Cui Jinglan was like being poured with cold water from head to toe in the twelfth lunar month of winter, she was completely dumbfounded.

"Live, an inn?"

Cousin asked her to stay in a hotel? How is this possible!

Steward Zheng's expression was indifferent, and his eyes were contemptuous: "Ms. Cui please hurry up and rest for two days. The general will arrange someone to send Miss Cui back to Beijing early in the morning."

"No!" Cui Jinglan was so jealous that she almost collapsed, "Cousin wouldn't do this to me, I want to see my cousin! Butler Zheng, why are you driving me out like this to make my cousin famous? How do people say cousin? I am his cousin!"

Butler Zheng cursed inwardly, why didn't he know that this matter would definitely make people suspicious? But the master's attitude is unquestionable, he is a loyal subordinate, naturally he will not refute the master's meaning.

At the moment, his expression was indifferent: "Miss Cui, why did you say this is useless? This is what the general meant. Miss Cui just leave as soon as possible. As for the other things, there is no need for Miss Cui to worry about it. Miss Cui should think about herself when she has time. To put it bluntly, Ms. Cui is a girl's family, it is really not suitable for her to show her face like this. Ms. Cui is shameless, and our general wants more. If it hurts our general, don't blame the Zheng family for being unreasonable. .”

"You—" Cui Jinglan was startled and angry, and she was still a little scared.

"What do you mean? Don't forget that my cousin has a marriage contract with your Zheng family. Even if she disappears, the marriage contract will still exist."

The Zheng family's current status, coupled with Zheng Guanqing's military power, made it even more difficult for him to make mistakes, and if he made a slight mistake, he would inevitably be criticized. As long as the Su family insists that Su Jin's whereabouts are unknown and refuses to withdraw from the marriage, the Zheng family will be helpless, otherwise they will be bullying others, adding insult to injury, and turning their faces ruthlessly.

And it is Cui Jinglan's parents who can be the master of the Su family and Su Jin.

Hearing what Cui Jinglan said, Steward Zheng clearly intended to threaten him. He was so angry that he sneered coldly with a black face, "Miss Cui's tone is so loud, but don't act on your behalf. You, the Cui family, have nothing to do with you! Someone, please ask Miss Cui to go out! Let Miss Cui stay in the inn properly and don’t go out indiscriminately, it will be bad if something happens!"

How could the servants pay attention to Cui Jinglan when they saw that Steward Zheng was angry? Can't help but get her away.

Cui Jinglan was so angry that she almost fainted, cursing in the inn room.

Su Jin, as long as she's around, she's not as good as me!

She touched the medicine in her bosom, adding to her troubles, she didn't even have a chance to see Zheng Guanqing, how could this medicine be used on him?

What's the use of her trip to Wushui City if she can't use him?

She was so angry that she wanted to go to the door to trouble Su Jin, but in the end she couldn't even get out of the inn.

After a day, he was forcibly sent away by Zheng Guanqing.

She was naturally noisy and refused, but Zheng Guanqing had already ordered her to be knocked unconscious and taken out of the city. Cui Jinglan's waking up after leaving the city was useless.

It's useless to cry and fuss.

Cui Jinglan was shaking with anger, Su Jin, Su Jin! It's a bad thing to have her here, and everything is going in a bad direction with her here. Cui Jinglan felt ruthless in her heart, even if her cousin really didn't want her, she would never spare this woman!

Pushed by Cui Jinglan, Su Jin lay in bed to rest for two days, and drank the anti-fetal medicine twice before feeling better.

The main reason is that the fetus is already a month old, about eight months old, and Su Jin's body has also become bulky. Otherwise, it would be no problem for her to deal with someone like Cui Jinglan.

Su Jin also knew the news that Cui Jinglan was sent away quickly without a sound. She was a little surprised, and then sneered: "If she got out early, it would be no better than her!"

After all, General Zheng is not blind after all. If he really fell in love with this kind of woman and later became the wife of his husband's boss, it would be really disgusting.

Su Jin finally understands why Qin Lang is eager to make military achievements. Only the higher he goes, the less likely he is to be bullied.

After all, he was also for her.

After Cui Jinglan left, Mei Niang came again, and she was relieved to see that Su Jin and the baby in her stomach were safe, otherwise she would really feel guilty. After all, Cui Jinglan's curse was brought by her.

In the blink of an eye, another seven or eight days passed, and suddenly there was news in Wushui City that Qingdi King City had been taken over by the Daqing Frontier Army.

I don't know where this word came from. Most people don't believe it, because it's so incredible.

None of the Daqing people living in the northern border knew what the King City meant to big tribes like Qingdi and Donghu. It was their root, the last and strongest guarantee. There lived the strongest inhabitants, the great wealth accumulated from generation to generation, the best weapons, the strongest horses, and the richest food.

Not every tribe has a king city, only the super big tribes at the top of the food chain have it, and because of the king city as the foundation and guarantee, unless the big tribe is completely exterminated, it will take a few years to rely on this foundation and guarantee. You can start all over again and rise quickly.

Because of the important role of the royal city, their ancestors can be said to have painstakingly selected the site for the construction of the royal city, and they were often located in extremely secret places that are not known to outsiders. Not to mention that it is basically impossible for Daqing people to find it. Even most of their own insiders don't know.

The royal city is indestructible.

Especially after generations of reinforcement and construction, even if the location is known, it is almost impossible to break through.

That's why, when the news spread, everyone was so surprised, and even thought it was fake, nonsense, some bastard talking nonsense to amuse people.

Only Su Jin's heart jumped, and her intuition told her that this was true, and her intuition also told her that it was her man who did this.

Her man hadn't come back for more than two months, and she had already guessed in her heart that he might have gone to do something, and now it coincided with this rumor. Others were still suspicious and said it was impossible, but she was basically sure in her heart.

It's just that it's inconvenient for her to ask the army about this kind of news, so she asks people to go to the well to collect it.

Soon, the news was almost confirmed. At the same time, it also came out why Daqing sent people to search and attack Qingdi Royal Court. The surprise attack on General Zheng last year was done by Qingdi people. The people in the important town near Shuicheng are also from Qingdi—this news had been kept secret by the military before, and the whole city was in an uproar.

It's no wonder that General Zheng Da sent someone to clean up Qing Di.

Soon the lone army went deep, and the news spread that it was Qin Lang and Deputy General Song who destroyed the Qingdi people's royal city.

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