In the past, they might not have dared to ask for it, but looking at so many large boxes, it would be nothing more than a drop in the bucket for them to pick one, so there is no psychological burden.

Su Jin was thinking, later, he should invite Lu Escort and the others to go to the capital and send a box to Xu Rongyue, so that she can sell it to expand her business.

Xu Rongyue and his wife are both in the capital now, and they happen to be a little tight on money. After all, if you want to really expand and stabilize your business in the capital, you must have enough money. The price alone is not comparable elsewhere.

There were twenty or thirty things in a big box, all inlaid with so many precious stones, and they were all sold off. Even if she didn't know how to calculate, she could probably be worth more than three hundred thousand taels, right?

When I am free, I will pick a few top-quality items and keep them as family heirlooms. I feel beautiful when I think about them.

The barracks was busy for seven or eight days, followed by a celebration banquet, and it took eleven or two days for it to return to normal.

This time there will be many people who will be promoted. As the chief general, Qin Lang is basically safe to be named an uncle. As the deputy general, Song can also be promoted to a higher level, or have other gifts. The other generals, large and small, can't lose money either.

General Zheng Da has already submitted a paper to the court, so just wait.

After this battle, there will be no major actions in the military in the near future.

The destruction of Qingdi King City was a great shock to the tribes big and small on the grassland. Even Donghu must be frightened and obediently become a little bit more honest. It just so happens that the Wushui garrison can also take this opportunity to rest and recuperate.

On this day, Qin Lang was dealing with official business in the study, when he suddenly felt something, he suddenly raised his head and stared at a certain direction with sharp eyes, one of them laughed hoarsely, and walked into the study slowly, "General Qin is really powerful, That's how I found it!"

Qin Lang frowned, and didn't ask him how he came to his study quietly, avoiding his eyes and ears. Since he came, he didn't shy away from showing himself, at least he explained that he was not an enemy.

"What's the matter with you?"

The man cupped his hands, and his hoarse voice trembled a little weakly: "Congratulations, of course. Congratulations to General Qin for his great achievements. He is famous inside and outside the pass and has a bright future. Congratulations!"

Qin Lang smiled indifferently, what is the future is not what he wants at all, he is not so utilitarian, if it wasn't for the noble son of King Qian who ran to Fancheng suddenly, and he knew that the man's suspicion had something to do with it. How many times, it’s fine if I don’t bump into him, since I bumped into him, and his wife is so outstanding, he will definitely investigate all unusual people or things thoroughly, just in case, he will not be able to after all the entanglement and pain I did not choose such a path, just to hold a bigger and heavier bargaining chip in my hand, in case of possible changes in the future.

If he had nothing but money in his hand, then sooner or later they would have their marrow sucked blood and nothing left.

Thinking about it carefully, now at this point, the bargaining chip is almost enough, no amount of more is necessary.

The man said again: "Although Qingdi's vitality has been seriously injured and his foundation has been destroyed, Donghu is still there. Has General Qin thought about whether Donghu will take action?"

Qin Lang said: "General Zheng Da and General Duan are in charge of this matter. If you have any ideas, you can tell them."

The man shook his head and smiled mockingly: "How many people will listen to what I say, an old man who is half buried in the earth? It is a fate destined to meet the general, and I only tell the general. Do you know, the general, Donghu the year before last?" The largest grassland was severely drought, which caused plague, and a large number of horses, cattle and sheep died. Last winter, there was a rare white disaster in a century. Livestock and people froze to death and injured countless people! Under such circumstances, the general thought that Donghu people could return Can you sit still?"

The herdsmen on the prairie are more dependent on the sky than the farmers in Daqing. If God does not give them a way to survive, people really have nothing to do in front of God.

And once God does not give them a way to survive, they will step on their horses, raise their butcher knives, and ask Daqing for a way to survive.

Qin Lang's heart changed slightly after hearing this: "Do you have any real evidence for your words?"

If this is the case, why did the army receive any news? Qin Lang didn't quite believe it.

The man sneered: "Where is there any real evidence for this kind of thing? The general is not a fool, don't you know that not everything can be proved by so-called 'evidence'? Facts are facts, why must so-called 'evidence' prove it?" Can it be considered fact? Isn’t it absurd? I saw this with my own eyes! I saw with my own eyes that they dug countless large pits to bury the livestock that died in the plague. Donghu was afraid that the news would spread to Daqing and cause Daqing’s vigilance, so he ordered a blockade from the very beginning. News, as long as they are not willing, what news Daqing wants to get is tantamount to nonsense!"

Qin Lang didn't speak. The difference in appearance between Donghu people and Daqing people is very obvious. It is impossible for Daqing to send any spies to sneak in their old lair. And Donghu people have always been known for their unity, and it is even more impossible for those who want to bribe them to be spies.

If Donghu really wanted to block some news, it wouldn't be surprising that Daqing didn't know about it when there were no news channels and the distance was far away.

The news was so terrible that Qin Lang didn't know what to do for a while.

If what this person said is true, the Donghu people must be very sad this year. For a super large tribe that is already ambitious and restless, life is difficult, and they will definitely not be peaceful, and they will definitely start a war.

And will pick out unexpected opportunities.

If no arrangements have been made in advance, Daqing must pay a heavy price!

This is not what Qin Lang wants to see.

But what if the old man's words are false?

After a while, Qin Lang stared at him flatly: "I can't believe you, I will report this matter to General Zheng, and then send someone to investigate."

The man sneered: "It's not the old man. I look down on the scouts in your army. I want to go deep into the barbarians to investigate the news that they deliberately block and conceal. Hehe, there may not be any gains!"

Qin Lang: "Unless you can produce evidence that convinces me. I can't make any decision based on your words alone."

The man struggled with tangled expressions, sighed for a while, and took out a black iron plate that looked very old from his arms, two inches wide and three inches long, and gently placed it in front of Qin Lang: "General Qin Do you know what this is?"

Qin Lang glanced at him suspiciously, took the black iron plate in his hand, looked carefully and couldn't help but his face changed: "You, you are—"

The man was also surprised, and then he laughed, relieved: "It turns out that General Qin knows each other, so it will be easier to handle."

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