Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 720: Entering Winter

As for Wangchun, she will revoke her slave status and sign another employment agreement.

If they are willing, they will stay in the Qin family for a lifetime. She and Qin Lang will definitely not treat them badly. If they are not willing, after a few years, a new person will be trained to take over. If they want to leave, she will only bless them.

On the Lin family's side in Fancheng, they sent people over for the last time before the real winter.

There are a lot of supplies on this trip.

Previously, Su Jin sent a letter to specifically ask for a large number of medicinal materials for the treatment of wind-cold fever, frostbite, lung disease and other medicines, which were increased by half compared to the usual amount.

In addition, there were six carriages full of New Year's goods sent by Su Yingxue and Seventh Young Master Lin to Su Jin Qinlang, and some gifts from Mrs. Guan of Dongchang Houfu.

These six carriages have a rich variety of New Year's goods. The clothes, shoes and socks are either leather or thickened velvet.

There are also all kinds of candied fruit and dried goods. Knowing that Su Jin likes to eat seafood, he deliberately bought a lot of dried goods.

In addition, there are thousands of catties of fine silver frost charcoal.

Very thoughtful.

The Lin family also specially brought a prompt and reliable butler with them. After kowtowing to pay their respects, Su Jin smiled and asked about the situation of Su Yingxue and Seventh Young Master Lin, and he was able to answer a few words.

Knowing that they are all well, Su Jin is also happy for them, feeling a little emotional. After this younger sister gave birth to a child, I haven't seen their mother and child. When I go back with Qin Lang in the future, I'm afraid that child can make soy sauce, right?

It's a pity that I'm pregnant now, so I won't be able to move around for at least two or three years, otherwise it would be nice to go back and see them next year.

The Lin family's caravan stayed for about seven days before setting off to go back. Sweep away the large amount of medicinal materials purchased and hoarded here.

The next time I come back will be after March next spring.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and all kinds of fresh vegetables on the market have basically disappeared. Only some scallions with bare stems and no leaves are on sale. Looking at the shriveled skins, I am afraid that they will not be edible for a long time.

In this season, only a very small number of local wealthy families can eat fresh vegetables. Even for local wealthy families, vegetables are very expensive, and it is impossible to eat whatever they want.

The Tang family does not have this problem.

The Tang family only has two owners, Mrs. Tang's mother and daughter, but the vegetable greenhouse has a full two acres of land. The vegetables produced are enough for the mother and daughter to feed themselves. Even so, the fresh and fresh green of the yard is still enough to supply.

Thanks to Mrs. Tang, Su Jin and Mei Niang are not short of fresh vegetables.

Every five days Mrs. Tang would send someone to deliver two baskets of fresh vegetables to Su Jin. Su Jin would keep one basket for herself, and send another basket to Meiniang.

When Qin Lang was still an unknown recruit, Su Jin and Mrs. Tang formed a deep friendship with Mrs. Tang. Even if Qin Lang has become a lieutenant now, Su Jin and Mrs. Tang don't need to cut off contact to avoid suspicion.

There was friendship in the first place, even if they broke up with each other now, no one would believe it. Instead, it would be better to be as frank and open as before.

It's just that it's not suitable for the two parties to cooperate in business. Even if they really want to join forces to do something together, they have to do it secretly.

However, Mei Niang and Mrs. Tang wanted to avoid suspicion, on Mei Niang's birthday, they only entertained people from the army and the government, and Mrs. Tang brought a gift, but no one went.

Mrs. Tang is also not good at sending fresh vegetables directly to General Duan's residence. Otherwise, others would follow suit and send them to the door to curry favor, and Meiniang would not be able to refuse.

It has always been a taboo for generals in the army to associate with local tyrants.

Pass Su Jin but nothing. After all, they are all from the same system.

The fresh and tender rapeseed, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, white radish, leeks, shallots, and garlic sprouts are particularly attractive in winter, just looking at them makes me happy. The fresh and attractive unique fragrance is looming, giving people the illusion that they can be eaten raw.

In the Shuanghe Ranch, a few vegetable plots were opened near the hot springs to grow vegetables in winter, but because of inexperience, the vegetables did not grow very well, and Su Jin didn't want to reveal the specific conditions of the ranch. It is also not convenient to transport the vegetables. Right now, a few baskets can be delivered to everyone in about ten days to satisfy everyone's hunger. When the road is blocked by heavy snow, it will be impossible.

In late October, the first real heavy snow finally came.

Really overwhelming.

Accompanied by the whistling cold wind, goose feathers and heavy snow fell on the ground one after another. Wrapped in a thick cloak with windy fur, wearing a Zhaojun suit, and holding a hand stove, standing on the porch, the courtyard in front of you was full of snowflakes flying densely, and the visibility was insufficient. five meters.

The snow on the ground is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is unknown when it will stop.

Basically, everyone had never seen such a big battle. They all stood under the eaves of the corridor with arms folded and wearing thick clothes, looking at Rare in amazement, and loud laughter burst out from time to time while talking and laughing.

Qin Lang hasn't come back yet, I don't know if he is staying in the barracks or on a mission.

Su Jin wasn't too worried. It was just a heavy snowfall. As long as there was no lack of food and clothing, it was nothing.

Besides, relatively speaking, it is safer in this kind of weather. Because the Hu tribe basically wouldn't go out in this kind of weather, they had already gone to find a local Maodong.

Today everyone was very fresh and excited, so Su Jin smiled and ordered the kitchen to make several hot pots in the evening, so that everyone could eat more lively.

I slaughtered a sheep and bought twenty catties of tender beef from the market, served with rice cakes, vermicelli, tofu, yuba, soaked mushrooms and fungus, and a plate of hot and sour sauerkraut. Su Jin added a plate of fresh and green vegetables to the table from his own vegetables, which made everyone even more happy.

Under the warm light, there are several hot pots in the spacious and warm dining room. Everyone gathers around to eat and drink steaming, warming the heart and stomach, not to mention how beautiful it is.

Su Jin called Wang Wangchun, coltsfoot, pinellia, white peony, etc. to eat hot pot in the house. Besides beef and mutton, he also slaughtered a chicken and made mandarin duck soup. One was mushroom chicken soup, and the other was fiery red and fragrant Spicy fresh pot, all delicious.

The Qixing building also launched a hot pot that warms the body, warms the stomach, and eats and drinks lively. Xiaoxing is very smart. Su Jin just said that she can prepare a very delicious hot pot base, which is very popular.

So much so that hot pot is the main thing in Qixing Building at this time of year. After all, it is too cold, and the stir-fried dishes are often cold as soon as they are eaten with two chopsticks. How can it be better than hot pot?

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