Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 751 Rejection

After talking about it, Zhao Ming'an's tone became obviously a little impatient.

This Qin Lang, who just found out his identity, started shaking impatiently? Also said that he is not used to it, can't believe it? Heh, look at how quickly his roles change!

Otherwise, he dares to reject himself?

Zhao Ming'an never asked others for money. To be honest, he didn't take Qin Lang as anyone. He took it for granted that everything about Qin Lang belonged to him, and he took it away if he wanted it.

But who knew that he opened his mouth but got no response, it was no different from a slap in the face.

He even felt the hot embarrassment on his face.

"My son misunderstood," Qin Lang shook his head, "I did get a lot of things, but they have already been distributed, and I only kept a dozen or so pieces, and I plan to leave them as gifts for my unborn child. A box of jewels was given to my daughter-in-law, and there is no more."

In fact, five big boxes and one big box were sent to Xu Rongyue in the capital, and one big box was sent to Shuanghe Ranch, leaving two boxes of treasures and one box of leather.

He said that if there is no one, there will be none. Can Zhao Mingan take someone to search the warehouse?

Seeing that his tone was calm, without the slightest trace of sincerity, Zhao Mingan felt unhappy again.

Why is he? When he mentioned his father, he didn't see the slightest awe and fear. Is there anyone who treats him like a son? What kind of son is this? He is simply a heartless white-eyed wolf!

Zhao Ming'an said with a sullen face: "Really? If that's the case, then forget it! You can have some fun in the future, and don't forget your father!"

Asking him for something face to face was already the limit for Zhao Ming'an, and it would be too embarrassing for him to ask him to get to the bottom of it. He couldn't do this kind of thing.

Even if he clearly doesn't believe Qin Lang's words, he can't say anything more.

As for the dozen or so items left for the children and the box of jewelry given to Mrs. Su, he still doesn't like such little things.

Qin Lang nodded: "What the son said is very true."

Zhao Ming'an's face became even colder, and he waved his sleeves to leave.

Qin Lang sent him to the door, without any words of retention, no politeness.

After he got into the carriage and left, he turned around and went back to the house.

Zhao Ming'an's chest was so depressed, why was everything different from what he had imagined? Why are they all different!

Shouldn't Qin Lang be flattered, ecstatic, and respectful to him? Isn't it impatient and eagerly looking forward to giving him a few good words in front of the father, looking forward to returning to Beijing and returning to the palace early?

In order to go back as soon as possible, shouldn't he do everything he can to curry favor with himself?

Why is everything not like that!

Thinking of Qin Lang's calm and calm face, Zhao Ming'an couldn't help but want to scold and roar angrily.


"Send a message to Vice General Jiang and ask him to go to the posthouse at night!" Zhao Ming'an gritted his teeth and ordered.

"Yes, my son."

He had to ask Vice General Jiang carefully, what kind of person this Qin Lang was! In Wushui City, what did he do?

Originally, he thought that this was a simple country man with no thoughts and a good way to fool around, like a clear and shallow stream, which would be transparent with a little sunlight, but he didn't expect that it was not like this at all.

Oil and salt do not enter.

When he suddenly heard about his life experience, he was not overjoyed, only surprised and hesitant, and he was not as grateful and grateful to him as he expected. up!

Zhao Ming'an was so angry. According to the usual practice, the spoils he got would be worth at least two to three million taels of silver. What a huge amount, he and his father had planned such a huge sum of money. What was the money used for, but well, it was all in vain!

Although Prince Qian's Mansion is a prince's mansion with respected status and status, only he knows what's inside.

How much can the industry and Zhuangzi on the bright side have? Coupled with the salary of the palace, it is barely enough to support the entire family.

Although there are secret industries, but very few, because they have to do it in secret, they dare not make a big show of it. Competing with the people for profit is not what the Prince's Mansion should do, it is too cheap. And if the censor reads a book, there is no hope of seizing the heir.

You must know that Prince Wu's Mansion and Prince Ning's Mansion have been watching them all the time.

Of course, Prince Qian's Mansion is also staring at these two places, and no one will give the other a chance to develop vigorously.

However, the concubine of Prince Ning's Mansion was dowry with an extremely huge dowry at that time. After so many years of production and operation, the profit can be imagined, not to mention that it can be squandered at will, but at least it will not be tight.

What about Prince Wu's Mansion? The father and son are all good soldiers in the army. Who knows how much spoils they have gained after fighting a few big battles? They may have the strongest foundation among the three palaces.

Unlike Prince Qian's Mansion, it can't be relied on anywhere, and there is no income from foreign money at all.

Now it is so easy to have Qin Lang, it is simply God's eyes, with this one move, there will be another one, there are many tribes on the grassland with rich wealth, if you clean up a few more, you may not be afraid of not getting paid.

Unexpectedly, Qin Lang dared to refuse!

Everything was divided, Zhao Mingan didn't believe a single word of this kind of nonsense.

After nightfall, Vice General Jiang disguised himself to hide from the eyes and went in through the back door of the post house. Someone was already waiting for him and took him to see Zhao Ming'an.

"My humble servant, please greet the son!" Vice General Jiang knelt down and respectfully kowtowed to Zhao Ming'an.

"Get up." Zhao Mingan waved his hand: "Sit down, let's have a good talk."

"Yes, Master Xie!" Vice General Jiang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and sat down properly.

After serving the tea, the servant girl bowed her head and stepped back. Zhao Ming'an asked Vice General Jiang a few words of concern, and after some greetings, he asked him about Qin Lang in a casual tone.

Vice-General Jiang cheered up, he was waiting. Even if Zhao Mingan didn't ask him, he had already decided to find a way to mention Qin Lang to him - how could he be worthy of the jealous fire if he didn't take the opportunity to sue him with eye drops?

Zhao Ming'an would take the initiative to ask, to him it was as if he was sleepy and sent him a pillow.

Vice General Jiang didn't think Zhao Ming'an would be too surprised to ask about Qin Lang, after all, that guy Qin Lang is a man of the hour in Wushui City, who else doesn't know?

Vice-General Jiang talked endlessly, trying to smear, narrow-minded, self-willed, clean-sighted, ecstatic, and greedy.

He also euphemistically mentioned the fact that Daqing sent troops to attack the Qingdi King City this time, saying that no matter in terms of seniority or ability, he should be the main general who sent troops this time, and Qin Lang would not be able to turn to a new recruit, but Zheng Da The general did not allow others to question him at all, and resolutely gave this opportunity to Qin Lang, making it clear that he would give Qin Lang a great contribution

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