For example, those who have the strength to lure the Luo family to defect to their country must not be small forces.

Only big forces can give more to the Luo family than what they got in Wushui City. The power outside the customs is limited, which greatly reduces the number of suspects.

In addition, there are eighteen BMWs that were snatched secretly.

Such top-notch BMWs are not common even among grassland tribes who are good at raising horses outside the customs. Most of the small tribes don’t even have a single one. Even if there is one, it must become the treasure of the tribe and belong to the most powerful leader. all.

Only the top big tribes have that kind of strength, and they brought 18 horses to the Luo family.

According to Qin Lang's speculation, even the top tribes would be reluctant to cut off such a large piece of meat from themselves to the Luo family, so it is very likely that they would borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

These 18 BMWs were scavenged from various small tribes, so naturally they would not feel distressed if they were sold or half-sold and half-given to the Luo family.

It is also worth pondering what the Luo family ventured to smuggle these eighteen BMWs into the customs and what they want to use them for.

The Luo family will definitely not keep all of them for their own use. Once it falls into people's eyes, it will definitely attract the attention of all parties. After all, it is absolutely unusual for eighteen top-notch BMWs to appear all at once.

Then resell, or befriend someone as a gift

Qin Lang doesn't care what the Luo family wants to do, he just wants to know who the Luo family is hooking up with outside the customs. After Amo led several retired scouts and archers who were good at tracking and inquiring about news, they divided into groups of two or three and went to secretly track down the source of those BMWs.

Although this is not easy, there are traces to follow.

There are only a few suspects, and it only takes a little time to investigate.

But now, he didn't want to wait any longer.

General Zheng was right, if he failed to harm Su Jin this time, the Luo family would definitely be worried about his revenge and would definitely be prepared. He couldn't give them more time to prepare.

In addition, Amo sent back a letter to report back. Although everything has not yet been definitively determined, the direction and goal pointed by the line is very clear.

Qin Lang planned to send a letter to Amo and others the next day, without further investigation, and instead concocted some "evidence", he wanted to make Luo's family unable to argue.

They didn't do any serious business in the first place, since they couldn't find any real evidence, why not concoct some?

"Ah Jin try not to go out for a while, and try not to go to the medical clinic as much as possible. It will take ten and a half months at most, and I don't have to worry about it anymore."

Su Jin nodded with a smile, "Yeah". If Qin Lang wanted to advance the previous deployment plan, he had to make many changes. Ten days and a half months were very compact.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Su Jin smiled, and said softly: "It doesn't matter if you can bring down the Luo family so quickly, it doesn't matter if it's later, Luo Ziyuan, but I won't let her go!"

"Don't worry," Qin Lang said with a sneer: "The Luo family is over, and her fate will be worse than anyone else! A domineering young lady who is useless and only bullies others, the punishment she will suffer is yet to come!"

Su Jin shivered, thinking about it, it was indeed so. Luo Ziyuan's kind of delicate and savage young lady who was parasitic on the power of the big family and did evil, had no support, fell into trouble, and took the opportunity to take revenge countless times.

I just don't know if she will realize that her stupidity and arrogance have brought the Luo family into such a situation!

"General Zheng came in and out, there must be a lot of guards around him, why did he encounter an ambush, this matter." Su Jin glanced at Qin Lang, hesitant to speak.

If he was facing someone else, Su Jin would definitely not ask this question, no matter how curious he was, because some things cannot be asked casually.

But at this moment, I was lying under the quilt with my husband, and there was no distinction between the two of them, so there was nothing to worry about, and it was okay to ask out of curiosity.

What can be said, Qin Lang will tell her, what cannot be said, Qin Lang will probably still tell her, but let her not say it outside. He can still trust his wife's character.

Sure enough, Qin Lang told the truth without even thinking about it: "The third prince of Donghu went to Daqing last year, and now he must see off General Zheng on his return journey. The route is supposed to be kept secret, and for some reason it was known, so there was that scene Murder. Although there are many people around General Zheng, but the other party came prepared, the incident happened suddenly, and he had to protect the third prince of Donghu, so he was caught off guard! I heard that General Zheng led several personal guards Ma led most of the killers away, but he was nowhere to be found, but he was rescued by Ah Jin, and as for those personal guards, they should have all died."

Su Jin was a little startled, and sighed softly: "I really didn't expect this to happen, can you find out who did it?"

Fortunately, General Zheng is fine. Once he dies, the entire military headquarters in Wushui City will have to be reshuffled. Su Jin has heard the names Donghu and Xihu so many times here. Regardless of the fact that the third prince of Donghu personally went to Daqing as an envoy, it seems like two It seems like a friend of the state, in fact, even Su Jin, who doesn't pay much attention to the national conditions, understands that this is just a mission, and it may not be a sincere friendship, it is more like a temptation.

Once General Zheng is dead, Wushui City's army will be leaderless and people's hearts will be unstable. It's hard to say whether Donghu will take action. After all, how rare is this opportunity? If you don't take advantage of this village, there will be no such store.

Expect Donghu people to be more moral? Then it would be better to expect the wolves on the grassland to stop eating sheep and eat grass instead.

Qin Lang shook his head: "Before, everyone was almost all focused on finding General Zheng. How could they care about other things? Now that General Zheng has returned safely, it is natural to investigate thoroughly."

Zheng Guanqing was ambushed and almost died. If there is no ghost, who would believe it? Not only is there an inside ghost, but the inside ghost's position in the military department is not low. Who can rest assured if he is not caught?

And the outside world, if it weren't for a powerful and huge force, it wouldn't be able to send so many experts and make such a careful arrangement. Which side is it? If you don't find out and get revenge, who in the military can swallow this breath?

After listening for a long time, Su Jin suddenly froze, and suddenly raised his head to look at Qin Lang, his eyes were burning, he hesitated to speak, and his brows frowned slightly.

Qin Lang gently patted her back, gently rubbed the center of her eyebrows with his slightly callused fingertips, and said with a light smile: "Don't worry, you just need to stay at home and stay safe until I come back. Good. Besides, even if there is action, it will not be in the near future.”

Once there is a plan for this matter, Qin Lang will definitely have a mission. Who told his daughter-in-law to be too outstanding and capable?

Whether he is willing or not, whether his daughter-in-law hits by mistake or is out of danger, the bridge has been built for him, and he must walk on without hesitation.

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