Zheng Guanqing answered "Yes" indifferently, and said: "Naturally, the border area can't be compared with the capital. Prince Qian's son has worked hard! Please!"

Zhao Mingan nodded, glanced at the generals and said, "Who is Qin Lang?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Lang in unison, with envy and disbelief, after all he has made such a great contribution, it is not surprising that Prince Qian noticed him.

Qin Lang was not as happy as everyone thought, he stepped forward blankly, clasped his fists at Zhao Ming'an and nodded slightly: "I have met Prince Qian."

Zhao Ming'an stared at him for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "I really didn't expect my son to meet General Qin here! When we met before, General Qin was completely different from this moment. If I hadn't seen him in person, I wouldn't have thought of the same place! Before General Qin, he was a real person who didn't show his face hahahaha!"

Everyone was startled, and their faces changed drastically, and the eyes of many people became inexplicably dark and dark: Are General Qin and Prince Qian's son actually old?

Zheng Guanqing was also a little surprised. Like everyone else, he didn't expect that Qin Lang really had an old relationship with Prince Qian's son?

After careful thought, he denied it. If Qin Lang really had an affair with Prince Qian, he would not have to join the army at all. Even if he joined the army, he would not have to start from the bottom.

So, what is the reason?

In fact, Qin Lang just met Zhao Ming'an without incident, and did not arouse Zhao Ming'an's interest, and the people Zheng Guanqing sent to investigate did not find out such a trivial matter.

Qin Lang's eyes tightened, he raised his eyes subconsciously, met Zhao Ming'an's sharp eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his heart sank even more, this person really knew something!

Qin Lang's heart suddenly settled down: the matter has come to this point, and the soldiers will cover it up. If he still has the idea of ​​the previous life and makes himself work for him, it is absolutely impossible.

Zhao Ming'an laughed out loud, looked back, and put down the car curtain, "Let's go into the city!"

Seeing Qin Lang's appearance that was almost like his father's king, seeing his majestic and majestic appearance in armor, Zhao Ming'an suddenly felt strong jealousy.

He doesn't remember meeting Qin Lang when he was in Fancheng, let alone Qin Lang's appearance. He only vaguely remembered the image of a shy, timid and ignorant country man, and he naturally wouldn't notice people who were worse than his servants.

But what he sees now, even if he can't recall his appearance that day, he can be sure that it is definitely not the image in front of him. This country bumpkin has undergone such earth-shaking changes after some tidying up, it is really unexpected!

It would have been better if I knew it was him, what a pity!

Fortunately, he was careful at the beginning, and later sent someone to investigate. Just to put it bluntly, how could it be possible for a man who is boasted so much by the prince of Dongchang Hou to be that shrinking-headed? This investigation turned up some clues.

Later I heard that he had joined the army, so I was too lazy to do anything else for the time being.

Thinking about this is not bad, let him go to the barracks to practice and practice, if he can break out of the world, it will not be too late to subdue him at that time, if he dies here, it means he is a coward, and he will die. Just die, don't need to mention anything.

It was beyond his expectation that he could do this in such a short period of time.

And that Su Jin, Dongchang Hou Shizi said that Su Jin saved his life, it is really true after all, where did that woman learn such medical skills, I have to inquire carefully

Even if there is no letter from Vice General Jiang, he will come.

There is also a post house in Wushui City. Because of the special geographical location, the post house in Wushui City is built next to the General's Mansion, separated by an alley and less than ten minutes' walk away.

No one stayed in this posthouse for many years. Last year, Donghu's envoy Daqing came to Beijing and passed by here. Because they came suddenly, the posthouse did not have time to repair and decorate, so they had to live in Zheng Guanqing's residence.

But at that time, Zheng Guanqing ordered people to renovate the post house, otherwise there would be no place for anyone to stay, and he actually didn't mind letting people live in his house.

The last time the third prince of Donghu fell and injured his foot and was recuperating in his own house, it was an accident.

This time when Zhao Mingan came, he naturally stayed in the post house.

Zheng Guanqing also breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the third prince Donghu, he was more unwilling to let the son of Prince Qian live in his mansion.

Zhao Mingan and his party moved in, and all the generals bid farewell and left, leaving only Zheng Guanqing and Duan Fu to accompany them.

Everything in the post house had already been arranged properly, Zhao Mingan and his party were taken to rest by their servants, Zhao Mingan quickly dismissed Duan Fu, leaving only Zheng Guanqing to speak.

"Zheng Shizi's demeanor is even better than before, it's really enviable!"

Zhao Ming'an still has a good face and a good voice towards Zheng Guanqing. Of course, he doesn't dare to woo Zheng Guanqing openly. The Zheng family has been a general for generations and is the mainstay of the country. If he dares to woo Zheng Guanqing openly, Zheng Guanqing doesn't need to do anything. The emperor's grandfather on the road would beat him first and clean him up.

Among the three palaces, none of them dared to blatantly win over Duke Min's mansion.

As for what happened behind the scenes, he didn't know, he only knew that Zheng Guanqing didn't have much affection for him or the Qian Palace.

Sure enough, no matter how much he praised, Zheng Guanqing's expression remained indifferent and his eyelids did not move, "The son of the prince Qian was joking."

Listen, even polite words are so perfunctory! I don't want to use my mind at all.

Zhao Ming'an laughed: "I'm not joking, it's from my heart! Zheng Shizi not only has a long history of family education, but also made great contributions to my Daqing, and has also trained and promoted a large number of outstanding generals. It's really admirable to be so loyal to the emperor and patriotism without selfishness." ! If Zheng Shizi hadn't been promoted, how could Qin Lang have made such great achievements? I think 80% of his credit should be attributed to Zheng Shizi."

Zheng Guanqing felt inexplicably uneasy when he mentioned Qin Lang, but his face remained expressionless: "It's not like that, no matter who makes the credit, it's their own, it's their own ability. A person with real ability, Once he has the opportunity to be caught by him, he will definitely soar into the sky, no one can stop him, this really has nothing to do with this general! Even if it is not now, he will naturally become famous in the future."

Zhao Mingan laughed loudly: "But with Zheng Shizi as Bole, how many detours has he avoided? In short, it is absolutely right to thank Zheng Shizi for this!"

Zheng Guanqing glanced at him and stopped talking.

He felt a little strange, Zhao Mingan's tone seemed to represent Qin Lang, but why should he represent Qin Lang? Is Qin Lang old with him? how is this possible! His people have already checked the past of Qin Lang and Su Jin to the bottom of the sky, and basically found out everything that can be checked, but there is nothing wrong with Zhao Mingan.

I have to say something, that is, Zhao Mingan went to Fancheng the year before last, maybe they met each other, that's all.

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