Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 700 Cooking

She can drink enough porridge, how can Qin Lang, a big man, have enough porridge for a whole day? Besides, during the three days since he disappeared, he didn't know what to worry about, and he certainly didn't have a good meal.

"Okay!" Qin Lang naturally does everything, not to mention making pimple noodles, even if his wife says she wants to try roasted hares, he will definitely go out without saying a word.

Su Jin got up and smiled, "Go to the stove and light a fire, and I'll make the dough."

"En!" Qin Lang smiled, carried a pile of large and small firewood from the corner, and squatted in front of the stove to light a fire, while Su Jin rolled up his sleeves and kneaded behind the stove.

Estimating Qin Lang's food intake, he grabbed a few handfuls of flour, added a little more, added water, added two eggs, and kneaded the flour to form a ball. Although she doesn't have much talent in cooking, she can naturally do what ordinary people can do well.

Qin Lang raised his eyes to look at the slender figure of the woman bending slightly and facing her face under the dim light, her thin lips evoked a faint smile, and in her eyes was the tenderness that he could not see. The appearance of his wife cooking for him under the lamp is really beautiful no matter how you look at it.

In the eyes of others, she is just a goddess doctor with excellent medical skills, which is revered and respected, and only he, and he is the only one in this world who knows all the beauty of her in all aspects.

After reconciling, Su Jin found a handful of green shallots, two scallions, and a few slices of green vegetables from the kitchen.

After thinking about it, I soaked a handful of dried mushrooms, washed the greens and green onions, took a few stalks of garlic and finely chopped them into minced garlic.

After lighting the fire, Qin Lang cleaned the pot and put it on the stove. Under Su Jin's guidance, he poured half of the mutton soup and mutton from the crock pot into the pot, and rubbed his hands next to his wife, smiling. Watch her make noodles.

Su Jinnu smiled and said, "Go and sit there!"

Where is Qin Lang willing? Shaking his head: "No, I will accompany you!"

Su Jin laughed: "Isn't this with me in the kitchen?"

"That's different," Qin Lang smiled and hugged her waist and chin from behind her, resting on her shoulders: "I want to stay close!"

Su Jin couldn't help giggling, his heart felt sweet, and a bright smile appeared on his face: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, or you won't be able to eat it later."

Qin Lang let go of her with a smile: "What else should I do? I'll do it!"

There is no work suitable for him to help, Su Jin blinked: "Go and watch the fire."

Qin Lang refused, and glanced at the flickering stove hole: "The fire is well, then I will accompany you like this."

Su Jin was at a loss, "Well, don't make any moves."

Qin Lang couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her face again: "Move your mouth, can you? See if I listen to you!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

The mutton soup is always hot, and the pot boiled after a little heating. Su Jin squeezed the reconciled noodles into the pot little by little, and asked Qin Lang to stir it with a pair of long chopsticks to prevent the glutinous lumps in the pot from sticking together.

The finished noodles are quickly condensed into shape in the boiling soup, and become smooth and white.

Su Jin put shredded mushrooms, small pieces of scallions, and twisted green vegetables into the pot one by one, seasoned with a little salt, and asked Qin Lang to take two bowls, one big and one small, and look at the noodles. One by one floated up and tumbling in the snow-white soup, and it was estimated that they were cooked, so they took them out one by one and put them into two bowls.

At the end, add garlic, a small spoonful of chili mutton oil, the noodles are white, the mutton is plump and tender, the green onions and vegetables are green, and mushrooms with unique aroma are added, and a bowl of noodles with delicious color and flavor is ready.

The two sat at the table and ate noodles and soup. Qin Lang ate the whole bowl cleanly and was full of praise. Even if the good noodles were mostly due to the good soup, the man's compliment still made her smile and feel elated.

By the way, I boiled hot water. It is not convenient to take a bath in the dark at this moment. The two of them rinsed and wiped briefly before going back to the room.

Put on clean and close-fitting soft pajamas, eat and drink enough, have a high bed with soft pillows, and relax your muscles and bones. This time, you are really satisfied and have nothing else to ask for.

Su Jin huddled in Qin Lang's arms, hugged his waist and face with both hands and rubbed against his chest, and sighed softly with satisfaction. Qin Lang gently stroked her soft hair, bowed his head and kissed her. The faint fragrance lingered in his nose, which made him feel comfortable and intoxicated.

Su Jin raised her head from his arms, looked at each other, and each smiled. He couldn't help holding her face and kissing her deeply again.

After some intimacy, Su Jin snuggled into his arms, and only then did he talk about everything that happened since the day he started his career.

She spoke very carefully, and Qin Lang listened very carefully.

Regarding the process of meeting Zheng Guanqing, Su Jin said lightly - it was an unintentional coincidence.

As for the fact that Zheng Guanqing strangled her neck and nearly killed her, she concealed it and did not dare to say it, and the avalanche on the snow mountain, she only gently brought it over in a few words.

Otherwise, if he found out, he might feel bad and feel guilty. She didn't want him to feel guilty.

"People from the Luo family keep coming back again and again. It's really disgusting! Alang, I can't let them go this time no matter what! Luo Ziyuan is a lunatic, I want to destroy her!"

Su Jin's eyes were cold.

She thought Luo Ziyuan knew how to be afraid and scruples after what happened at the inn last time, but she didn't expect it to get worse. I don't know how she found out about her whereabouts, and she almost hurt herself and sister Xu.

If she spared her again, it would be too good-tempered.

Qin Lang held her arm tightly, and smiled coldly: "I listen to you. But it's not enough to destroy her. I want the entire Luo family to be buried with her for her stupidity and presumptuousness! I have already sent a letter to Amo, asking He'll be back in a few days."

"Amo?" Su Jin was taken aback, "You asked Amo to take people away before to deal with the Luo family?"

Qin Lang's eyes were deep, kissed him and he naturally moved his eyes away and said indifferently: "I was just guessing, and there was no evidence, so I asked Amo to take someone to investigate. At that time, I just thought about what happened in the past. I didn't expect Ah They are so capable, and the results they found were beyond my expectation."

Although he had been to Wushui City in his previous life, he didn't stay for long. He tried hard to think back, and finally remembered what happened to the Luo family.

It's just that he had already left Wushui City at that time, so naturally he didn't pay much attention to the Luo family in a small Wushui City.

Because the matter involved in this ear is not small - collusion with foreign countries, defection, so he tried hard to still have a vague impression.

It's a pity that he didn't care about it at the time, and he didn't know which tribe the Luo family colluded with.

But as long as we carefully scrutinize and scrutinize, there are still clues to follow.

For example, those who have the strength to lure the Luo family to defect to their country must not be small forces.

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