Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 719 Relieved

It's rare to have the opportunity to meet at this moment, so I secretly took a closer look at them.

Then, the same thought came to everyone's minds: There is absolutely nothing between Mrs. Qin and General Zheng!

A woman like Mrs. Qin is bright, hearty, open and generous, with clear eyes and clean temperament. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for a woman who is flirtatious and flirts with other men behind her husband's back.

There is also General Zheng Da, even if everyone doesn't say it, but who knows how General Zheng Da's character has been for so many years? It's even more impossible for him to do such a thing!

Damn it, when they heard those rumors with their noses and eyes, they all became half-doubtful, always feeling that there is no wind without waves, and they were very disappointed.

Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't.

Those who can spread rumors so decently and true to reality, except for the Luo family, really don't want to do it. The Luo family's intentions are really hateful and their hearts can be punished. This move is really ruthless, making them suspicious of General Zheng in their hearts. An unstable military spirit is really a taboo in the army.

It's just horrible!

No matter what you say, you can't make the Luo family succeed!

Everyone secretly made up their minds, not to mention now, even if there are any rumors that are not good for General Zheng in the future, they will never believe them again.

Since General Zheng was wronged, Mrs. Qin was also wronged.

Everyone felt a little bit sorry in their hearts, they exchanged cups, chatted and laughed, and became more and more warm to Qin Lang.

Seeing Ananhen, Vice General Jiang drank several glasses of mulled wine by himself. This kid is really shameless, taking his daughter-in-law's property as a favor, he doesn't feel blushing at all!

Oh, no wonder the green clouds over his head don't mind at all. There is a daughter-in-law who can make money and make a fortune for him, no matter how green she is, she will turn a blind eye.


Su Jin, who came out and showed his face, was resting in the private room next door at the moment, and he was relieved to hear the coltsfoot and pinellia reporting the situation outside with a smile. Knowing that this storm is completely over.

She raised her hand to touch her face, and she just said, this face doesn't look like a flirtatious vixen.

It is understandable that everyone will imagine and process things or people they have not seen for no reason, and then be subconsciously influenced by those rumors. Now that the real body appears, anyone with eyes will understand it.

There was still noise and laughter outside, and I didn't know when it would end, so Su Jin asked someone to tell Qin Lang to go back first.

After a while Qin Lang came over and said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law should go back to sleep earlier, I just said I should send you back!"

He took the cloak from Bai Shao's hand and put it on for her.

Su Jin stood there obediently and let him serve him. He raised his eyes and said with a smile: "It's enough to have Yunzheng and the guards, don't send them off. This is your home game today, how can you leave halfway? Let people know what to do." Call me hypocritical! Don't worry, it's not too far away, when I get home, let Yun Zheng come over and talk to you, okay?"

"It doesn't matter if I'm here or not as they eat and drink. It's not too far away. I'll take you back first and then come here without any delay. Be good, I don't worry about leaving it to others!" How could Qin Lang agree?

It's fine if he's not there, I can only choose to trust Gu Yunzheng and the others, but if he's here, of course he has to do it himself.


"Don't worry, they won't mind." Qin Lang smiled and raised his eyebrows proudly: "This is the Seven Star Building, the food and drink are unique in Wushui City, and the price is even more extraordinary, their salary is not enough to eat here once a month After the meal is over, let go of eating and drinking tonight, even if your man does not show up from the beginning to the end, they will praise your man for being generous and interesting!"

Su Jin couldn't hold back her mouth and giggled, "Well, that's all right, come here after you send me back. Coltsfoot go tell the shopkeeper that you must have good wine and food to entertain the master's colleagues, don't neglect Let Xiaoxing hurry up and cook a few more dishes and send them up."

Coltsfoot smiled and went.

"Let's go." Qin Lang took Su Jin's hand and sent her downstairs from behind and into the carriage.

After returning home, he talked for a while longer, and then he smiled and led the horse out.

The weather is getting colder, and before the real winter comes, according to the usual practice, the army must carefully inspect all the towns, checkpoints, fortresses and other defenses in the area of ​​Wushui City, and make timely repairs if there is anything wrong.

At the same time, we must make various preparations for the winter, such as food, clothing, charcoal, etc.

The entire barracks became busy, and the generals took charge of the task and acted separately.

Qin Lang also returned to the barracks after recuperating at home. It took at least two months for him to come back when he was free.

It seems to have passed from summer to winter all of a sudden. This is the first time for Su Jin and others to spend the winter here, and there are many things to prepare.

The family was equally busy.

Especially now that Su Jin is pregnant, even though she has repeatedly stated that she is in good health and knows what to do and what to do, she is still a porcelain doll that needs to be carefully protected and treated in the eyes of everyone, especially not to catch cold in winter.

For this reason, Guan Hong specially redesigned her bedroom and her daily living room. In addition to changing the kang to be more reasonable and easy to use, a small earth dragon was embedded to keep it warm and safe in the cold winter.

Lu Biaotou and the others didn't go back either, as if everyone had forgotten about going back.

Su Jin shot generously, and the Escort Bureau had no objection, so it was right to assume that they were walking the Escort.

The twelfth lunar month of winter, which had never been seen in the northern frontier, made everyone feel a little bit of anticipation and excitement, and they were busy preparing supplies for the winter every day.

All purchases were arranged by Wangchun, and Su Jin casually flipped through the list she handed over and agreed with a smile. Now dealing with these matters, Wangchun is more thoughtful and meticulous than she thought.

Everyone in the family obeyed her.

And Lu Biao and the first class also helped her, and the whole group was harmonious, and there were not so many complicated intrigues.

This is the benefit of a simple family population. There are only two masters, Su Jin and Qin Lang, Qin Lang still listens to his wife, and there are not so many factions among the servants.

Su Jin has been watching Lu Biaotou and Wang Chun flirting for several months, but according to her observation, several months have passed, and they are still flirting.

Wangchun is a self-respecting and self-loving person, and perhaps that's all she has come to. It seems that I have to make my own decisions about this matter in Mingchun.

If Chief Lu is serious about marrying a wife, Su Jin will be happy, and everything else will be fine.

She also has selfishness. Lu Escort's martial arts are very good, and he is also a prudent person. Wouldn't it be better if he could be allowed to resign from the Escort Bureau and work as a bodyguard for the Qin family?

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