Zheng Guanqing laughed: "I don't read much, so I'm not very knowledgeable."

I didn't realize that when I told her about my childhood, he really didn't seriously go to school for a few years, then he learned martial arts from a teacher, and then entered the military camp.

Before he knew it, he hadn't finished talking about Su Jin's preparation of the antidote.

Now that the antidote has been prepared, it is important to detoxify first. Zheng Guanqing still has something to say, he would not talk about this with others on weekdays, but now he talked to her so naturally, and he felt very happy in his heart. Joy and joy, from the heart, never before.

A touch of sadness and regret flashed across his heart. If, if they fulfilled their marriage contract and stayed together, it must be the harmony of Qin Se and Ming, right? Unfortunately, it's impossible!

While Zheng Guanqing was detoxifying and adjusting his breath, Su Jin sat beside his knees and looked outside in a daze. Seeing the sun getting weaker and weaker, and the sun getting lower and lower towards the west, she secretly sighed, come on, this is really hopeless going down the mountain!

When Zheng Guanqing finished adjusting her breath, the sun was already hanging in the western sky, and the sunset glow was spreading, gorgeous and colorful, but Su Jin could only smile wryly.

Taking the pulse again for Zheng Guanqing, finally there is good news, Su Jin said with a smile: "The general's poison has been completely removed, and he only needs to recuperate and rest for a few days before he goes back and he will be fine!"

Zheng Guanqing also heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and smiled: "Thank you Madam Qin, it's thanks to Madam Qin."

She saved his life again.

That's fine, then in the future he will be more close to Qin Lang, and others will not be able to say anything.

While the sky was still bright, the two of them went to the pine forest to collect a lot of firewood. They needed a lot for one night. Even though they were wearing thick clothes, it was still very cold on the top of the snow-capped mountain, especially at night. , without sunlight, the temperature will continue to drop

Before it was completely dark, the two roasted and ate the wild mutton. Su Jin looked at Zheng Guanqing and was about to speak. Zheng Guanqing smiled and said: "Let me watch the night tonight. The toxin has been cleared. Today I have a rest Today, I am fine, but Mrs. Qin, we have to go down the mountain tomorrow, Mrs. Qin should rest more to preserve her strength."

Although he didn't feel any discomfort in his body before, once the toxin was completely removed, Zheng Guanqing still felt that his body was full of strength and his spirit was two points better than before. In addition, his martial arts is strong, and his physique is much better than Su Jin, how can he have the heart to let Su Jin watch the night?

The marriage contract between the two families is actually equivalent to a family. She disappeared and suffered a disaster in the past, and the Zheng family looked on indifferently as if they didn't know anything, which was wrong in itself.

She would lose her memory, be displaced, and suffer so much. He didn't want to think about it at all, and he was terrified of thinking about it. She was lucky to be alive for him to see her.

The Zheng family is responsible for everything that happened to her.

He and his family have already done her a lot, and he doesn't want her to suffer any more.

Su Jin naturally refused, she is a doctor, how can she rest at ease by asking her patients to keep vigil all night? Su Jin insisted, Zheng Guanqing had no choice but to give up, but felt even more guilty.

There is also deep regret that he is not worthy of her like this.

Although Zheng Guanqing followed Su Jin's advice and only stayed in the middle of the night, he couldn't sleep all night. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. Can't catch it.

It was finally dawn, and Su Jin was very happy, "General Zheng, let's go down the mountain after eating some dry food! If...if we're lucky, maybe we'll meet my husband and the others when we go down the mountain!"

"They?" Zheng Guanqing was taken aback for a moment, there was no surprise in his heart, but he suddenly disappeared.

Su Jin smiled and explained: "When I settled down in that village, I treated an old man who was injured with a nameless swollen poison. I wrote him a prescription and a few lines, and asked him to go to my house in Wushui City to get the medicine. , smeared two or three times and it will be cured. I think he should go."

The old man went to the Qin family in Wushui City, and the Qin family would naturally get the news. In that case, they would naturally try to notify Qin Lang as soon as possible.

Qin Lang got the news and will definitely come.

If it weren't for the short distance, the old man's delay in reporting the letter, I am afraid they would have arrived yesterday afternoon.

Zheng Guanqing cheered up, nodded and smiled at Su Jin with a calm face: "Mrs. Qin is thoughtful!"

Su Jin smiled, "Let's prepare quickly!"

"it is good!"

Zheng Guanqing turned her head to the side, unwilling to see the bright and expectant smile on her face again, it was not for him, but for Qin Lang.

For a long time, he thought that men married wives and had children just to take care of housework, reproduce children, and manage human relations, but now he knows that it is not the case.

He was a little at a loss. With her as his "fiancée" as a comparison, could he marry another woman? Just thinking about it like this, subconsciously gave birth to a bit of disgust.

Zheng Guanqing smiled wryly, he must be crazy.

Su Jin's heart is like an arrow, but Zheng Guanqing is full of worries.

When I left, I walked a long distance, but I couldn't help but stop and look back towards the empty snow cave with a pile of ashes and a small handful of firewood left. He and her hadn't even met each other before, and they were so close to each other.

Su Jin was a little baffled when he saw him staring at the snow cave. She didn't want to stay in such a hole at all, and she didn't think there was anything to see. He showed such a look of "reluctantly", which made Su Jin inexplicable. It's a little cold on the back.

Su Jin's eyes suddenly lit up, and Su Jin felt that he was the truth, and quickly said: "Don't worry, General Zheng, there are no traces left by us in the snow cave. Don't get up!"

Zheng Guanqing was startled, and her heart became more and more depressed. He didn't explain anything to her. He nodded and smiled reluctantly according to her words: "Madam Qin is still careful, so I, don't worry! Let's go!"

Only he will carefully treasure this place in his heart!

"Okay!" Seeing that he had finally returned to normal, Su Jin also breathed a sigh of relief.

Climbing the snow-capped mountains is not easy, and going down the mountain is also very troublesome.

Especially the inexplicable avalanche yesterday made both of them a little terrified. They moved very lightly along the way, not even daring to speak, for fear that if the snow layer was shaken, there would be another avalanche.

After finally descending to the snow-free area, the large tracts of forests and bushes are enough to withstand an avalanche, and the two of them were relieved.

Take a break among the tall black pine forests before continuing on.

When they got down to the foot of the mountain, Su Jin was a little disappointed, Qin Lang hadn't come yet, and the only thing around was the sound of the wind blowing the grass leaves.

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