and other seven or eight people, and rode to the Red Rock Valley outside the pass.

This is what Su Jin has to do, but after arriving here, no one is willing to let her do it herself.

"Master, tell me what to do, let me do it. If Master knows that you did it yourself, Master will scold me to death!"

"That's right, master, leave this kind of matter to the disciples, you should just sit aside and rest!"

"The scorpion is poisonous, so Mrs. Qin had better not move it. To put it bluntly, if we are poisoned, we will be fine with Mrs. Qin around, but if you happen to——it will be bad!"

"That's right, Escort Lu is absolutely right!"


Everyone nodded one after another, agreeing with each other, Su Jin had no choice but to listen to everyone's opinions in a good manner. Otherwise, I don't know how much time it will take to just gossip here, and I have to do business.

Fortunately, she was well prepared, even if she didn't do it herself, everything went smoothly.

This kind of red scorpion is very ferocious, very poisonous, and it lives in groups. It moves quickly and is good at hiding. Therefore, it is famous in this area as a vicious beast, and no one would dare to provoke it.

This also leads to a very large number of their reproduction, which is easy to catch.

The red scorpions lured by the smell of the food were gently held by the crowd with tweezers and put into the special wooden boxes prepared in advance, and many of them were packed in a short time.

Because the area of ​​Danxia is relatively large, the number of red scorpions needed is naturally large. This time I brought six wooden boxes when I came out, and it is estimated that I will bring back thousands of red scorpions.

This is just the first batch.

Suddenly a shaking shadow was cast in the sky, and everyone looked up subconsciously, only to see a huge goshawk soaring high in the sky with its wings flapping.

The spread wings are more than two meters long, casting a thick shadow on the ground under the sunlight.

Lu Biao's brows twitched, "This goshawk seems to have been seriously injured, everyone, be careful, it may be dangerous if it jumps down."

Before the words were finished, the goshawk roared violently and swooped down, aiming at Su Jin's direction.

Everyone was shocked, and they all exclaimed that it was too late to rescue them!

Su Jin's heart was cold, and he closed his eyes subconsciously and held his head with both hands. The claws of such a big goshawk showed how strong and powerful it was. If he scratched himself, it would definitely tear off a piece of flesh.

She even smelled the whirlwind that smelt blood.

At the critical moment, two long arrows shot through the air and pierced heavily into the goshawk's body. The goshawk screamed miserably, the tip of its wings brushed past Su Jin's back, and fell heavily to the ground, dying of breath.


"Miss, are you okay!"

"Mrs. Qin!"

Everyone rushed over in a panic.

"I, I'm fine." Su Jin calmed down, forced a smile and shook his head slightly.

The feeling of surviving after a catastrophe is really - lingering fear!

The pain in her back from being swept by the goshawk's wings made her even more terrified. Fortunately, she was shot to death, otherwise she would have lost half of her life with a single claw.

"Mrs. Qin?" A slightly surprised voice sounded, and only then did everyone realize that a small group of soldiers on horseback had come to them, and two of them picked up the goshawk.

The one who greeted Su Jin was a young general who was in the lead. He was in his twenties.

Everyone's eyes brightened and they secretly praised.

Unexpectedly, there are such outstanding figures in the army.

Zheng Guanqing got off the horse and smiled at Su Jin: "I didn't expect to meet Mrs. Qin, didn't I scare Mrs. Qin just now?"

"General Zheng," Su Jin hurriedly greeted, shaking his head with a smile: "It's okay that there is no danger. This goshawk is"

One of the soldiers said quite proudly: "Of course it is our general's arrow technique that has such accuracy and strength! No one else has such skills except our general!"

All the soldiers joined in one after another.

Su Jin smiled and saluted: "Thank you General Zheng for saving me!"

Otherwise, she really didn't dare to think about the consequences.

Seeing that her face was still slightly pale, Zheng Guanqing was obviously very frightened just now, and it is rare for her to be able to stand here and talk to him properly at this moment. Hearing this, she smiled: "Speaking of which, we provoked this beast. Fortunately, no one was hurt, otherwise it would have been our fault! Madam Qin should not thank you. This place is barren, what is Madam Qin doing here?"

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