Vice General Jiang took it for granted that Zheng Guanqing must have sent someone to find out the location of Qingdi King City. As the coach, it was too easy for him to mobilize people to do something. But his main role as the coach is to sit in the rear and plan strategies to stabilize the morale of the army, instead of going to the front line in person. Only at the most critical moment, the coach needs to go to the front line to inspire the soldiers. Therefore, he got the news, but someone else had to do it.

Before, he knew that he was qualified to be promoted to the general of the country, but he promoted Duan Fu, and now he should give him the opportunity to make meritorious service, but he didn't, and gave it to Qin Lang!

Speaking to Zhao Ming'an at this moment, Vice General Jiang still had an expression of resentment on his face. That kind of anger and resentment didn't lessen because the matter had passed, but intensified instead.

"Speaking of which, it is thanks to his good daughter-in-law that Vice General Qin is so valued by General Zheng Da!"

Vice-General Jiang said with a mocking face.

Zhao Ming'an believed in what Vice General Jiang said. After all, judging from the results of the first round of his fight with Qin Lang, that kid is not a good person at all.

He regretted it a little. He knew that he shouldn't have come to him in such a hurry. Instead, he called Vice General Jiang to inquire carefully before making any fuss.

Then it won't be like this!

Hearing Vice General Jiang say Qin Lang "thanks to having a good wife" with a sneer and a bit of disdain and mystery, Zhao Ming'an's heart moved, and he said lightly: "Oh? Where did you start? "

Vice-General Jiang hesitated, with a perplexed expression on his face.

Zhao Ming'an: "There are no outsiders here. Vice General Jiang can say anything, as long as it is the truth."

"I am afraid that if I say it, it will spoil the ears of the prince. After all, it is not something glorious."

Not something glorious? Zhao Mingan raised his eyebrows, and suddenly became more interested, and wanted to listen more. "It's okay, let's talk!"

"Yes, my son," Vice General Jiang sneered maliciously, "Vice General Qin's wife, Mrs. Su, has some ambiguity with General Zheng. General Zheng was attacked and fled before, but it was a coincidence that he met Su. Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su said that he was poisoned, and they also said that they should help him detoxify. The two spent two days and two nights alone on Yuzhao Snow Mountain. Since then, Qin Lang has had various good opportunities to make meritorious deeds. After a while, news of Su's pregnancy came out. At that time, the whole Wushui City spread the news, saying everything! These flies don't hold seamless eggs, hehe, what is the truth, there are only them I knew it in my heart! It was also General Zheng who was so powerful that he quickly suppressed those rumors, otherwise I don’t know what will happen.”

Vice General Jiang secretly observed Zhao Ming'an's face while speaking, seeing that his face turned from shock at the beginning to dark as water later, he couldn't help being secretly happy.

Shizi looks very dissatisfied! Well, that's great!

Being a soft-spoken person, Zheng Guanqing can use his power to overwhelm others and not take himself seriously, but, similarly, what is he, Zheng Guanqing, in front of the eldest son?

"Are you serious about what you said?" Zhao Mingan asked coldly, gritted his teeth.

"It's absolutely true!" Vice General Jiang said without hesitation.

Zhao Mingan still had a pale face, staring at him coldly: "Vice General Jiang, let me ask you again, are you serious about what you said?"

Vice General Jiang froze slightly, and suddenly felt a little unusual about the son of Prince Qian. He was a little puzzled, and the affirmative tone before became a little hesitant. After thinking for a while, he said: "In short, that's what the people in Wushui City say. It was also true for two days and two nights, and afterward, it was also true that General Zheng clearly favored Vice General Qin!"

Zhao Mingan didn't speak.

Vice General Jiang was a little uneasy, wondering if he had said something wrong.

Zhao Ming'an's heart was filled with turbulent waves, and he was very angry.

What is he saying? What kind of good thing can Su's kind of orphan girl who doesn't know her origins be good? But he really has the ability to hook up with someone like Zheng Guanqing!

Like Vice General Jiang, Zhao Ming'an believed that flies do not hold seamless eggs. Since the rumors are all over the city, it is impossible that there will be no shadows. Once Qin Lang's identity is revealed, how can such a slut deserve to enter the gate of Qian Wangfu?

It's embarrassing enough to be involved with Qian Wangfu!

Zhao Ming'an didn't care whether Qin Lang wore a cuckold or not, but he couldn't ruin the reputation of the Qian Palace because of it.

However, Qin Lang is sure to return to Qian Wangfu.

For one thing, both he and his father were reluctant to have such a person in the army, and they wanted to use his hands to infiltrate the army. Without him, there would be no chance to do so!

What's more, the father of Qin Lang has already reported to the emperor's grandfather. Although the emperor was very unhappy, he reprimanded the father, blaming him for being too careless, and he didn't know about the royal blood being left outside for so many years.

But hearing Qin Lang's current achievements, the emperor's grandfather is still very happy, saying that he is worthy of the royal blood, even if he did not grow up in the royal family and did not receive the best teaching from the royal family, he is still so outstanding.

The emperor's grandfather is still waiting for him to return to Beijing to meet him in the future.

Although he felt a little sour when talking about this matter, he understood better that Qin Lang was a bastard whose biological mother could not get on the stage, and could not even tell others. No matter how much his grandfather praised him, it was not his turn to sit on the throne, so he was sour, but he didn't take Qin Lang seriously at all.

On the contrary, he comforted himself that this was a good thing, so that Wang Qian's mansion would be more divided in front of the emperor's grandfather.

Unexpectedly, Qin Lang's wife, Su Shi, is such a person, and she still has no clear relationship with Duke Min's son, this is definitely a scandal! It must not be introduced into Beijing! Otherwise, can Prince Wu's Mansion and Prince Ning's Mansion be let go?

Zhao Mingan thought for a long time with a gloomy face, stared at Vice General Jiang and said, "There is something I planned to announce publicly in a few days, but it's okay to tell you in advance now. Qin Lang is the heir of my father who is living abroad, that is to say, He is my concubine."


A thunderous thunder rumbled through Vice General Jiang's mind, his eyes widened, and he was dumbfounded.

Zhao Mingan's words echoed rumblingly in his mind.

The blood of King Qian's exile. His concubine's brother Qian Wangfu. Bloodline.

So, so that is to say, Qin Lang is actually, he is actually a child of the royal family? Phoenix son and grandson?

Also, is it the younger brother of the prince in front of you?

"Your Majesty, I, I, I—" Vice General Jiang tied his tongue in panic.

Zhao Mingan waved his hand, "You don't have to be nervous, my son told you this to give you a sense of confidence. Tell me honestly, what kind of person do you think Qin Lang is? Then what kind of person is Su Shi? "

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