"Fortunately, Ah Jin is fine, she still has to rest right now, Miss Cui, please don't say a few words! Let's go!" Mei Niang interrupted Cui Jinglan's words, and dragged her away involuntarily.

She still wants to complain about her grievances, and ask Su Jin to apologize to her?

Not to mention whether she has been wronged or not, she is clear in her heart, and everyone with eyes can see clearly, even if she is really wronged, causing Su Jin to get pregnant, she shouldn't pester her now.

Along the way, Mei Niang lowered her eyes and remained silent, she was concentrating on her own affairs and did not speak to Cui Jinglan.

Just as Cui Jinglan called out "Sister Mei" pitifully, she was interrupted by Mei Niang, "Miss Cui, I'm very tired, let's talk about it later."

Cui Jinglan was even more aggrieved, she shed two tears, and wiped her tears pitifully: "Is sister Mei also blaming me? But I really didn't do it on purpose, it was the mouse that jumped out suddenly and scared me. talent."

A deep sarcasm flashed across Mei Niang's eyes, and she was frightened by the mouse, so she ran towards Su Jin confidently? Where does that posture seem to be frightened? Besides, are there any mice? Who else saw it but her?

Back home, Mei Niang said goodbye to Cui Jinglan on the pretext of being tired, ordered her servants to keep an eye on her, and hurried to find Duan Fu by herself.

Tomorrow Duan Fu will go to the military camp, it will take several days to come back, Meiniang is a little lucky, fortunately he is at home today.

Mei Niang briefly told Duan Fu what happened at Su Jin's house today, and sighed worriedly: "I really didn't expect that this Miss Cui is not only full of lies, but also has such a vicious heart. That child Xiaomo can't stop all day long. Let her live at home, what if she thinks of harming Xiaomo? Husband, look, can you tell General Zheng to send her back to General Zheng's mansion? I really dare not Leave her."

Thinking of her taking Xiao Mo out of the house without saying hello, Meiniang felt even more uneasy.

This woman really doesn't look outside at all, because she is the cousin of General Zheng Da, she dares to do anything. Besides, they will quibble again.

If she held a grudge against her for not helping her today and took revenge on Xiao Mo, how could that child be her opponent? At that time, if she uses some means, she may not be able to produce evidence even if she knows that she did it.

Xiao Mo absolutely can't have anything to do.

Duan Fu was also taken aback, he didn't expect that General Zheng's cousin would be such a woman! Duan Fu racked his brains and couldn't figure out what kind of enmity Miss Cui had with Mrs. Qin, and was it so vicious that she wanted to get rid of her child arbitrarily even under the eyes of everyone?

She is quite good at making excuses, hehe, are the mice scared?

What a joke. Fortunately, Mrs. Qin is fine, if something happens, does she really think that there is a mouse as an excuse that Qin Lang will let her go? Innocent!

Let alone rats, not even tigers.

General Zheng Da can't protect him either. Qin Lang will definitely make her life worse than death.

Besides, whether General Zheng Da will try his best to protect her is still a question.

Since Mei Niang thinks this way, she also has reason. Mei Niang has a kind disposition, and she has no intentions. She is not in the mansion, so she really does not know if that Miss Cui will do something evil.

It seems that I can't share my worries for General Zheng. This was originally his cousin, so he should take it back and handle it himself.

Duan Fu smiled and said: "In that case, let's send her away. Send the housekeeper to take her there, meet with Steward Zheng, and explain to Steward Zheng clearly. Don't worry, General Zheng is not the kind of person who waits for small belly, he Don't blame us."

Mei Niang relieved her heart and said with a quick smile: "That's good! It would be best to send her away today, so that I can sleep soundly. Otherwise, when I think of her at home, my heart will be helpless." stable."

Duan Fu couldn't laugh or cry.

For Cui Jinglan, this news is simply a surprise! Can she finally go back to her cousin?

Mei Niang was a bit embarrassed at first and didn't know what reason to "drive" her away, but Cui Jinglan immediately understood when she showed a little tone, and said with a very proactive and considerate smile that they really caused trouble to them these few days, and they should gone. Pack your luggage happily.

Steward Zheng was startled and annoyed when he heard the half-revealed words of the housekeeper of Duan's house, this Cui Jinglan is really a troublemaker, even Mrs. Qin dared to murder her, what on earth does she want to do?

Mrs. Qin is a well-known miracle doctor in Wushui City, and also the general's savior. If the general's "cousin" caused a miscarriage, what would the world say about the general?

Butler Zheng had no choice but to leave Cui Jinglan behind and hurriedly reported to Zheng Guanqing.

Zheng Guanqing didn't say a word, his expression was terrifyingly calm.

Butler Zheng was even more disturbed. After serving the master for so many years, no one knew the master's temperament better than him. Master is very angry, he was very angry by Miss Cui!

"Madam Qin, are you alright?" Zheng Guanqing asked calmly, holding back his emotions from being exposed.

Steward Zheng was taken aback, and quickly shook his head: "It should be fine, the people from Duan's residence didn't say anything. But if there is something, it won't be so peaceful."

Zheng Guanqing nodded, she was still a little worried after all, and told Steward Zheng: "You send someone to inquire secretly to make sure that Mrs. Qin is okay."

The reason why it is said to be secretly inquiring is because those rumors are embarrassing and have to be avoided. Even the tonics and medicinal materials that Zheng Guanqing asked Steward Zheng to entrust someone to get from the capital last time were not sent out, it was to avoid suspicion.

Steward Zheng understood what he meant and nodded his head: "General, don't worry, this old servant will ask someone to find out the exact information soon, then Ms. Cui"

A look of coldness flashed across Zheng Guanqing's eyes, and he said coldly: "She has nothing to do with our family, so send her to an inn. Just leave two people watching secretly!"

Butler Zheng was taken aback.

"Not going soon?"

"Will this be, not very good."

Steward Zheng also hated Cui Jinglan, but to the outside world, Cui Jinglan was the general's "cousin" after all, so it would inevitably attract criticism if the general kicked her out like this.

Zheng Guanqing sneered: "It's only these two days, tomorrow is too late, the day after tomorrow, I will send someone to take her back to Beijing in the morning of the next day, and tell her not to come again! I will never see her again!"

This woman's heart is so dark, she clearly knows who Su Jin is, but she is still able to deal with such a ruthless hand! Don't forget that all three of her family live in Su Jin's house and enjoy everything that Su Jin should have enjoyed.

There is nothing better than this.

Steward Zheng saw that his master had no room for accommodation, so he responded and left.

That's fine, Miss Cui doesn't have any girlish restraint at all, the general will be more resolute if he doesn't do it, I don't know how long she has been pestering her again and again.

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