Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 695 Lost Memory

After her parents passed away, I heard that her aunt's family moved into the Hou's mansion to take care of her. Did they treat her badly?

The more relaxed and calm she was cutting the mutton, the more sour Zheng Guanqing felt in her eyes. How many times did she practice and how many times did she go through before she could be as easy as she is now, without changing her face?

It wasn't something she should have endured in the first place.

He used to think that her parents died and the Hou's mansion was ruined, and his family didn't look down on her because of this, and didn't mean to dissolve the engagement, which meant the greatest gift and generosity to her. Now that he thinks about it, it's really ridiculous!

He never cared about her, neither did his parents.

Don't say she has amnesia, even if she doesn't have amnesia, she must choose to marry Qin Lang, right? That man was so kind to her.

"By the way, why did you think of going to study medicine? It's rare for a girl to study medicine." Zheng Guanqing pretended to have no intention of asking.

Su Jin secretly rolled her eyes. She has answered this question countless times with different people. She did not expect General Zheng to gossip like this.

Su Jin also always thinks that the two of them have been together for two days, at least they have shared weal and woe, and it is normal for them to talk and chat more casually.

She kept wielding the knife, and replied with great experience: "I can't remember this either. There must be some special reason? Perhaps, because I am exceptionally talented, my master insists on accepting me as a disciple? Well, I Master, I remember what he looks like as an old man, but unfortunately he has passed away!"

"I think so, if you don't have talent, you will never be able to learn to your level! You are very capable and powerful!" Zheng Guanqing smiled wryly, yes, she has lost her memory now, how can she still remember it? Don't even try to get anything out of her mouth.

Hearing Zheng Guanqing's praise of herself, Su Jin was quite proud, the corners of her lips were raised high, her eyebrows raised, "Yes, I also think my talent must be good!"

Zheng Guanqing laughed out loud.

Suddenly he said again: "Although you have lost your memory, you can still remember a little bit of the past, maybe one day you will remember the past memory. Have you tried every means to find your own memory?"

Su Jin was taken aback, trying to find his own memory?

It was there when I just crossed over. At that time, I came to this strange dynasty inexplicably. She was still a hard-working little daughter-in-law who was picked up and forced to marry. The nominal husband with an indifferent face was not around. A person full of malice, at that time, she was like a pure little beast that accidentally stumbled into the Jurassic dinosaur world, full of a strong sense of crisis and uncertainty, but she couldn't even remember her own life experience. It can be said that there is no way to go up and down, and there is no one to rely on, and the whole person is terrified.

Subconsciously, she naturally tries hard to remember who she really is, at least she will feel at ease in her heart. Unfortunately not, still can't remember anything.

Later, due to the pressure of life, and her indifferent face, her husband was actually quite good-natured, so she could only care about the present life first, so how could she care about other illusory things?

Later, they became a real couple, and she only had him in her heart. As long as there is him, it is enough. Everything else becomes unimportant.

Occasionally, when she thinks about it, she even hopes that she will never think of the original owner's life experience in this life, and never have anything to do with the original owner in this life.

She is her, not anyone else.

How could she still try to find the memory of the original owner?

That was the intention, but it was naturally impossible for Su Jin to say this.

Not to mention Zheng Guanqing, even in the face of Qin Lang, she never expressed the idea of ​​not wanting to remember the past. Qin Lang would also ask others to inquire about famous doctors to see if they could treat her and retrieve her memory, so she had no choice but to look forward to it.

So when faced with Zheng Guanqing's question, she lied naturally: "I have looked for it, but unfortunately, there is no progress. I don't have any hope. After all, the injury in the brain is the last thing to do, especially the memory. It’s almost impossible to get back this kind of thing through treatment. Fortunately, it doesn’t affect my life in the slightest, and it doesn’t matter whether I get it back or not!”

Zheng Guanqing felt depressed and congested again. Although he knew that even if she regained her memory, they would never have a future, but he still wanted her to remember him, and then said sorry to her personally. It made him very uncomfortable to hear her speak out about her life experience and past in such an understatement, disapproval, and insignificant tone.

"Everyone has their own past, which is their own root. If possible, I think it's better to get it back. Maybe." Zheng Guanqing smiled, maybe he didn't say anything, maybe he didn't know What are you still looking forward to.

Su Jin secretly sighed, you are right, but unfortunately, I am not the original owner of this deity! I have not lost the memory that belongs to me, and it will be even more terrifying if there is an extra memory one day!

"Well, the general is right, and I think so too." Su Jin duplicity perfunctory.

Soon, Su Jin finished dividing the wild sheep, and took two pieces of the best meat, about seven or eight catties. Su Jin weighed it, "Is this enough?"

The main reason is that this wild sheep is not very fat, and the rest are almost all the head, feet and internal organs.

How could Zheng Guanqing still care about this appetite, she nodded with a smile and said casually: "Well, let's go back."

The two went back to the snow cave together.

Zheng Guanqing insisted that Su Jin had no choice but to let him carry the two big chunks of mutton skewered by punching holes in the flexible long grass, so she was worried along the way, for fear that he would be exhausted.

On the way, I also picked the snow lotus and snow thistle that I needed, and after lunch, I can prepare the antidote.

There was fresh roasted wild lamb at noon, which made both of them a little happy.

Zheng Guanqing has simple seasoning on his body, and the roast lamb with seasoning is even more delicious.

Su Jin praised: "I don't know what kind of wild sheep it is, it's so delicious!"

The meat is indescribably delicious, roasted with a scorched aroma, tender and juicy, not old at all, and has no fishy smell at all.

Zheng Guanqing smiled and said, "I don't know either. The climate in the snow-capped mountains is cold, and the mutton grows firmer. No wonder it's different from others."

Su Jin thought of fish, and the same is true for fish. Fish in cold regions are indeed much fresher and more delicious than fish in tropical regions, so he nodded and smiled: "Sounds very reasonable, General Zheng is really knowledgeable."

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