Qin Lang went to find Zheng Guanqing that day, the two discussed for a while, and within two days, the man left Wushui City quietly, and the scouts sent by Zheng Guanqing followed him.

"Be prepared, we have to know as soon as there is any movement at Donghu."

Zheng Guanqing probably believed this news. Donghu sent people over in the second half of last year and the beginning of this year to express their goodwill, expressing their eagerness to make friends with Daqing, and specially sent them "annual gifts". Su Jin extorted 1,000 sheep from the third prince before. Although they said that it was too far away to drive the sheep and it was inconvenient, they didn't renege on the debt.

No discount at all.

Everyone used to think that they were only Donghu people, but seeing Daqing getting stronger and stronger, the national power was prosperous, and the fear in their hearts became honest. Even Zheng Guanqing thought so.

But now after discussing with Qin Lang, and carefully recalling all the previous deeds, he naturally discovered the clue: Donghu people have never been easy to talk about, and it has been too abnormal for more than a year!

In the past, they would not take the initiative to make friends with Daqing with enthusiasm, and it was the first time that they gave New Year's gifts. I thought it was their sincerity for the relationship between the two parties, but thinking about it in another direction, this may not be paralyzing Daqing. vigilance.

There is also the third prince, who was so miserable by Su Jin and suffered so much under Su Jin's hands. According to the nature of the Donghu people, let alone pay for the property of a thousand sheep. Even good.

This joy is really too unusual!

Zheng Guanqing broke out in a cold sweat after thinking about it carefully.

If Qin Lang hadn't reminded him, he would have really relaxed his vigilance. If the Donghu people attacked suddenly, the energy would definitely not be comparable to Qing Di.

Zheng Guanqing's mood is very complicated, isn't Qin Lang's luck too bad? If he made a great contribution to this matter, he would be inferior to him.

No wonder Vice General Jiang is jealous of him in every possible way.

Even he couldn't help being a little jealous. It's just that his jealousy is just jealousy, and it will never be transformed into a blackened and evil style.

After Zheng Guanqing and Qin Lang conspired to make a decision on this matter, they didn't say much to anyone in the barracks, and only half-spoken to Duan Fu.

After all, Donghu has repeatedly shown his goodwill to express his sincerity, and the emperor and the Korean and Chinese officials are very happy to agree with the two countries' strikes and the friendly relations between the two countries, and Donghu's initiative to show goodwill. Diplomatic relations, deliberately singing against the emperor and the court ministers.

Furthermore, it made Donghu wary, which was even worse.

The surface of Wushui City still seemed calm. After Qin Lang arranged these things, Zheng Guanqing granted him a half-month leave. Qin Lang was happy to stay at home with his wife all day.

In less than two months, Su Jin will give birth.

Newborn children's things can be seen everywhere in the house, and the Wen Po in Wushui City has also inquired about it. Everyone became more cautious in front of Su Jin, for fear of disturbing her and the child in her womb.

Su Jin was also a little nervous, after all, this was the first time.

And in ancient times without any modern technology to help, giving birth to a child is particularly frightening.

In the past, others entrusted her life and death to her, but now she entrusts her own life and death to God.

Fortunately, Qin Lang was by her side, and the man treated her with care and love, which made her somewhat comforted and at ease.

The child in Su Jin's womb has not yet been born, and Zheng Guanqing's reward from the imperial court has not yet come down, but Zhao Ming'an, the son of King Qian, is about to come to Wushui City with his people, claiming to be ordered by the emperor to come to Wushui City for inspection.

When Zheng Guanqing got the news, he passed on the news to all the generals, saying that he would lead them out of the city to meet him. As for how the prince Qian, who was ordered by the emperor and counted as half of the imperial envoy, will conduct inspections, we will wait for him to come to discuss.

Only in this way, Qin Lang, Vice General Song and other generals who were originally on vacation would not be able to take it anymore.

Boss Su Jin is not happy, especially the son of Prince Qian who has met once in Fancheng and has a bad initial impression, which makes people feel even more unhappy.

I always feel that there is nothing good about him coming, and he himself has no good intentions.

"He shouldn't remember seeing us?" Su Jin asked Qin Lang with a smile.

Qin Lang forced a smile and shook his head and said indifferently: "A nobleman like him naturally wouldn't bother to remember a small person like us, and he only met him once!"

Su Jin smiled: "That's true."

Qin Lang's heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface, on the contrary, he was inexplicably uneasy, and always felt that Zhao Ming'an's coming to Wushui City this time must have a reason for him.

Having made such a small amount of credit and being promoted to this position does not attract so much attention from the Qian Palace. If he really came for him, it could only be because of other reasons.

What else could it be? Qin Lang secretly sighed, perhaps, Zhao Ming'an really found something and confirmed something, so he came to the door in person.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for everyone to go out of the city to welcome the day. Early in the morning, Zheng Guanqing led the generals out of the city ten miles to wait for Zhao Mingan and his party.

After waiting until noon, Zhao Mingan and his party slowly came from the front and appeared in the sight of the generals.


"Yeah, it's finally here!"

All the generals secretly breathed a sigh of relief, staring straight ahead without blinking.

They are all rough people, how can they wait patiently for such a long time? What's more, it was clearly an hour and a half ago that the son of King Qian sent a notification to arrive.

It is a disaster to make a group of impatient rough people wait an hour and a half longer. Everyone has already become irritable and impatient, but they dare not speak out because of the rules.

Naturally, most people don't have much affection for this prince Qian.

Vice General Jiang's eyes lit up and he was secretly happy, his face flushed with excitement, and he rubbed his hands.

He couldn't help but secretly glanced at Qin Lang, the joy of revenge flashed across his heart, the son of the world came here in person to see what Qin Lang still had to do. How can he compare with the Shizi? Even General Zheng Da, expected to not dare to be so harsh and embarrassing to himself.

It was clearly within the distance of sight, but Zhao Mingan and his party took more than a moment to arrive slowly.

While waiting, the crowd became restless again, wishing they could rush up and kick their asses twice.

When he finally arrived, Zhao Mingan raised the corner of the curtain on the carriage, glanced at everyone, his eyes fell on Zheng Guanqing, and nodded with a smile: "General Zheng and all the generals have worked hard! Come into the city quickly! This road is really good. It’s not easy to go, it’s finally here!”

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