Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 738: Spoils of War

Su Jin drank half a bowl of beef porridge, ate half a bowl of egg custard, and stopped eating two boxes of leek vermicelli. Qin Lang kept looking at her, and frowned when he saw this: "Why do you only use such a small amount? How can this work! You are twins now!"

Su Jin wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and said with a smile: "I am a doctor, can I still lose myself and my children? I know in my heart that I will eat something after a while. I can't eat too much at a time, and the nutrition is balanced Most importantly, this is already a lot! If you eat too much and have excess nutrition, the child will grow too big, and it will not be a good time to give birth."

"This—" Qin Lang's brows twitched fiercely, and he glanced at her stomach, the entanglement in his heart was fully expressed on his face, he didn't know what to say.

I'm afraid that she will feel hungry and feel that she should eat more, and she is also afraid that the adults will suffer when the child grows too big as she said.

He squeezed her hand for a while and sighed softly: "I didn't expect it to be so difficult to have a child. After this one, I won't give birth to anything! Never again!"

Su Jin smiled, gave him a steamed bun stuffed with mutton and scallions, and said with a smile: "You eat it and go to the military camp, I told you, I'm a doctor!"

Qin Lang felt relieved and laughed. This is true, the daughter-in-law herself is a doctor with superb medical skills, and the mother and child will be safe.

Su Jin sent Qin Lang out, and Qin Lang said again: "By the way, have you seen the big boxes I sent back yesterday? They are all spoils captured this time, and I didn't look at them carefully, but the things should be good. .”

"I didn't have time to look at it yesterday, I'll take a look later!" Su Jin told him to arouse some interest, and asked with a smile: "It's all for me?"

Qin Lang smiled and nodded: "Of course it's all for you, otherwise who else can I give it to? You can do whatever you like!"

"Okay! I'm going to make a small fortune this time!" Su Jin clapped her hands and laughed.

Qin Lang smiled: "Well, it's all yours!"

After finishing speaking, he greeted her to go back, he went out and mounted his horse, and led a group of soldiers to leave.

Su Jin gathered his outer robe and watched him go with a smile. It happened that there was nothing to do at the moment, and because of the curiosity aroused by Qin Lang, Su Jin took Wangchun, Coltsfoot, Pinellia, and Gu Yunzheng to the wing room where the large boxes were placed.

Five large boxes were neatly placed in a row, the black wood color was shiny and oily, I don't know how many times I have brushed it with high-quality tung oil, it looks very strong at first glance.

The box was not locked, it was only buckled, and there was a seal on the junction.

Wangchun and the others lifted the seal, and the two of them worked together to lift the lid of the box.

The first big box was opened, and a burst of golden light was dazzling. Everyone subconsciously squinted their eyes and turned their heads away. After seeing the contents of the box clearly, they all gasped in surprise.

I saw that the box was full of all kinds of gold utensils, gold bottles, gold bottles, gold jugs, golden beasts and other ornaments made of gold. The shape is rough and the lines are simple, but it looks very heavy and solid. It is definitely not a craft of gold pasting, drawing, or hollowing out. It is made of real gold.

Each piece is inlaid with various gemstones, such as ruby, sapphire, emerald, cat's eye, tourmaline, turquoise, crystal, etc., inlaid into various patterns with national characteristics, and the eyes are full of brilliance.

Su Jin wanted to pick up a crouching beast that was more than a foot long and take a closer look, but it was too heavy and too heavy for her hands, and she couldn't lift it up with great effort, for fear that the movement would hurt too much. The child in the womb had to give up.

Wangchun smiled and sighed: "Our master is really capable, so much gold and jewels, I don't know how much they are worth if they are sold off!"

Su Jin smiled and ordered to open the second box.

The second box is the same as this one, it is full of gold inlaid with various precious stones, and the light of colorful precious stones shines in the golden light, which really blinds people's eyes.

The third mouth is full of various jade articles. Although it is not as good as the quality of suet white jade, the royal family's collections are naturally top-notch, flawless, smooth and shiny, carved into beautiful and exotic ornaments.

In the fourth box were ten or twenty wooden boxes, large and small. Su Jin opened a few of them casually, and they were full of all kinds of golden, shiny, and dazzling jewelry.

One of the boxes that was more than a foot long contained no less than twenty pairs of gold bracelets inlaid with various precious stones and in different shapes.

There are also golden butterfly flower tines inlaid with pearls and gems, gold hairpins and jade pendants inlaid with jade, long strings of large pearls, etc., as well as two large boxes of gems of various colors that are not inlaid, which make a crisp sound when you move them. The sound of impact, the light is bright.

In the last box are all kinds of high-quality leather, such as Firefox, white fox, sable, etc., each of which is flawless and soft.

The eyes of several people stared straight, and even those who regard money as dung can't help their hearts pounding wildly when faced with such huge wealth.

Su Jin sighed with a smile: "No wonder people say that war money is easy to make. As long as you can survive, you will have nothing to worry about for a few lifetimes. These few boxes of things are much more than our family's income over the years!"

Wangchun smiled and said, "This is because our master has the ability to do it. Others can earn a living at most. Madam, you are lucky!"

Gu Yunzheng was so envious, he couldn't help but said: "Whenever Master goes to the battlefield again, it would be great to take me there! I don't want these things either, I just think this is what men do! It's exciting to think about it."

Several people couldn't help laughing, Wang Chun laughed and said: "You are only so old, you just want to go to the battlefield!"

Su Jin smiled: "If you really have this heart, it will not be easy? But what Wang Chun said is right, you are still a little young now, and it will take another two or three years before you can go to the battlefield. Also, you have to agree with sister Xu ! When the time comes, if you have a chance, you just go, if your master doesn’t allow it, I’ll tell him.”

Gu Yunzheng was very happy, he grinned, and couldn't help but blushed when he came back to his senses, scratched his head and said with a sarcastic smile: "Well, Master, I, I don't want to stay by your side to protect you, or, that is--"

"I know, I can understand," Su Jin laughed. "You men all have such a dream in your heart. If you think about it, just do it. There is no shortage of people around me to protect me. Besides, now that there is no Luo family, there is no need. It doesn't have to be like before!"

Only then did Gu Yunzheng feel relieved and happy, and bowed to Su Jin to thank him.

After appreciating the contents of several large boxes for a while, Su Jin smiled and said: "Lock it up first, and when your master comes back in a few days, there will be a reward at home. Our family members from Fangyin County will each choose one." jewelry."

Wangchun and the others quickly smiled and thanked, feeling very happy in their hearts.

Not to mention picking a piece of jewelry, even if it's just a gemstone, it can only cost several hundred taels of silver if you take it home and sell it.

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